Talking about completed actions in English How using passive and active voice

it’s rolling hi everybody and welcome

back to our weekly

live stream my name is alicia and in

this week’s lesson we are going to talk


how to use active and passive for

completed actions so a lot of people ask

about the differences between

active voice and passive voice and when

to use them

so we’re going to review this topic a

little bit today

and i’m going to focus on a lot of

examples that you can use in everyday


in a lot of different situations work


home situations and so on i’m going to

share an active sentence and a passive

sentence and we’re going to talk about

the differences between the two

and why you might want to choose one

more than the other

so i hope this will be a really helpful

lesson for lots and lots of people

okay so while we get rolling please make


if you are watching live to hit the like

button and share this video so that

other people

can find today’s lesson that would be

super super cool

and as always there is free stuff for

you from the link

below the video or above the video if

you’re watching on facebook

okay um so while we wait as always yeah

i will share those quick announcements

my computer’s a little slow okay

uh so i’ll share those quick

announcements first i just

just mentioned this free pdf cheat sheet

this stuff

from the link below the video if you’re

watching on youtube

or above the video if you’re watching on

facebook you can find

this free stuff there’s a bunch i always

show you these if you want

to print them out put them on your phone

practice vocabulary uh key phrases

key questions like on the back of this

one for directions

you can check the link below the video

if you’re watching on youtube

or above the video on facebook to

download these you just need

your name and your email address to get


so check that out there’s a lot of new

ones that i haven’t shown you lately so


take a look at that okay uh that is

announcement number one announcement

number two

as always if you have questions for me

if you have questions for me

uh that are totally different from

today’s topic something

uh after today’s lesson maybe after

today’s lesson

uh if you think of a small question you

can send it uh

for this series the ask alicia series

our question and answer series where you

can send me questions and i will

maybe answer them i will read your

question i can promise i will read your


so you can send it to me at

ask hyphen alicia if you have questions

for me

um this is a screenshot from that the

link for this

is in the youtube description so if you

want to send it

send a question you can find the link

there also yes this is my instagram you

can find me

uh here there is a link for this in the


as well okay so that’s everything i

think we’re okay

i see lots of people on youtube hello uh

lots and lots of people

fabio and susanna orban hi from new york


welcome uh victor conway rendell pedro

hello everybody great

okay and are you also okay

facebook i’m coming for you facebook yes

hello facebook hi everybody on facebook

i see you there

okay good everything is going so i’m

going to share the video

and then we’re going to begin okay let’s

take a look

at today then here are today’s lesson

boards this is what we’re going to cover

today so active voice and passive voice

for completed action

so we are going to look first what is

active voice what is passive voice

then we’re going to look at a lot of

example sentences

and many different situations and we’re

going to

compare the differences between active

voice and

passive voice in those cases okay so

if you have questions like should i use

active here

or what’s why should i use passive here

please send those uh in the chat and

we’ll practice

some people are saying the sound isn’t

great i’ve gotten that message a couple

times let me know remote control

desk if everything sounds good i try to

fix it okay

let’s go to the first part of today’s


then so active voice or passive voice

also if you have not please make sure to

like this video and share

so other people can find today’s lesson

okay let’s begin so first active voice

passive voice what is this let’s talk

about the differences between these

it’s a little bit dark yeah okay let’s

talk about the differences between

active voice and passive voice

first active voice let’s begin what is

active voice

here are three example sentences first i


the door active voice my roommate

ate the last cookie or

you stole my idea okay

these sentences are all active

voice sentences so what’s active voice


what what is happening here in each


here the subject is the person

doing the action in this case i opened

the door

so i know the person who opened the door

me so that’s the subject of the sentence

in this sentence my roommate h the last


my roommate the person who did the


is the subject of the sentence okay then

you stole my idea so the person stealing

you in this case is the subject of the


okay so we use active voice

when you want to focus

on the person doing the action like in

these sentences

the person doing the action is important

or when you know who did the action so

you need to know the person in most


who did the action and when you want to


clear about who did

what so when you’re talking about


or maybe you’re planning something and

it’s very important

to be clear like you should do this you

should do that and so on

when you want to be very clear about

roles and responsibilities

you can use active voice to do that so

the subject of your sentence

is the person doing the action okay

so this is why uh these are the reasons

we use active voice active voice

okay the person who does the action is

important yes javier

okay good good good um

all right i think those are all the

questions why is active voice is david

moreno do you mean

why is it called active voice

maybe maybe that’s the question why is

it called active voice

because the person acting you could this

may be

