Level Up Your English Adjectives Improve English Speaking

but this one says anyway we are rolling

so hi everybody welcome back to our

weekly live lesson my name is Alisha and

this week we are going to talk about

ways to level up your English adjectives

so you can see from the board today’s

lesson is going to be a little bit

different I’m going to introduce this

tool this tool is called an adjective

wheel sorry it’s hard to see but

adjective wheel so I’m going to use this

to show you how you can level up your

adjectives so when I say level up

adjectives I mean stop using just like

basic adjectives like happy or sad or

surprised and move to more descriptive

words so this is going to be our lesson

focus for today as you join please send

a message in the chat please like the

video and share the video so other

people can find it and check out the

lesson I see YouTube is up hello

everybody on YouTube I see lots of

people in the chat welcome and then

Facebook I think is coming up hi

everybody on Facebook - great and we

don’t have Instagram today no worries

all right so we’re going to give people

about two minutes to join today’s lesson

so while we wait a quick update I shared

this last week actually I shared this on

Twitter and it’s on the English class

YouTube channel now but we do have a new

like sort of prototype a new video we’re

testing so if you have not seen this yet

yeah if you have not seen this yet

please check this out

it is on the YouTube channel and like

there’s a little screenshot right here

you can see but you can actually start

participating in some of our videos

maybe so we’re trying this out so please

check out this video and if you like you

can send us a like a video response

thank to so please check that out this

is on the YouTube channel if you’re

watching on Facebook and you don’t know

our YouTube channel it’s English class


1:01 okay great

so if you’re just joining yes today

we’re talking about how to level up your

adjective use in English how to improve

your adjective use in English so it’s

about three minutes in okay we’ll start

in about a minute I think great I see

lots of people in the chat now someone

is new Hmong is new hi mom welcome in

YouTube chat Gibson and almond dated and

kids Mitch Nia I’m very sorry if I

mispronounced your name anyway we have

lots of people from around the world it

looks like who are watching so I’m going

to begin today’s lesson okay so I

started the lesson I explained I’ll slow

down now I explained that today’s lesson

if you have joined our lessons in the

past today’s lesson looks a little bit

different I’m going to use this

adjectives wheel so this is called an

adjective wheel sorry it’s in a bright

spot on the board adjectives wheel so

wheel is this round thing so I’m going

to use this to one introduce some new

vocabulary words some new adjectives

that you can use the adjectives for

today’s lesson will be like emotion

related adjectives and there’ll be like

taste or like smell related adjectives

and then we’ll talk about some different

ways to use them also before I begin the

main content I want to point out this

thing over here many students ask about

the difference between adjectives that

end in Edie and adjectives that end in I

n G so like shocked

for example shocked is an IDI adjective

thanks shocked is an IDI adjective and

then there’s shocking that’s an ing

ending adjectives

so please remember easy adjectives

adjectives that ends in that Edie

shocked for example those are for your

emotions those are things that you feel

like as a person like that’s your

emotion those ing adjectives are for

things that are outside you so like that

movie was shocking the news was shocking

so please try to remember this many of

the adjectives I’m going to talk about

today are actually like we can use both

forms an IDI form and an ING form so

please keep this point in mind I will

remind you again a little bit later okay

so with that said let’s get to our first

part of today’s lesson

so I said that this is called an

adjective wheel so I’m going to

introduce like if you imagine like a pie

kind of I’ll introduce parts of it at

one time and we’ll talk about the

adjectives so let’s begin let’s begin

with this part right here so what is

this thing how do we use it these parts

in red at the center at the center here

these are our basic adjectives these are

the super basic ones that I think many

of you already know so today I’ve chosen

good surprised sad angry scary and

beautiful so these are just like basic

adjectives that we use a lot then this

next layer after that is sort of like

the like the medium level the

intermediate level adjectives but there

are different types of these emotions so

we’ll talk about some different sort of

feelings that relate to this original

emotion then which we’ll see a little

bit later this outside area is like kind

of the super deep I guess ways to

express like a a more specific emotion

or a more specific feeling so let’s try

let’s try it out so let’s begin with

surprised here so surprised is the base

adjective then from surprised I’ve got

I’ve chosen two for today

so amazed or we can use this ing form

amazing for something that’s outside of

you I’ve also chosen shocked so shocked

again this has this Edie ending so

that’s for your emotions I’m shocked

something outside you is shocking so

I’ll mark these ones with these ing

endings so amazed we use amazed for

something that’s a happy surprise so

like you passed a test you weren’t

imagining you had passed I’m amazed I’m

