3 Polite Expressions for Suggestions Advanced English Vocabulary Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm how can you politely

suggest something let’s talk about it


recently one of my friends wanted to

meet up with me and she suggested going

to this bar cafe place that specializes

in wine and beer and i wanted to make

her happy

i wanted to see her but i didn’t want to

go there because at the moment i’m gonna

have a baby so i can’t drink alcohol and

i didn’t want to go to a place that only

served specialty alcohol so how did i

suggest something else well i want to

give you three expressions for polite

suggestions all of these polite

suggestion expressions are just the

beginning of a question and the first

one is what if we went to this other

restaurant instead what if we went to

the park instead what if what if using

if here as a suggestion what if you came

to my house and i made you tea

what if we did this that’s super polite

and you can use this in a lot of

situations so even if you’re in the

middle of a business meeting and someone

says i think we should do this to

improve our marketing plan you maybe

disagree so you could say oh what if we

did this next month and this month we

tried this instead what if what if

that’s extremely polite and you’re

asking a question instead of just saying

i think we should do this instead what

if we did this instead let’s talk about

the second polite suggestion the second

wine is quite similar to the first one

because it uses gift let’s go back to

the situation with my

and she probably just didn’t think that

I couldn’t drink alcohol it probably

didn’t cross her mind she didn’t think

about it so I want to make sure I’m

extra polite to suggest something else I

could say how about if we went to this

other restaurant instead how about if

you came over to my house instead how

about if we went to the park instead how

about if so the first expression was

what if and the second one is how about

if and it is going to be a question how

about if we go to that restaurant how

about if we go to the park what do you

think how about if we decide this other

marketing plan for our business instead

it’s super polite and the third way to

make a polite suggestion is a little bit

longer and it doesn’t use if it is what

do you think about this restaurant what

do you think about this marketing plan

what do you think about this restaurant

for dinner instead of that one because I

can’t drink alcohol right now well we’re

using what do you think about because

we’re focusing on the other person

what’s your opinion what do you think

it’s extra polite so you could use this

in almost any situation to give a nice

suggestion especially if you don’t want

to push your opinion if you don’t want

to say we have to do this yes I could go

to that cafe that serves alcohol I could

drink some soda or Jews or something

else but I want to go to a different

place so instead of pushing my opinion I

could use one of these three expressions

so now I have a challenge for you in the

comments below this video can you make a

polite suggestion using one two or all

three of these polite expressions

I challenge you to use them yourself

it’s great to hear my stories and to

hear this watch this video but it’s best

to use it yourself so in the comments

below please write your own polite

suggestion questions and we can learn

from each other thanks so much and I’ll

see you the next time bye the next step

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thanks so much for learning with me bye