Do VS Dont Advanced English Pronunciation Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm do don’t what’s the

difference let’s talk about it today

we’re going to be talking about two

words that sound similar but have

completely opposite meanings they are do

and don’t but oftentimes you’re not

gonna hear native speakers say don’t

we’re going to say it slightly

differently and that’s why it’s a little

more complicated to understand and use

yourself naturally so let’s start by

talking about how to pronounce these

what’s the difference between these two

sentences what do you want to eat what

don’t you want to eat what do you want

to eat what don’t you want to eat do

they sound pretty similar to you let me

slow it down and see if you can tell by

my mouth which one is the positive

sentence and which one is the negative


are you ready here’s the first one what

do you want to eat what do you want to

eat what do you want to eat

notice my mouth what do it’s in an O

shape kind of like a kissy face what do

you want to eat what about the second

sentence it’s gonna be a little

different is what don’t you want to eat

what don’t you want to eat this

expression don’t my face here don’t this

is not a kissy face do and don’t don’t

you want to eat the T is cut out in the

end it’s slightly there but it’s not so

strong so we’re going to say what don’t

don’t don’t

what don’t you want to eat what don’t

you and eat oftentimes native speakers

will cut off the final T sound in words

and this is one of those situations

so with negative contractions the tea

usually if native speakers are talking

quickly it’s gone what don’t you want to

eat what do you want to eat can you

share the difference between these two

let’s go back and try to see if we can

pronounce them differently and also

train your ears to hear them correctly

I’m going to say both of those sentences

slowly and I want you to repeat directly

after me make sure that your mouth is

the same make sure that your intonation

is the same let’s start with the

positive sentence do what do you want to

eat here we have two similar sounds side

by side do you that’s great your mouth

is already in that position what do you

want to eat can you say it quickly with

me what do you want to eat what do you

want to eat I hope that you’re repeating

after me and using those pronunciation

muscles what do you want to eat what

about the negative sentence I think this

one is going to be a little more

challenging because you’re probably used

to saying what do you not want to eat or

what don’t you want to eat you’re used

to pronouncing each child or saying each

word but in reality native speakers love

to cut off words make them shorter

reduce them make them easier to say

maybe lazier so let’s practice saying

the negative contraction naturally now

if you’re going to say this naturally we

need to say it quickly

because we’re not going to cut off

sounds if we’re speaking slowly but just

for pronunciation practice let’s start

slowly and then let’s get faster and

faster are you ready for the question

what don’t you want to eat what don’t

you want to eat there’s a little bit of

a bigger hole here it’s not due which is

really small do you it’s going to be a

little bit

figure what don’t maybe flatter to what

don’t you want to eat let’s say this

quickly together what don’t you want to

eat what don’t you want to eat inside

your mouth your tongue is almost going

to make that tea sound but it stops what

don’t you want to eat there’s no air

that comes out you’re not saying what

don’t you want to eat the air is cut off

so we’re just going to say don’t don’t

kind of nasal almost what don’t you want

to eat now for our challenge I’m going

to tell you two sentences and I want you

to think or write down or write a

comment immediately and let me know

which word is in which sentence try to

write the sentences correctly and then

at the end of the video I’ll give you

the correct answers are you ready for

the first sentence it is they do

activities on the weekend they do

activities on the weekend am I using

this in a positive way or in a negative

way they do activities on the weekend

they do activities on the weekend all

right think about it is it do or don’t

and let’s talk about the second sentence

it is they don’t move on the weekend

they don’t move on the weekend they

don’t move on the weekend they don’t

move on the weekend can you guess which

one is due which one is don’t write it

in the comments write it on a little

piece of paper and are you ready for the

correct answer sentence number one they

do activities on the weekend it’s

positive do do activities sentence

number two it is they don’t move on the


don’t negative they don’t move on the

weekend let us know in the comments

below did you get it correct do you need

to watch this video again and practice a

little more no problem

that’s why it’s here I hope that this


see Asian video is useful for you thanks

so much for learning with me and I’ll

see you the next time bye the next step

is to download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

want to help you master English and

speak fluently feel free to subscribe so

that you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye