Business English Polite Thanks Advanced Professional English

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm i really appreciate it

let’s talk about it let’s imagine that

you just started a new job and in this

job you need to speak english

your boss decided to assign you someone

to help train you so you have a trainer

who’s helping you learn the skills for

your job helping you learn your way

around the office and you want to tell

that person thanks what are some ways

that you can show appreciation politely

and professionally well today we’re

gonna talk about three different ways to

express thanks in a professional way the

first way is to say i appreciate it

that you stayed late to help me i

appreciate it that you spent time to

help me today

i appreciate it that i appreciate it we

need to keep this full expression

together it’s really sincere and the

reason why I decided to add this in

business expressions instead of personal

expressions or conversational

expressions is because it’s more serious

when someone is doing something to help

you at the office it means that they’re

not doing what they usually do they’re

not usually doing their job they are

helping you so in this way you want to

be more serious you want to be more

sincere it’s not a casual situation

where your friend came and brought some

pizza to your house in this situation

you can just say wow thanks so much but

in a business situation you want to be

more serious and sincere

so I recommend saying I appreciate it

that you helped me today I appreciate it

that you helped me the second way that

you can professionally show thanks is to

say it really means a lot to me that

you’re helping me it really means a lot

to me

that you gave me this data it really

means a lot to me that you thought about

me and decided to throw this special

party for me it really means a lot to me

so far these two expressions we’ve

talked about aren’t sincere they’re from

the bottom of your heart and they’re a

little more serious so in a business

situation you want to really show thanks

in a serious way with friends it’s okay

to be more casual of thanks thanks so

much I appreciate it but in a business

situation it’s great to use a full

expression it means a lot to me that you

decided to do this you’re giving a

little more explanation what did they do

they helped you it means a lot to me

that you helped me so when you’re

describing this it’s more sincere more

professional and a great thing to use in

a business situation the third way to

show sincere professional Thanks

is to say it really helped our program

that you organized this material it

really helped me to understand my job

better because you were so patient with


it really helped it really helped your

showing that their effort was useful

they did something out of the goodness

of their heart or maybe because their

boss told them to do it but they spent

their time doing something for you and

you want to let them know it was worth

it it really helped me that you spent

time to explain that it really helped

that you set up the projector for me

thanks so much

it really helped so now it’s your turn

to use these thankful expressions in the

comments below this video I’d appreciate

it if you’d write a wonderful comment

using these expressions you can say

thanks for something you can say thanks

for a hypothetical situation use them

professionally it really means a lot to

me when you’re active and using these

because it’s gonna help you remember

them when you need to

use them thanks so much for learning

with me and I’ll see you the next time

bye the next step is to download my free

ebook 5 steps to becoming a confident

English speaker I want to help you

master English and speak fluently feel

free to subscribe so that you don’t miss

new English lessons thanks so much for

learning with me bye