Chinese Student 1 12 American English Accent Evaluation

today I’m going to work on an audio clip

that someone from China has sent me hi

Rachel I’m a Chinese student hi Rachel

I’m a Chinese student I heard am instead

of I’m so you need to really make those

two separate sounds for the diphthong

and the AI as in buy diphthong and I’m

you see the jaw drops more for that

initial sound and I’m learning English

no again I heard and am learning English

now I’m I’m learning English now I’m a

sophomore now here he says I’m a

sophomore and I do hear the two sounds

of the diphthong I a little bit better

but it’s a little too fast I I’m at I’m

is what I heard

I’m I’m a sophomore in a normal

University I’m not quite sure here what

the name of the university was I don’t

know really a hundred percent if it was

an English word or Chinese it did sound

like the English word normal but I

didn’t hear a dark L I heard a bit of an

R sound at the end which is a common

mistake for people whose native language

is Chinese so make sure that that ends

in the dark L if it is in fact the word

normal all all all normal University

that means I’m going to be an English

teacher two years later good um the word

that I heard a shadow vowel after the

word that before the word means that'

means that uh means there shouldn’t be

any kind of vowel sound between those

two words that the tongue moves up here

into position for the T or D sound that

instead of pulling down and letting air

escape to make that sound the word

simply stops

within that tongue movement that means

and then you bring the lips into the

position for the M and continue the

sound that means that means that it

means I’m going to be an English teacher

two years later the rest of that sounded

good a note about the phrase two years

later that refers to something that

happened in the past two years after

something else that happened in the past

but since we’re talking about the

present and the future we say in two

years that means I’ll be a teacher in

two years this time I record a small

passage and I want to and I wonder if

you can help me to give me some stress

cheon’s my pronunciation or intonation

okay in general really your accent is

pretty great but I do want to point out

everything so I will say on the word -

you said it a few times in this phrase

it sounded a little bit like a mixed

vowel between an ooh and an E - - it

needs to be just a pure ooh - ooh ooh so

for that the tongue needs to be more

relaxed than how you are holding it I

think when you say the word - it is a

little bit harder for me to diagnose

since I can’t see your mouth just based

on what I hear with the ear I’m saying

in that move owl for the word - your

tongue needs to be more relaxed the word

suggestions give me some stress cheon’s

I hear suggestions suggestions with a CH

sound what I need to hear is a little

bit more of a good with the jaw good as

in gap with the J as in jar suggestions

now the good sound isn’t terribly strong

but there is a closing in the throat so

my throat is closing their suggestions

before the jaws in jar set

suggestions suggestions give me some

stress cheon’s

my pronunciation or intonation you say

suggestions and then the next word I’m

not sure if it’s on or of but it would

be on suggestions on my pronunciation

also the word pronunciation

pronunciation or I hear pronunciation

pronunciation I need to hear that extra

Eve owl pronunciation then you can help

me improve a lot thank you so much

excellent the one thing I would say

there and this might be an issue of the

audio device and not actually you is the

improve I could hear a little bit more

of that voiced V sound oh and I’m going

to read it yes a small passage on the

word read I hear some more like rude

rude or where the corners of the mouth

aren’t coming out enough e e to free up

that sound to make the e as in she vowel
