Adjectives and Adverbs in English 5 Levels of Difficulty

Hi, I’m Liam. Welcome to Oxford 
Online English! In this lesson,  

you can learn about using 
adjectives and adverbs in English.  

You’ll see how to use different types of 
adjectives or adverbs in an English sentence.

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This is a ‘5 levels’ lesson. That 
means you’ll see five sections.  

Each section will give you a challenge. Each 
section is more difficult than the previous ones.

Level one is beginner, so if you’re not 
a beginner, you should skip to level two.

Ready? Let’s go!

Look at five sentences. 

Each sentence contains one adjective, and one 
adverb. Can you find them? Pause the video,  

and find the adjective and the 
adverb in each sentence. Do it now! 

Ready? Let’s check. 

Adjectives often come before a noun, 
as in ‘old town’ or ‘Italian bakery’.

Adjectives can also come after a noun, often 
after a verb like ‘be’, as in ‘it was cloudy’.

You could also put an adjective after 
a noun using other linking verbs,  

like ‘get’, ‘become’ or ‘look’. 
For example: ‘It’s getting dark.’

Adjectives only do one thing: they describe 
nouns. An adjective always links to a noun.

Adverbs can be harder to find, 
because they do many different jobs.

Many adverbs end in -ly, 
like ‘probably’ or ‘lightly’.  

However, many adverbs don’t, 
like ‘well’ or ‘ever’.

Also, adverbs do many different jobs. They 
can describe verbs, adjectives, or situations.

To use adjectives and adverbs well in English, you 
should know how to recognise them in a sentence.

If that’s clear, then let’s move on to level two! 

Here’s your challenge for level two. 

Here, your job is to put the adjectives 
and adverbs in the right places.

You can’t add any punctuation. That means there’s 
only one possible answer for each sentence,  

except sentence five, where there’s 
at least one more possibility.

Pause the video and think about it now! 

Could you do it? Let’s take a look.
So, what do you need to know here?

There are rules for word order 
for both adjectives and adverbs.

The rules for adjectives are simpler, 
because adjectives always link to a noun.  

As you saw in level one, the 
adjective either goes before the noun,  

or after the noun with a linking verb like ‘be’.
Rules for adverbs are more complicated,  

because different kinds of adverbs 
need to go in different positions.

Sometimes, an adjective and an 
adverb can have the same form.  

For example, ‘enough’ can be 
an adjective or an adverb.

If it’s an adjective, it goes before the 
noun, as in: ‘We don’t have enough time.’ 

If it’s an adverb, it goes after the verb or verb 
phrase. For example: ‘He didn’t run fast enough.’ 

This is a useful rule for adverb word order. If 
an adverb describes a verb, then it normally goes  

after the verb or verb phrase. You can 
see this in sentences two and three.

If this is confusing for you, you should 
learn about the different types of adverb,  

and where to put them in a sentence.

It’s also important that you can tell the 
difference between adjectives and adverbs.  

Remember that the same word, 
like ‘fast’ or ‘enough’,  

could be an adjective or an adverb in 
different sentences. You can’t tell just  

by looking at the word; you have to look at 
the whole sentence and understand the meaning.

Now, let’s go to level three! 

Here are your sentences.
Your job is simple:  

choose the correct word in each sentence. 
Pause the video now and find your answers. 

Did you do it? Even if it’s difficult, 
spend some time thinking about it.  

Take more time if you need!
OK, let’s see the answers now.

Did you get the right answers? Is anything 
confusing? Let’s see what’s going on here.

First point: not all adverbs end in 
-ly, and sometimes, a word can have  

two forms – like ‘hard’ and ‘hardly’, or ‘direct’ 
and ‘directly’ – and both of them are adverbs.

In sentence one, ‘hard’ and ‘hardly’ are both 
adverbs, but they have different meanings.  

Do you know what they mean?
‘Hardly’ means ‘almost never’.  

If you say ‘She hardly ever raises her voice’, 
you mean that she almost never raises her voice.

‘Hard’ as an adverb means ‘intensely’.

What about ‘direct’ and ‘directly’? 
Here, it’s slightly different.  

Both mean that you go somewhere without stopping, 
but they’re used in different contexts. In most  

contexts, you say ‘directly’. For example: ‘I 
walked directly over to him and told him to stop.’ 

But, if you’re talking about public 
transport, then you use ‘direct’, without -ly.  

For example, if you take a train from 
Berlin to Moscow without changing trains,  

then you can say you went 
direct from Berlin to Moscow. 

In sentence three, is ‘sickly’ 
an adjective or an adverb? 

It’s an adjective. Adjectives can also end in -ly. 
‘Sick’ and ‘sickly’ are both adjectives, but they  

have different meanings. ‘Sick’ means ill, as 
in: ‘I can’t come to work today. I feel sick.’ 

‘Sickly’ describes someone who is unhealthy and 
who gets ill easily. For example: ‘She was a very  

sickly child. She seemed to get ill every month.’
In sentence four, ‘late’ is an adverb, meaning the  

opposite of ‘early’. ‘Lately’ is also an adverb, 
but it means ‘recently’, and it doesn’t fit here. 

In sentence five, ‘flatly’ and 
‘straight’ are both adverbs.

What’s the point here? The most important thing 
is that you can’t tell by looking at a word  

whether it’s an adjective or an adverb. Many 
words can be both. Adjectives and adverbs  

can have the same form. Sometimes, 
words which look like they should  

be related – like ‘hard’ and ‘hardly’ – 
can have completely different meanings.