you can help this can help you remember

the person acting the person doing the


is the subject of the sentence maybe

that can help you to remember

okay um good okay i don’t see other

questions so

let’s compare this to passive voice now

so passive voice what is passive voice

again let’s look at example sentences

these sentences are the passive versions

of these sentences so here passive voice

the door was opened the door

was opened or the last cookie

was eaten the last cookie was eaten

and my idea was stolen my idea was

stolen so

these sentences have the same basic

idea as these sentences right the

difference with these sentences is the

subject here

the subject is the door or the last


or my idea right in these sentences the


is the person doing the action in

passive voice sentences

the focus is on the thing receiving

the action okay so why do we use passive

voice why do we need to do this

we use passive voice when you want to

focus on the thing receiving

the action you want to focus on the

thing receiving the action

like the door was opened who opened the


maybe we don’t know okay or you don’t

know who did the action

or it’s not important you don’t know

who did the action or it’s not important

for example the last cookie was eaten

who ate the last cookie

i don’t know or maybe i think it was my


but i’m not sure okay so you don’t know

who did it

or it’s not important finally

when you want to hide the doer

of the action you want to hide the doer

of the action

so like my idea was stolen someone

someone did it who did it i don’t know

or maybe you want to keep a secret

for someone else you can use passive

voice to do that

okay so these are the differences


active voice and passive voice in

today’s lesson

i am not going to talk about how to make


i have some lessons i have a lot of


actually about how to make active and

passive voice so i’m not going to talk

about that today

but you can search our lesson archives

to find some information

so today i’m going to use a lot of

examples we’re going to compare

lots of examples of these two

uh so you can i hope make better


about when to use active and when to use


in your daily life like at school or at

work or

at home okay cool so that’s part one for

today let’s take a quick break and then

we’ll go to

part two i’ll check your questions in

the live chat

lots of you are sending examples these

look good um

my smartphone was stolen by someone says

selma good

okay kanalji says he was betrayed by his

own best friend

good uh norah thank you very nice

comments as well

uh the students were asked to come

earlier good examples everybody

uh priyanka says please teach us how to

use that with

modal verbs ah i’m not going to cover


today um but maybe i can include that in

a lesson in the future modal verbs with

passive voice or something

we’ll see okay uh yeah thanks for the

idea okay i don’t see other questions so

uh if you missed it earlier there is

free stuff for you from the link

below the video if you’re watching on

youtube or above the video if you’re

watching on facebook

i will pick one to show you but


you can choose your own topics oh

there’s a romance one here

i haven’t shown you in a while you can

pick one of these uh

pdfs to download practice print out you

can review

new words uh learn new expressions so

there are vocabulary

words yes but also questions


points on the back so check this out uh

you can download

all of these i think there’s a lot like


30 now or so so check these out there’s

a business english one as well too

i know many of you are studying for work

this includes uh

business meeting phrases uh and some

other ideas like job

titles and so on so check it out from

the link above or below the video

uh to get to that you need your name and

an email address and that’s it

okay let’s go to part two for today’s


also if you haven’t please make sure to

hit the like button

so other people can find this lesson and


too yeah okay let’s go to

part two and part three really so

next the the part two and part three for


uh are going to focus on lots of

examples we’re going to compare

the active and passive versions of


and explain why you might want to use

one more than the other okay so

let’s take a look so i’ve put

to explain this i’ve put in black the


so a sample situation you can think


and then in blue will be active voice

in red will be passive voice so we’re

going to compare them

and talk about why you should choose one

okay so for example if you are

at work or at school or maybe home

after you finish a task after you finish

a task a task is some responsibility


you need to do after you finish a task

like a report maybe you write a report

active voice

is i finished the report i finished the

report you could write an

email or tell your manager passive voice

the report was finished the report was

finished okay

so when should you use active when

should you use passive

both are 100 correct both express the

same idea

an active voice sentence here

uh communicates i did this thing so if

it’s important to you

to express that you like you want the

credit you want to show

responsibility for this task you can use

active voice to do that if

it’s not so important to explain who

made the report

if it’s like just a regular task or

somehow maybe

it was part of a team effort maybe you

can say

the report was finished or maybe if

you’re worried about the report

if there’s something bad in the report

you could say the report was finished

and try to remove yourself from the


okay so again both are correct

but i finished the report is like look

at me i did this thing

that’s the difference okay then

let’s go to the next one i’m looking for

your questions too if you have questions

send them in the chat i’ll try to check

live okay next one how about

when you have not finished a task

yet so maybe you expect to finish a task

but it’s not done yet active voice

you can say i have not finished

the report yet so yet you can include i

haven’t finished the report

