Business English 3 Interview Tips Advanced Professional English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm are you ready for your


let’s get started if you have an

interview in English for a new job or to

get into a school you’re gonna need to

prepare in advance this is a really

important opportunity for you so I

recommend following today’s three tips

this video is not gonna be about the

most common questions you can find

plenty of videos great quality on

YouTube so today instead I want to talk

to you about three important ideas or

tips for your upcoming interview my

first tip is act confident

I used the word act here because maybe

you don’t feel confident maybe inside

you feel really nervous or you’re

uncertain about the job opportunity well

it’s important to act confident because

once you have the job and once you know

about what you’re gonna be doing you’ll

be fine

you’ll know how to do it and you can do

it well so at the beginning you want to

show them that possibility that you can

be confident so how can you pretend or

act confident one really important thing

you can do is notice your posture notice

your shoulders your height try to stand

straight and try to sit straight

this will really show that you are

comfortable confident and in control of

your mind another thing you can do a

second idea is simple it’s smile and

take your time of course you don’t want

to be laughing and giggling like a

little school child but when you can

smile hi nice to meet you instead of hi

nice to meet you when you smile

you’re showing confidence maybe it’s not

true confidence but you’re acting

confident with your posture and with

your smile my second tip is don’t be

afraid to explain what you bring to the

table this expression bring to the table

means the kind of skills that you are

planning to bring to this company maybe

you’re really great at networking at

marketing these things you want to make

sure that your future employer knows

that you’re good at them I think in

daily life it’s hard to say I’m good at

marketing I’m good at this or I’m good

at that we’re not used to being proud of

our own skills and accomplishments but

in an interview this is your time to

show what you bring to the table so you

can use this expression in a really

professional way when you’re explaining

your skills you can say I’m bringing 10

years of marketing experience to the

table I’m bringing a great wealth of

knowledge about marketing or networking

to the table you could say I’m bringing

it to the company but when you say I’m

bringing it to the table this is a

beautiful expression a good way to show

that you have control of English and

you’re also talking about your strengths

the things that you’re good at in a

comfortable professional way my third

tip for interviews is to practice by

recording yourself answering the top

interview questions there’s a lot of

resources online on YouTube on different

websites about top five questions tell

me about yourself why do you want to

work here what are your strengths what

are your weaknesses where do you see

yourself in five years there’s a lot of

great resources about how to answer

those questions so I recommend and this

has been really useful for myself I

recommend recording yourself answering

those don’t worry no one has to see

this video it can be just for you but

it’s a good way to critique your posture

critique the way that you deliver those

answers because you want to see yourself

like your employer your employer will

see you in a certain way so when you

watch the video you can see yourself

through his or her eyes and that’s been

really valuable for me because sometimes

when you’re answering these fixed

questions it feels a little bit

unnatural or a little strange maybe you

feel like you’re answering it one way

but really your facial expressions and

your posture show something different

and for myself when I have recorded

myself practicing important questions it

changes so much the second time the

third time the fourth time improves a

ton and because you really want the job

this is a key element to helping you

really really do well in the interview

so now I have a question for you in the

comments below this video I want to know

what do you bring to the table what can

you bring to the table let’s imagine

that you’re interviewing for a job at a

company that you really want to work for

when you sit down to talk with the

employer and he says what kind of skills

do you have tell me about your

experience why are you a good fit for

this company you need to say something

really important I bring five years of

experience to the table I bring a

positive learning experience to the

table what do you bring to the table let

me know in the comments below best

wishes with your interview and I’ll talk

to you later bye the next step is to

download my free ebook five steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

want to help you master English and

speak fluently

feel free to subscribe so that you don’t

miss new English lessons thanks so much

for learning with me bye