amazed I passed the test so shocked on

the other hand is like kind of a

negative surprise so like we were

shocked to hear of the robbery for

example so that’s something but like you

were surprised and it’s a negative

feeling so shock is a great way to

express that I was shocked for something

outside you it was shocking so again

remember that Edie ending great yeah

someone wrote I was shocked or the movie

was shocking good

and then amazed it’s like a happier more

positive way to express your surprise

nice perfect thank you okay

so let’s go a bit deeper into these two

then let’s start with amazed than here

so this word it’s hard to see sorry my

writing is really bad I’ll write it

again this we’re here under amazed so I

have two words that are under amazed one

is thrilled thrilled so this is a th

sound at the beginning of the word if

you saw last week’s lesson about

pronunciation this is a great one for

you to practice thrilled thrilled

thrilled is like you’re really excited

and surprised about something so

thrilled is a positive word so for

example like he’s thrilled to be part of

the project I’m thrilled to have a

chance to do this so it’s a very happy

surprise amazed word the other one over

here humbled humbled so humbled

expresses that surprise yes but it also

expresses gratitude so if you feel

appreciative you want

say thank you to someone you could say

for example like I’m humbled to receive

this award for example or I’m humbled to

participate in this project so these two

are kind of deeper ways to express a

positive sort of surprise then let’s go

to sort of the opposite then we talked

about how shocked I’m shocked that’s


is used to describe something that’s

like kind of negative and negative sort

of surprise so down here again I divided

shock into two feelings so here I have

alarmed alarmed and concerned concerned

so here maybe you can see already this

alarmed has this alarm root to it yeah

so alarm it’s like when there’s a

problem there is some warning that like

we need to tell people about I’m alarmed

so we use alarmed for things that’s like

where maybe worried about something

dangerous happening

so like I’m alarmed at the amount of

violence in the news these days for

example again with this word we can use

the ing form alarming alarming Lego news

was alarming we can do that with this

one too then this other one concerned

concerned I’m concerned or that’s

concerning this word is more for

something you’re worried about so you’re

surprised shocked and maybe you’re

worried not like danger worried but

worrying about what’s going to happen so

it’s like you know I’m concerned about

your grades for example that means like

I’m worried about your grades I don’t

think they’re good we can use the ing

form here too concerning that’s

concerning news

example okay so this is how we use an

adjective wheel so we’re dividing up one

basic adjective into deeper and deeper

adjectives so this will be the structure

for today’s lesson so I made this you

can make your own too if you like okay

let’s continue on if you have any

questions please do send them in the

chat I will try to watch the chat in

this lesson okay let’s move along then

to the next adjective so the next one I

want to look at is sad the next

adjective will be sad so sad is our base


I broke it into two feelings lonely and

disappointed lonely and disappointed so

disappointed we can use this with an ING

form disappointed or disappointing so

this one we have some kind of

expectation and the expectation the

thing we thought was going to happen did

not happen so I’m disappointed that’s

disappointing lonely we we don’t use

lonely we can only use lonely it refers

to our like a human emotion so lonely is

used to talk about like when you want to

meet people or you haven’t seen your

friends for a long time for example

lonely so let’s take a look at the

adjectives inside lonely first we can

see them

so I’ll start up here the first one up

here will zoom in in just a second no

worries so the first one here is

isolated isolated so isolated isolate

refers to just being one of something

like there’s only you so I feel isolated

we use isolated for the ing form

isolating when we are alone so we are

cut off from our coworkers are cut off

from our friends for example I feel so

isolated these days

okay so isolated I’m like I haven’t seen

my friends I’m so isolated I got so much

work to do okay

then the other one here I have is

heartbroken heartbroken I included under

lonely we use heartbroken or we can use

heartbreaking as well ing heartbreaking

when we lose someone we care about so

this can mean ending a romantic

relationship it can mean like a loved

one a member of your family or your

friends friend of yours has passed away

has died so heartbroken or something is

heartbreaking like the movie was

heartbreaking we can say it causes that

feeling of loss of losing someone we

care about so isolated very alone and

heartbreaking losing someone we care

about okay so let’s go on to the other

adjective for this group disappointed so

I broke disappointed into two adjectives

here the first one is miserable

miserable so miserable refers to being

in a state of just like suffering or

discomfort or distress or unhappiness

like for example he hasn’t had a day off

in two weeks he’s miserable miserable

okay it’s just miserable so we can’t use

miserably we have to use miserable

there’s no ing form here miserable then

this one unsatisfied unsatisfied I’ve

talked about prefixes on this channel

before here we see one

so here the prefix unn means not

unsatisfied unsatisfied so not satisfied

so when you’re disappointed and it’s

because something did not satisfy you

something with not as good as you

thought it would be you can say I’m

unsatisfied like I’m unsatisfied with my

hotel experience or my stay I was not

satisfied with my stay I was

satisfied we can use this in the ing

form unsatisfying my stay was

unsatisfying okay good so this is how we

use an adjective wheel so I’ll introduce

a couple more sections later in the

lesson for now let’s take a quick break

da da

okay so for today the focus is on

adjectives when you need to like use

them to express your emotions so a

couple of situations where it’s really

useful to have a big adjective related

vocabulary are over here when you are

dating and when you are shopping so

especially when you’re shopping with a

friend like when you want to describe

how something looks so like sorry sorry

sorry so like over here for example when

you say can I try it on or do you have

this in a bigger size you might say

something like it’s like it’s not the

right fit or like I want something

that’s a little more extravagant I don’t

know depends on what you want to do but

these are examples of situations oh


where your adjectives use could be

important here’s a great one this is

from the dating or the romance and love

PDF this says you’re smart or you have

beautiful eyes for example you’re a

stylish so we talked about amazing over

here actually so these are examples of

situations where having a good adjective

both Cabul Airy is important all right

so these are free you can find these

from the link below the video on youtube

if you’re watching on youtube or above

the video on Facebook so please check

that out

they are free if you have an account on

our website if you don’t have an account

you can check our now you can make an

account right away okay so with that

let’s continue back to our lesson

today’s lesson if you missed it is

leveling up your adjectives today I’m

using an adjective we

to do this so we’ve talked about one

part of the wheel so far so let’s move

on to the next two adjectives now that

we know how to use it and try to check

it out

Anderson kind person or a good person I

will talk about that right here

later I’ll talk about that later uh I

don’t see any questions yet but great

okay so let’s go on to the next part

next I want to move on to these two

the base verb or base verb face

adjectives are angry and scary these are

the next two so let’s take a look at

angry angry so I broke angry into two

parts the two parts for angry are

irritated irritated is the pronunciation

irritated and furious furious so

irritated can take the ing ending that’s

irritating my brother’s so irritating or

this movie was so irritating something

that bothers you so irritated might like

when I describe my emotions as irritated

it’s like something is repetitive often

something is repetitive and it’s

disturbing me in some way so I feel

irritated like my computer keeps giving

me the same error I’m so irritated for

example so inside irritated I included

two words this one’s kind of a higher

level one maybe lots of you don’t know

this one this one let’s look at

frustrated first though frustrated

frustrated can take an ing ending

frustrating that’s so frustrating or I’m

frustrated we use frustrated when we try

to do something many times and we keep

failing at that thing so it’s like I

keep I’m trying to I can’t fix the

printer I’m so frustrated for example so

you try to do something many times and

you can’t do it we use frustrated to

express that feeling or that’s so

frustrating for it

oh okay so a similar word exasperated

exasperated this is it’s hard to say

this is exa XS

exa s exasperated exasperated this word

also takes an ING ending

so that’s exasperatingly exasperated

this word is when we use when for

example we give someone an instruction

or we give a group of people

instructions and they don’t follow the

instructions and you just you keep

trying and trying and trying but they

don’t follow the instructions so you can

say I’m so exasperated or this situation

is exasperated so frustrated and

exasperated are quite similar but I

think exasperated is kind of a higher

level much more advanced vocabulary word

than frustrated uh okay let’s continue

on to Oh someone said she forgot to talk

about annoy I did not forget to talk

about annoy I just chose not to there’s

a difference

annoyed would probably be right here

annoyed and irritated we use annoyed and

irritated in the same way so we can use

annoying as well but I chose not to

focus on it for this lesson okay so

let’s continue on to the next adjective

if you have other ones you can send them

along let’s go on to the next adjective

which is furious so irritated described

some kind of like feeling of a repeating

thing that really bothered you so

furious is a different kind of angry

furious is where like your face turns

red or you like shout or something like

that so furious is really like negative

and maybe kind of scary so furious he’s

furious so like we broke the camera my

boss was furious for example I hope that

doesn’t happen

okay so furious let’s look then at these

two words inside hi inside bitterness

inside furious

the first one here actually these are

both really good words I think so

the first one is offended offended this

one does not have an ING form like well

it does we can say offending but to use

it as an adjective we say offensive

that’s offensive offensive something

