7 Essential GET Expressions Advanced English Grammar


I’m Vanessa from SpeakEnglishWithVanessa.com.

Let’s talk about seven essential sentences
using the word get.

If you’ve ever been confused about the word
get, you’re not alone.

There are tens, hundreds, thousands, maybe
even millions of expressions that use the

word get in English.

This can be bad news or overwhelming for English

But guess what?

Today I’m going to share with you the most
essential get expressions in my opinion.

These are the ones that I personally use the
most and often on a daily basis.

So feel free to find more get expressions.

There are plenty of others.

But today I want to share these seven with
you so that you can memorize those sentences

and use them yourself specifically in daily

The first get sentence is got eight hours
of sleep last night.

As a new mom, I often talk about sleep with
my other mom friends.

And something amazing happened recently.

My baby started sleeping longer especially
at night, which is beautiful.

So I often say how many hours of sleep I got.

So you could say, “I’m so tired.

I only got three hours of sleep last night.”

You’re talking about how long you slept, but
you can say get or got.

I got three hours of sleep.

I hope that I can get eight hours of sleep

The second sentence is, it’s easy to get distracted
by social media.

I was talking with my friend the other day
about Facebook and Instagram and even YouTube.

It’s so easy to get distracted because it’s
always there and we don’t need to be bored

anymore because there’s always something to
look at.

And that has pros and cons.

Personally, I don’t like to get distracted
by Facebook or other social media, so I often

talk about this.

I’m trying to not get distracted.

I’m trying to focus.

Of course, you can add a lot of different
words at the end of the sentence.

I’m getting hungry.

I got bored.

I got distracted.

You can use a lot of words at the end.

But I wanted to share this sentence get distracted
with you because I feel like we can use this

a lot in daily life.

My third sentence is he got home at 5:00pm
every day.

He got home this expression to get home, it
can be used a lot because maybe you go to

school or you go to work or you just are doing
some activities.

You’re going to get home at a specific time.

And often we ask each other maybe family members
or friends, when are you going to get home?

Or what happened last night?

When did you get home?

So this fixed expression, get home, can be
really useful.

I want to share a quick story so that you
can remember this expression.

When I was younger, my … when I was a child
actually, my dad used to go to work early,

maybe 7:00 or so.

And he used to get home at 5:00.

He had the choice to go to work later, maybe
8:00 and come home later.

So it was possible that he could get home
at 6:00 or 7:00.

But he decided to spend more time with us
as a family, so he decided that he would go

to work earlier and he would get home earlier
so he could spend time with us.

So I want to know for you What time do you
get home?

The fourth sentence goes with the previous

It is I got back from vacation yesterday,
but I’m still tired.

If you’ve ever experienced this, let me know
in the comments.

I know when I go on vacation, sometimes I
want to do stuff all the time and go see stuff

and then vacation’s over, I feel even more
tired than at the beginning.

So you can use this expression for whenever
you get home.

So you can say, “I got back from vacation.

I got back from work.

I got back from,” plus that place that you
were at.

Maybe you were at your friend’s house.

“I got back from her house last night.

I got back from the concert late.”


You can use this all together.

Where did you get home from?

I got home from, I got back from that place.

The fifth sentence is one that I use a couple
days ago actually.

I have a little secret.

I know a lot of you enjoy TV shows and movies.

But personally I’m not really a big fan of
watching TV.

The only TV shows I watch are documentaries
or something like that.

But the other day my husband and I decided
to try to watch the TV show Friends.

I know this is super popular and a lot of
people enjoy using it for English.

But for me for my personal enjoyment, I don’t
really enjoy watching that type of thing.

But we thought, let’s give it a try.

Let’s try to watch this TV show.

It’s so popular, right?

Let’s … it’s got to be great.

Well, after we watched about six or seven
minutes, we stopped the show and said, “I

don’t get why this is popular.

I don’t get why people like this.”

And this is a personal opinion, it might be

But in the end, it wasn’t my style of TV show.

So you can use the same expression don’t get
why, plus something else.

So you might say, “Vanessa, I don’t get why
you didn’t like it.

This is a great show.”

Let me know in the comments.

What do you think about the TV show Friends.

Do you not get why it’s popular or maybe you
don’t get why I don’t like it.

But often we use this in the negative.

I don’t get something.

This has to do with understanding something.

I don’t understand why this is popular.

So you too can use this expression.

I don’t get why something happened.

The sixth get sentence is we need to get going.

We need to get going.

This expression get going, I use all the time.

And it’s often that family members or people
who you live with will use this with each

other, because it’s possible that someone
in your house is slower than the others.

Or maybe they don’t want to go to an event
and you are feeling hurried or worried even

about being late.

So you could say, “Oh, come on, we need to
get going.”

This means we need to leave soon.

We need to leave now.

We need to get going.

For me now that I have a baby, it takes a
lot longer to organize stuff and get out of

our house.

So I often say this, “Oh, we need to get going.”

But there’s so many things we need to do.

So I want to know for you, can you use get

We need to get going.

The final get sentence is let’s get together

Get together.

I used to this actually yesterday because
one of my friends got a new puppy and I can’t

wait to see it.

So I invited myself to her house, pretty much,
and I said, “Let’s get together tomorrow.

I need to see your puppy.

This is essential.”

So when you use get together, this is the
same as I want to see you.

I want to visit you.

I want to go to your house and spend some
time together.

But it’s a little more casual and it’s really
common in daily conversation.

So the next time that you want to plan an
event with someone, make sure you use this.

Let’s get together at 5:00.

Let’s get together next month.

I’m really busy this month.

Or, I can’t get together, I’m sorry.

Use this full expression get together.

So now it’s your turn.

In the comments below, answer one of my questions.

Can you use get sleep?

Get distracted?

Get going?

Get together?

All of these get expressions.

Can you use them in the comments?

Try to write sentences, read them out loud
and use them in your daily conversations.

Thanks so much for learning with me.

I got to get going.

See you later.


The next step is to download my free eBook.

Five steps to becoming a confident English

You’ll learn what you need to do to speak
confidently and fluently.

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Thanks so much.