or haven’t finished the report yet

passive voice

the report has not been finished

yet the report has not been finished yet

okay so when should i use this

again when you want to show your


i have not finished the report yet it’s


i am the reason the report is not done

you can use active voice so if you want

to take responsibility

you can use active voice here i have not

finished the report yet

okay passive voice then the report has

not been finished yet

oh okay but i don’t mention me

in this sentence just the report has not

been finished yet

so my responsibility is maybe not so


so this is a great example of a

situation where we tend to choose

passive we tend to choose passive more

in kind of negative situations like i

didn’t finish something

or i broke something or i maybe caused a


when we want to kind of hide

from the responsibility a little bit we


passive voice to do that with our words


the report has not been finished yet

it’s totally true

and i but i don’t want to make it clear

that it’s my

fault okay so this is a situation where

we might

use passive okay

all right uh okay i don’t see other

questions so i’m gonna continue

next one when you’re working in a team

so in a team at school or in a team

at work or hobby team let’s say your

team when your team

creates something great when your team

creates something great like a new

product for example

okay so active voice our team

is the subject our team made an


product so incredible means very very

good amazing excellent

our team made an incredible

product passive an incredible product

was made incredible product was made

okay so what’s the difference here

in this sentence in this pair our team

is the focus

in the active sentence so if you are

trying to create a good

team environment like uh everybody is

working together

you want to give your team a compliment

or you want to note

your team’s great work you can use

active voice

to do that our team made an incredible


if however you want to use this sentence

an incredible product

was made you don’t want to focus on your


you want to focus on the product so


you’ve seen a sentence like this on like

uh sales website so like on a smartphone

product information sheet yeah the focus

is on the product right not the person

not the group of people who made it so

this is the nuance indifference between

active voice

and passive voice okay


oh david moreno says active voice and

passive voice only when you’re talking

about the past

no no not only when you’re talking about

the past in today’s lesson yes i’m

focusing on active voice and passive


for complete completed actions okay

all right uh john carlo how do we know

for sure if it’s passive or active also

happy birthday how do you know it’s my


that’s amazing uh active passive voice

or active voice

um i’m not talking about the differences

between the two

today uh but look for that was

and uh let’s see where’s it here

uh was plus verb so like in this oh this

is a bad example

was made this before your verb here this

is a good sign

of passive voice yeah i have a lot of

videos about that on the channel

but that’s a quick hint okay uh

okay let’s go to the next part um

all right the next one is this one oh

very very important one here the next


when someone makes a mistake when


makes a mistake so you or another person

for example alicia wrote the wrong


in the spreadsheet alicia wrote the

wrong information

in the spreadsheet what’s a spreadsheet

a spreadsheet is

if you know excel excel files that

those documents are called spreadsheets


alicia wrote the wrong information in

the spreadsheet active voice

passive voice the wrong information

was written in the spreadsheet so

the difference in the active voice

sentence i’m saying

it was alicia alicia wrote the wrong

information in the spreadsheet

oh no it was her i saw her so i’m very

direct right it was you

in this sentence the wrong information

was written in the spreadsheet

it’s like maybe i don’t know who did it

or i know it was alicia but i

don’t want to make her feel bad so

you can use this to express i noticed a


i want to express the problem but it’s

not important to say

it was you so much less direct

okay all right

um okay so this is the first

part uh virginia prada says can i say

an incredible product has been made yeah

that’s totally correct an incredible

product has been made sure

that’s grammatically correct okay uh

priyantha says can we watch this lesson

again on your youtube channel yes

this video is being broadcast live on

youtube and facebook at the same

time so you can watch after as well

okay um good i’ll take one more short


and then we’ll go to the last group of


the last group is just three example


i included some kind of interesting


that are kind of common that we’ll talk

about so

quickly if you missed it there is free

stuff for you from the link below the


if you’re watching on youtube or above

the video if you’re watching

on facebook uh these pdfs

you can use to practice vocabulary and

phrases check them out so if you haven’t


yeah if you haven’t checked in a while

please have a look

uh the team is adding new stuff all the


like i can’t keep track there’s a bunch

of new stuff for conversations

uh and like everyday survival

expressions too so check it out

okay so i want to go to part three i’ll


if you haven’t please make sure to hit

the like button and share this video

so other people can find today’s lesson

okay um other question

yeah people are how do i get that yeah

check the link

if you’re on youtube ahmed go to the

link below the video

in the youtube description okay

let’s go to the last part of today’s

lesson the final part

i included some kind of interesting

expressions that you might not

understand at first so let’s cover these

this situation very useful when you want


ask someone or someone asks you

about a task an errand an assignment

whatever ojn thanks very much on youtube

um so when you want to ask someone

for an update about something like let’s

look at this short conversation here

hey says any updates on my dinner


so a asked b to make a dinner


yeah please make a dinner reservation a

wants information

they want to know about updates are

there any updates

on my dinner reservation b says

active or passive which one should i

choose ah so

active voice is i took care of it i

took care of it do you know this part to


care of something to take care of

something means like to be nice to

something like your pet

to give it food but it also means to


a task to take care of something yeah

b could also say passive voice

it’s been taken care of it’s been taken

care of which means the task

has been completed who did it

maybe it was me so i included this one

right here

this sentence it’s been taken care of


you see this expression a lot in movies


action movies if you like action movies


like the bad guy will ask his team to do

something bad like

hurt somebody or steal something or get

secret information

whatever when it’s finished sometimes

the team member will say ah it’s been


care of why do they use passive voice in

that sentence

in like an action movie why like it’s

been taken care of there’s no

i did it there’s no responsibility they

just want to report

that task is done it’s completed so

this is a very common expression uh

in media that you might hear okay

all right um ansarullah

says can i say the story was written by

ali yes you can

okay um lots of people were saying happy

birthday thanks very much everybody

thanks okay uh let’s go to the next

situation we just have

two more next one i included here

is about food so when you’re eating


and or drinking something and you want

to comment

you want to share some comment about the

food or about the cooking

how can you do that so active voice


you cooked something and you think uh i

used too much salt

i used too much salt it’s my fault it

was me

passive voice you can say too much salt

was used too much salt was used okay

i included a note right here

in a sentence like this you might hear

like when you go to a restaurant native

speakers use

they as the subject like the sentence

so this note says they is sometimes used

as the subject

to make an active sentence like this

they use

too much salt this they

we use when we don’t know the specific


for example when you go to a restaurant

and you don’t know

exactly who did something but

you want to talk about the restaurant


we use they to do that instead of

this restaurant used too much salt or

this place used too much salt

we use they they to do that

so you might hear this as an active


sentence again because the speaker wants

to emphasize

uh that the restaurant okay

um all right everybody sorry

no more questions now everybody’s just

writing nice messages okay

let’s go to our last one then your last

one when your internet connection dies

i want to end with a computer expression

because computers

uh use a lot of passive voice


okay so when your internet connection

dies when your internet connection

dies so your internet goes out what


active voice your computer uh i’m sorry

my computer

lost its connection my computer lost its


active voice passive voice the


was lost the connection was lost so

this one in this sentence you expressed

it was the computer the computer was the


passive voice we don’t know exactly what

the problem was maybe it was my computer

maybe it was my network we don’t know


but note here last note for today

computer notifications

often use passive so short messages

are very common like connection lost

or file saved or database updated

these kinds of things so passive is used

a lot

with computers if you use your computer

in english which is a great way to study

by the way you will probably see these

something like this

every day okay all right

good so these are a few uh situations

where you might think about the

differences between active

and passive i know it seems kind of


but making good choices between active

and passive

really helps you in making good

relationships with people like you put

you can protect

other people’s feelings in difficult

times you can take responsibility

in positive times so it’s really

important to know how to choose

uh between the two it will help you

sound a lot more fluent

okay all right great so i have to finish

up there i think yes it is time for me

to go

so i’ll show you next week’s lesson

information oh

once more too here’s today’s lesson

boards if you want to take a look take a

screenshot for them

we talked about active voice and passive

voice the difference

we talked about a lot of situations

where you need to choose between active

and passive

and a couple of common examples uh

that you might hear like uh the last one

i talked about the action movie it’s

been taken care of

okay thanks everybody for all the nice

birthday messages i really appreciate it

that’s super super nice okay

someone wrote a passive voice your

birthday is being commemorated awesome

thank you everybody that’s super super


uh i have to go but i’ll be back next


next week’s lesson next week will be


14th wednesday april 14 10 p.m

eastern standard time new york city time

if you don’t know your local time please

google it or you can set a notification

on youtube or on facebook

or if you follow me on instagram i

always post a link and a topic reminder

in my story so check that out you can

find the link for my instagram or


from the link below the video in the

youtube description

next week i’m going to talk about

quantities how to talk about

quantities we’re going to practice using

too much

too many not enough enough those kinds

of things

we’re going to cover um this topic that

comes up every day a super super common

topic so please join me again

next week for this lesson okay so

i have to go for this week but thank you

very very much for joining me thank you

for all your great

example sentences and your great


i will say goodbye uh thanks for all the

birthday messages that’s super super

nice of you

enjoy the rest of your day enjoy