that’s offensive

something that causes me to feel

offended so um this offended describes

an angry feeling because of something

that’s inappropriate so depending on the

person they feel offended about

different things I’m offended that’s

that’s offensive so for example don’t

use curse words in the office it’s

offensive for example so someone has

inappropriate behavior that’s offensive

offensive okay then let’s go to the

other one here this one is great the

word is livid livid another great

pronunciation point livid livid is super

angry so like livid if you imagine like

red in the face screaming shouting maybe

throwing things like it’s dangerous

level angry like my boss was livid or my

parents were livid I crashed the car

so there’s someone who is just super

super angry we can use livid to describe

that livid alright good um so that’s the

next part of the adjective wheel I want

to talk about um let’s see we have seven

minutes left

oh my gosh okay so I’ll go on to I guess

one more bit and then take a break and

then finish should I take a break now

my choice alright so I’ll do a short

break in case you missed it I talked

about free stuff but I talked about free

stuff that we have this week once

already I’ll show you a different one a

different situation where adjectives use

is important it is when you are eating

I’m going to move on now to some

adjectives we can use when eating

someone asked about the adjectives good

for example so when you make a request

in a restaurant this is the dining so

dining this means visiting restaurants

for example so this one has some phrases

you can use to talk about food so being

able to describe your favorite or your

least favorite flavors is important so

here it lacks salt we’ll talk about an

adjective about salt later or it looks

tasty for example so this is another

situation we’re having some good

adjectives related knowledge is

important this is free from the link

below the video on youtube and above the

video on Facebook let’s go on to the

last part of today’s lesson ok we’ll go

to the last 3 parts because I’m running

out of time

today’s lesson is about leveling up your

English adjectives so we’re using an

adjective wheel today alright let’s go

on then to the next adjective oh I did

something very interesting here oh I see

what I did magic - oh no I just realized

ok I have to I have to quickly make my

thing a little bit different I realized

I left out an adjective but I don’t have

time to talk about it ok let’s move on

to the next one I’m just gonna make this

a big space beautiful we’ll talk about

beautiful now totally I’m good at

drawing circles let’s go on to the next

one we’ll go to beautiful

and good to end the lesson then okay so

beautiful is my base adjective for this

section here so I broke beautiful into

two categories this is one some of you

at sent me questions about like on ask

Alicia so I broke beautiful into two the

first one is gorgeous gorgeous the other

one is cute cute so let’s start with

cute here I think lots of people know

about cute so cute cute is used for like

children or things that seem kind of

nice a little bit childish they’re kind

of harmless mild little things so cute

so like for example what a cute puppy or

like um this design is so cute for

example it’s so cute then we have I have

two adjectives in the mid are in between

here I chose charming and adorable as

kind of the deeper adjectives for cute

so adorable adorable is used to describe

like very young kids or things that are

related to very young kids so it’s

something it’s like super cute if you

want a better word than very cute or

super cute you should use adorable so

like oh this picture is adorable like of

your children for example or all this

design it’s adorable so something very

childlike so adorable

charming on the other hand is like cute

but it’s but it’s good to use for like

adults so it’s something that’s cute and

like Pleasant but not necessarily

childlike so for example a charming cafe

or like a charming conversation perhaps

so these are things that aren’t

necessarily childish but they’re kind of

sweet and nice

and like maybe easy to understand

something that is charming okay good

then let’s go on to the other part for

this one gorgeous

so let’s contrast so cute adorable and

charming with gorgeous so gorgeous I

talked about beautiful here gorgeous is

like the leveled up version gorgeous

doesn’t have that feeling of

childishness so cute has that very like

childish feeling that young feeling

gorgeous is more grown-up so something

that’s gorgeous we could say for example

like the view is gorgeous or her dress

is gorgeous for example something that’s

a bit more adult inside gorgeous then I

chose two adjectives let’s start here

I chose stunning stunning and exquisite

exquisite so let’s start with stunning

so stunning we can use this in the IDI

form as well I was stunned

so to stunned the route here is stunned

so to stun means like to cause someone

to stop moving or to stop talking or to

stop breathing like they’re so like

excited or it’s so much so something

that is stunning causes you to stop what

you’re doing so like oh the view was

stunning or the cake was stunning it was

amazing so something that’s just really

really like you can’t speak it’s so


it’s so beautiful you can say it’s

stunning it’s stunning okay then the

final one here is exquisite exquisite

exquisite is not as commonly used as

perhaps some of these other ones

exquisite we use to talk about

oftentimes kind of expensive things so