Don’t focus on the words; focus on 
the sentences and what they mean.  

The same word in a different sentence 
could have a completely different meaning.

Ready to move on? Remember that you can 
always review a level if you need to. 

So, what’s happening here? Can you guess?

Do these sentences look right to you? They aren’t! 
Each sentence has one mistake. The mistakes  

relate to adjective or adverb use. Your job 
is to find the mistakes and correct them.  

Try to think about why these sentences 
are wrong. Could you explain the problem? 

Anyway, pause the video now, and think 
about your ideas. Take your time. 

OK? Let’s look together. 

In sentence one, ‘amazing’ is a strong adjective. 
You can’t use ‘very’ with a strong adjective.  

You can use ‘really’ or 
‘absolutely’. So, you could also say  

‘It was an absolutely amazing experience.’
Do you know any other strong adjectives? 

There are many, but you could say adjectives 
like ‘freezing’, ‘incredible’ or ‘delighted’.

In sentence two, if you have more 
than one adjective before a noun,  

then the adjectives need 
to go in a specific order.  

The most important rule to remember is 
that adjectives which give an opinion  

go before adjectives which describe a fact. 
That’s why ‘lovely’ needs to go before ‘small’.

In sentence three, there’s a 
useful rule which you can use.  

If you’re deciding where an adverb 
– like ‘sometimes’ – can go,  

and the verb has two parts – like ‘can be’ – 
then the adverb always goes in the middle. 

In sentence four, can you explain the 
problem? Let’s change the sentence a little. 

This sentence is fine. You don’t need to 
add ‘people’ to make it correct. Why not?

Some adjectives can also be 
used as nouns. ‘Egyptian’  

can be an adjective or a noun. ‘Spanish’ is 
only an adjective, so it needs a noun after it.

With words for nationalities, words which end 
in A-N can be used as adjectives or nouns:  

German, Russian, Australian, Brazilian, and 
so on. There are a few other words which  

don’t fit this pattern, but can also be used as 
adjectives or nouns, like ‘Greek’ or ‘Kazakh’.

So, you can say: ‘There are many 
Greeks living in Australia.’ 

If you aren’t sure whether a word can be used as 
a noun or not, then just add a noun afterwards.  

You can also say: ‘There are many Greek people 
living in Australia.’ It’s totally correct. 

In sentence five, you have a compound adjective:  

‘two-year-old’, which is made 
by combining other words.

Compound adjectives are often made with a number,  

like ‘a six-hour flight’ or ‘a 
three-hundred-dollar ticket’.

If you make a compound adjective with a number,  

don’t add an -s to the other parts of 
the adjective. It’s a common mistake.

Now, let’s look at the 
hardest challenge: level five!

Level five will test everything you’ve 
seen so far. Here are your sentences. 

Only one of these sentences is correct. Four 
have problems – possibly just one mistake,  

or maybe more than one! Your job 
is to find the correct sentence,  

and correct the mistakes in the other 
four. Pause the video and do your best! 

Ready? How did you do? Which 
sentence do you think is correct? 

Sentence two is correct; the 
other four have problems.

Surprised? Some people might tell you that 
sentence two is wrong, because you should use an  

adverb: ‘I’m doing well’. However, in colloquial 
speech, it’s common to say ‘I’m doing good.’

What about the other four? Let’s look.

In sentence one, you should say: 
‘We went deep into the forest.’ 

‘Deep’ and ‘deeply’ are both adverbs,  

but if you’re talking about a 
place, you can only use ‘deep’,  

meaning ‘far into’. ‘Deeply’ describes how you 
do something. Here, you’re talking about a place,  

because you’re saying where you went, or, more 
specifically, how far into the forest you went. 

In sentence three, you need to say 
‘a lone criminal’, not ‘alone’.

Some adjectives change form depending 
on whether they’re used before  

or after the noun they describe. ‘Lone’ 
and ‘alone’ have the same meaning,  

but you can only use ‘lone’ before 
a noun, and ‘alone’ after a noun. 

In sentence four, ‘rather’ 
cannot be used in this way.  

You could say ‘completely wrong’, ‘utterly wrong’ 
or ‘totally wrong’. There are other possibilities.

‘Rather’ expresses a medium level of something.  

For example, if you say ‘It’s rather 
cold’, you mean that it’s ‘medium’ cold.

However, ‘wrong’ is ungradable. It’s a binary 
idea: either something is wrong, or it isn’t.  

You can’t have different levels of wrong. 

Finally, in sentence five, the first problem 
is with word order and adverb position.  

The second problem is that there’s a double 
negative. ‘Hardly’ means ‘almost not’,  

so it includes a logical negative. You can’t 
use ‘hardly’ and ‘didn’t’ together. The most  

likely correct sentence is: ‘Unfortunately, 
they hardly prepared for their presentation,  

and unsurprisingly it was an utter disaster.’
There are other possible positions for the  

adverbs. For example, ‘unsurprisingly’ 
could go at the end of the sentence.

How did you do? Using adjectives 
and adverbs correctly is complex,  

and there are many things you need to think 
about to use this language to a high level.

If this lesson was hard for 
you, don’t worry! In each level,  

we mention topics which you need to know to 
understand the sentences and the exercises.  

Choose one or two topics, and work on 
them. Don’t try to do everything at once!

That’s all. Thanks for watching!

See you next time!