Business English 3 Email Expressions Advanced Professional English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm

how can you professionally write an

email let’s talk about it yes there are

a million expressions that you can use

politely in emails but today i want to

talk about three that will help you to

organize your email and also to show

that you are a business person you are

professional and you’re polite the first

expression is at the beginning of the

email the next ones in the middle and

the final ones at the end let’s start

with the first expression the first

expression uses the phrasal verb reach

out reach out typically the word reach

means your arm is extended and you’re

trying to get something that’s far away

but this is gonna be used a little more

figuratively we’re talking about

reaching out meaning contact contacting

someone so at the beginning of an email

let’s imagine that someone contacts you

someone reaches out to you and says I

thought that you’d be interested in this

new special product that we have I know

that you’ve enjoyed the other editions

so I want to present to you this new

edition that your company might like

well when you email them back you can

say thank you for reaching out to me

about this opportunity thank you for

reaching out to me you can say thank you

for contacting me about this opportunity

both are fine and they mean the same


but I want to help you level up your

vocabulary so feel free to say thank you

for reaching out to me about this

opportunity what if you want to talk to

someone about an opportunity or you want

to tell someone something else well we

can use this same expression at the

beginning of your email you can say I’m

reaching out to you today because I’m

contacting you today because we can use


out in a really polite and kind way I’m

reaching out to you today because I know

that in the past we’ve worked together

with this program and I think we could

do it in the future I’m reaching out to

you because you’re introducing your

topic and it’s polite let’s imagine that

you get an email that says I’d like to

know if you ship your product

internationally and it’s your job to

make sure you reply in an accurate way

so you could first start with thanks so

much for reaching out to me to answer

your question about international

shipping we do ship internationally to

answer your question about if someone

asks you a question this is a good way

to introduce your answer to answer your

question about mmm and because you’re

repeating that question to answer your

question about international shipping

they know that you accurately understood

what they wanted to ask you could also

say as for your question

about international shipping we do ship

internationally you might recognize this

expression from a couple videos ago a

couple months ago as for as for your

question yes we ship internationally to

answer your question yes we ship

internationally this is introducing your

answer to their question the third

statement that’s great to use in

professional emails is something that I

use all the time it is if you have any

questions feel free to contact me if you

have any questions feel free to contact

me this means if you have questions I’m

available I am willing to help you I

think sometimes when we ask questions to

other people we are worried about

inconveniencing them or maybe they’re

not so interested in answering our

questions so when you write this at the

bottom of your email you are telling the

other person it’s no problem I will

answer your questions


if you have any questions feel free to

contact me or feel free to ask me I hope

that these three quick statements will

help to improve the quality of your

emails and also help you to understand

professional emails when you get them

from other people now it’s your turn in

the comments below this video I want you

to write a polite statement that you

would write in an email use these

expressions or if there’s another that

you would like to use feel free to do it

we can learn from each other thanks so

much for learning with me and I’ll see

you the next time bye the next step is

to download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

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thanks so much for learning with me bye