Business English 3 Presentation Expressions Advanced Professional English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm are you ready for your

presentation let’s get started it can be

scary to give a presentation in your

native language and then if you have to

give a presentation in english it’s

another level so today i want to help

you with three important expressions

that you can use in your presentations

in English one of these is for the

beginning of your presentation once for

the middle and once for the end i hope

that you’ll be able to use these in a

variety of situations and as you listen

to presentations in English especially

professional business presentations I

hope that you’ll be able to recognize

these and hear them used over and over

again let’s start with the first one at

the beginning of your presentation

I recommend thanking the people who are

watching the people who took time to

come to see you

so you can say to get started I want to

thank you for taking the time to come


I recommend reviewing this sentence

again and again because altogether it’s

clear professional and understandable to

get started I want to thank you for

taking the time to come here today to

get started to get started huh could we

say just thanks for coming yes of course

you can say this simple expression no

problem but if you want to take it to

the next level

we often use to get started at the

beginning of presentations to get

started I want to thank you for taking

the time to come here today especially

if you have people at the meeting who

had to come from another office maybe

another country this is really valuable

and it’s just starting your presentation

on a good note let’s talk about the

second expression the second expression

is for the meat of your presentation we

often use this word meat me-80 like the

to talk about the most important parts

so at the beginning you’re gonna want to

introduce your topic you could say today

I’m gonna talk about marketing but there

are other more important ways to say

this you could say I’d like to share

three points about marketing today I’d

like to share with you three points

about I’d like to share this is

presenting it in a professional way and

instead of saying I’m gonna talk about

your including your audience with the

words share I’d like to share with you

three points about our networking plan

I’d like to share great it’s a good way

to introduce these topics you can even

use this at the beginning of each point

I’d like to share with you the second

point I’d like to share the third point

I’d like to share the fourth point I’d

like to share some customer testimonials

great this is including your audience

oftentimes presentations or meetings can

be either a bit boring or it may be

difficult to follow so this is helping

them to stay engaged the final

expression is at the end of your

presentation usually at the end you want

to talk about all of the points quickly

together so what’s a good expression

that we could use you could say in

conclusion we need to do this for our

marketing plan you could say in

conclusion but a great word that you can

use is to recap to recap I proposed that

we first do this then we do this then we

do this to improve our company’s

marketing plan to recap to recap oh it’s

beautiful this just means to go over

again the three points that I talked

about to recap I proposed that we first

do this then this then this you’re

simply giving in one sentence everything

that you talked about to recap

so I recommend using this at the end

just as a quick conclusion in case

anyone missed a point and it shows that

you’re reviewing what you talked about

so that at the end of the meeting you

can have an easy discussion you can talk

about those points with the other people

or they can just review their notes and

go back and talk to their departments to

recap and now it’s your turn to use

these presentation expressions imagine

that you’re giving a presentation try to

make a couple sentences using these

expressions in the comments below it’s a

good chance to use them to review them

and also to read each other sentences to

gain more knowledge about these

expressions thanks so much for learning

with me and good luck with your

presentations bye the next step is to

download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

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thanks so much for learning with me