maybe a jewelry or decorations in

someone’s house or we might use it to

talk about something that’s very

detailed like her necklace was exquisite

or the chandelier was exquisite

for example exquisite

it’s gorgeous and very detailed maybe

very expensive

exquisite okay great then let’s continue

on to the last one because we’re out of

time so it was actually a good thing so

let’s go on to the last adjective so

that was beautiful and you’ll notice to

these I did not mention most of these

have ing and IDI forms stunning we can

use both forms charmed is a word but it

does we don’t use it as often actually

so let’s move on to the last piece of

today’s adjectives pi which is good good

someone asked a question about this in

the chat about the word good so good is

an extremely useful adjective but it’s

really boring if you use good good good

all the time like this food is good or

like oh the movie was good give some

more information so let’s look at these

two I chose an emotion and a taste or a

flavor related word so from good if you

want to talk about people like my

neighbor is a really good person for

example if you want to talk about people

you could use a word like kind kind or

perhaps nice as well would go here so

someone is kind like they’re very warm

they’re inviting they make a comfortable

space for you you feel like relaxed or

at ease around that person they’re kind

someone who is kind inside kind then

I’ve chosen two more adjectives I’ve

chosen first generous is one generous

and I chose thoughtful thoughtful so

let’s look at generous first someone who

is generous is very giving so someone

who’s generous maybe they give money to

others or they feed others in the

community or they just give people gifts

someone who is generous gives a lot of

things someone who is thoughtful then

thinks about others a lot so they think

about the feelings of others or maybe my

coworker bought me a souvenir how

thoughtful for example or oh wow you

made my favorite thing for dinner how

thoughtful of you so when you’re

thinking of another person’s needs or

once that’s someone we can describe as

thoughtful okay

then last parts for today last part for

today’s lesson this is a couple examples

of adjectives you can use to talk about

food or drink if you watched our

livestream last year we talked about

other food and drink words so you can

check that for some more adjectives so

delicious delicious actually this is not

a word that we use a lot to be quite

honest we don’t say it’s delicious you

can it’s not wrong but we might use a

more specific word when we’re talking

about food or drink so here are two

examples rich and savory rich and savory

rich is something that has a strong

flavor and that’s kind of like fatty and

it’s usually used in desserts actually

so for example chocolate cake is really

rich so it’s like the flavor is kind of

like it’s like a deep flavor and there’s

some sweetness to it or like pudding is

really rich for example then opposite

that is a word like savory savory so

savory savory is something that has

again a deep flavor but is salty so for

example roast meats are savory or maybe

a barbecue sauce is savory so something

that has a salty flavor to it you can

use words like these and then we don’t

have easy or ing endings for these

because these are related to foods

not emotions okay so that is a quick

introduction I hope to a few a few new

adjectives maybe but if you are trying

to level up your adjectives you could

try to make something like this for

yourself also if you want to see more

examples just a google adjective wheel

seriously like there are tons there are

lots and lots of examples of adjectives

wheels for emotions and for tastes and

for smells so please take a look at this

if you want some more information just

google around so this is one I I made

this one you can try making your own or

just think about this sort of base level

adjectives and the next level and then

kind of a deeper way to express yourself

so I hope that this was helpful for you

I saw only a few questions and lots of

example sentences so thanks very much

for that guys but we have to finish up

for today so I will end there but next

week we will be back with a new lesson

as always next week’s lesson I’m going

to talk about date phrases so I’ve made

kind of into like a date slow I guess so

it’s like how to invite someone on a

date what to say a couple expressions on

the day and then after the date - so

next week will be about dating related

expressions and in general just like the

invitation related expressions - yeah so

that will be next week next week

September 5th oh my gosh it’s already

September that’s going so fast

September 5th this will be Wednesday at

10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time 10 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time this is New York

City time New York City time if you

don’t know what that is in your time

zone please google it use your Google

skills so we will be back next week with

date phrases also please don’t forget to

go download your free stuff these are

just a few examples there are lots of

other things

that we have to all for free so please

check the link below the video on

YouTube above the video on Facebook to

get that stuff I will see you again next

week thank you very much for liking and

sharing the video we always really

appreciate it thank you for your

questions and your example sentences in

the chat and I will see you next week

have a great day have a great night have

a great weekend I’ll see you next time
