Learn English with Action Movie Star The Rock Inspirational Speech English Subtitles

I’m broke and I want to get better I’m

broken I want to make money do knock

down doors down do you imagine even in

your most outrageous dreaming did you

ever imagine you’d reach the stage where

you’re a 10 million dollar a movie star

I knew that I wanted to I knew I wanted

to be something and it was important to

me to be something for me

failing has become


critical and my growth I was depressed

asking myself why why why me

how could this happen I work so hard

hard work pays always thought it’s not

paying for me I got nothing I literally

had seven bucks in my pockets and I $7

story when you consider where you’ve

come from to where you’ve now found

yourself there’s only one way you’ve

done that and that self drive and

determination what do you think that has

come from

I would have to say I would have to say

growing up and the examples that were

set for me from my parents

you know we struggle a lot there was a

lot of struggling going on when I was 14

we lived in Hawaii we lived in a on an

efficiency an efficiency like one room

efficiency where the rent was 180 bucks

a week and eventually come and then we

were evicted and so then we had to move

from the line because we couldn’t live

there there’s a lot of struggle and

watching them struggle and watching them

pull through it and and having that

example and and also with not only in

addition to that example I think

consistently being told that whatever it

is that you want to do they’ve gotta


you got a good after it there’s no

substitute for hard work hard work

always pays

I workout twice before everyone wakes up

so it started off four o’clock in the

morning while I’d start let’s over my

cardio then I’d have breakfast and then

I would go to the gym and then I go to

work you know more a Rocky Balboa your

story’s more like hits where you just

had you came from nothing you didn’t

have any Donald to rub there between you

your fingers yet nothing and yet like


you just had the kind of the street

smarts and the determination I knew that

I wanted to I knew I wanted it to be

something and it was important to me to

be something it was it was important to

me that I didn’t fail but by the way and

if I did fail at least a bit what was

also important was a lesson and I didn’t

realize that until I got older because

you know when you’re in it you’re in the

grind you don’t really recognize those

things when you’re younger but I could

recognize it now man

and just in terms of the drive and the

determination a lot of it was experience

to get your ass kicked

get back up and put the gloves back on

and you swing away whatever it is that

you want to do you’ve gotta get after it

when I was younger and starving and

struggling and literally we were getting

evicted out of our apartment that you

know the music that moved me at that

time wasn’t sentimental music but it was

more it was more aggressive and it was

more aggressive hip-hop it was a broke

and I want to get better can’t you take

your fears your insecurities your

worries you roll them all up until fall

you turn those sideways










