B vs P Advanced English Pronunciation Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak English with

vanessa calm bare pair big pig help

what’s the difference

let’s talk about it in today’s

pronunciation lesson we’re going to talk

about two sounds that are challenging

for a lot of English learners they are B

and P big and pig bear and pair bride

and pride let’s start by talking about

one of those sounds and then the second

and then let’s combine them for a

challenge let’s start by talking about

the bee bee sound this sentence is not

so nice but it’s a good way to remember

how to pronounce but but I’m going to

say this sentence and it uses three B

words the bride looks like a big bear

hopefully you don’t tell the bride this

the bride is the woman who’s gonna get


don’t tell a bride that she looks like a

big bear trust me you’ll regret it so

you should say but the bride

notice that when I say bride big bear my

lips are coming together mm-hmm

but there’s a little hole here and a lot

of vibration is coming out mm-hmm I’ll

use a piece of paper to show you the air

that’s coming out hmm I hope that for

you you can also do this with a piece of


I recommend imitating my sounds right

Big Bear and then let’s talk about the

next sound because the next sound is

going to be quite different

big mm there’s a lot of vibration put

your hand here mmm

kind of tickles the bride looks like a


they’re lots of vibration what about our

second sentence using the other

challenge sound in the second sound P

we’re not going to be really using any

vibration it’s just going to be air

pride pair the paper is still moving but

it’s not because of a vibration hmm

that’s what we used for bride big but

what about pump you can imagine a puff

of air puh puh Pig let’s talk about a

sentence that uses a couple P words it’s

another kind of crazy sentence it is

pigs who eat pears have pride pride is

when you’re proud of yourself you’re

happy you’re glad that you’re did you

did something you have pride pride not

bride the first sound with a bee this is

with a P so what your mouth is going to

be doing look closely when I say pigs

who eat pears have pride my mouth isn’t

the same position as a bee but this time

there’s only air we’re not feeling those

vibrations from the sound coming out

this is just air let’s do it one more

time and have that air puffing out of

our mouths are you ready let’s use a

piece of paper to see the air coming out

pigs who eat pears have pride pigs pears

pride pop let’s talk about a challenge

that is are you ready to combine these I

want you to write down this challenge

sentence and test yourself see if you

can get it correct write it down on a

piece of paper write it down in the

comments and then at the end I’ll let

you know the correct answer

the sentence is don’t give the bride to

the pride don’t give the bride to the

pride here we’re using

another version of the word pride we’re

not using pride as the earlier version

you’re proud you’re happy you’re glad

that you did something pride in this

sentence is talking about a group of

lions we have different words in English

for groups of animals and a group of

lions is called a pride so do you know

what order this sentence goes in does it

start with a P does it finish with a B

how can we write this correctly and how

can you pronounce it correctly let me

say this one more time

don’t give the bride to the pride don’t

give the bride to the pride if you do

that something terrible will happen so

make sure that you say this sentence

correctly so that everyone can

understand you don’t give the bride to

the pride don’t give the bride to the

pride what did you write down for your

sample your test sentence did you say

that first don’t give the bride there’s

some vibration happening don’t give the

bride to the pride pride only air who

don’t give the woman who’s going to be

married to the Lions it’s not a good

idea don’t give the brides of the pride

I hope that you can say this correctly

and also hear it correctly let us know

in the comments below how did you do did

you get this test and it’s correct and

thanks so much for learning with me I’ll

see you the next time bye the next step

is to download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

want to help you master English and

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thanks so much for learning with me bye