Business English Customer Service Expressions Advanced Professional English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm how can I help you let’s

talk about it today we’re gonna be

talking about three useful expressions

that you can use in customer service

positions if you work at a restaurant at

a coffee shop any place that you’re

working with customers at a gym even at

a bank these places you’re working with

customers face to face or possibly even

on the phone and I think that they’ll be

useful for you because they’re gonna be

natural easily understood and hopefully

easily remembered so that you can use

them the first one is actually two

questions it is how can I help you or

what can I help you with if someone

comes to your counter and they’re gonna

order something or they look like they

have a question or there’s some problem

this is a great polite way to start your

conversation how can I help you what can

I help you with let’s imagine that your

place where you’re working is so popular

you’re working at an awesome coffee shop

and everyone wants to drink your coffee

well that means there’s probably a long

line outside the shop or in front of

your cart so when people finally make it

to the front of the line you can say I

can help the next person and then when

they arrive you can say thanks so much

for waiting thanks so much for your

patience personally I think it’s more

professional to say thank you instead of

directly I’m sorry if the person

actually seems upset of course you can

say I’m so sorry you had to wait thanks

for your patience but if the person

doesn’t seem really upset about waiting

because they’re so excited about their

coffee feel free to just say thank you

it’s polite and it shows that you

recognized they had to wait but it’s not

big of a deal they’re getting your

awesome product I can help the next

person thank you so much for waiting

thanks so much for your patience let’s

imagine unfortunately you have a

customer who’s upset maybe they got the

wrong order maybe there was just a

misunderstanding maybe they had to wait

for a long time what can you say to help

with this situation well a really clear

beautiful introduction statement you can

say is I’m so sorry that happened I’ll

try my best to help I’m so sorry that

happened I’ll try my best to help when

you say I’m sorry it shows I understand

there’s a problem and I’ll try my best

to help shows that you are gonna do

whatever you can to help fix the

situation super polite and it’s easily

understandable I hope that these three

quick statements for customer service

jobs are useful to you so I want to know

in the comments below this video use

these expressions write them and try to

pretend that you are working in a

customer service position maybe you

actually are in real life even better if

you’re not use these anyway because I’m

sure you’re gonna hear them and it will

be great practice thanks so much for

learning with me and I’ll see you the

next time bye

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