F vs V Advanced English Pronunciation Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm vase face van fan help

let’s talk about it today we’re gonna be

talking about two similar sounds that a

lot of my english learners have

difficulties with it is V and F the vase

has a face the van has a fan oh can you

say those sentences correctly let’s

break it down and first talk about one

sound and then we’ll talk about the

second and then we’ll combine them first

let’s talk about the V sound like my

name Vanessa Vanessa who there’s a lot

of vibration happening here and if you

notice the word vibration starts with a

V so it’s perfect for this sound mmm

we’re gonna be feeling our mouths and

also feeling our throats a little bit

here to help you know if you’re saying

the word correctly let’s start with a

basic word which is vase this is a

pretty dangerous vase because inside is

a cactus my cats have tried to play with

this but I think they’re smart enough to

know that they shouldn’t play with it

too much

so this vase starts with a V let’s say a

quick sentence using vase together I

want you to put your hand here on your

bottom lip and feel that vibration

exercise this overemphasize this

exaggerate it is this pronunciation

practice let’s do it we can say it’s a

vase it’s a vase I have a van

you should feel a lot of vibrations

happening here vase van Vanessa

what about this challenge sentence using

all of those sounds

lots of V sounds let’s practice this in

the beginning of this word middle of a

word end of a word let’s try it our

sentence is the server was viewing the

van live on T V ooh great sentence we’ve

got a lot of words using V sounds I want

you to imitate my sentence and also use

your hand to see if you’re using the V

correctly the server server was viewing

the van live on TV

notice that my lips are not coming

together but they’re not making a B

sound T V we’re not talking about buses

and bees and beautiful things we’re

talking about mmm

van TV what about the F sound well

there’s some good news and bad news

the good news is it’s gonna be the same

position for your mouth but don’t be

tricked even though your mouth and your

teeth are in the same position there’s

not gonna be any vibrations you’re not

gonna be using your voice instead we’re

just gonna be using air let’s practice a

quick sentence using I want you to feel

the air coming out of your mouth even

use a piece of paper to see if that

paper is moving if you’re correctly

using air face fan let’s try a sample

sentence using a lot of f-words we’re

gonna say the surfer had a few fans in

his life who the paper is slightly


because we’re using air the surfer had a

few fans in his life ooh

did you notice I was kind of

exaggerating the F sound just to make it

easier to practice and also so that you

can exercise those muscles because often

when you’re exercising you’re using more

weight than is necessary baseball

players do this a lot before they go to

hit the ball they practice with a

heavier bat or maybe two bats and that’s

training their muscles so that when they

hit with only one bat it’s a lot easier

they’re ready for it so that’s what

we’re doing we’re exaggerating to

prepare those muscles okay now I’m gonna

give you two challenge sentences I want

you to write them down or write them in

the comments and guess am I using an F

letter or am i using a V letter in these

words these sentences can make sense

with either word so it’s gonna be a good


take a moment write it down write it in

the comments and then at the end I’ll

give you the correct answer

the first challenge sentence is you can

use my fan you can use my fan you can

use my fan ooh did I use a word that

starts with an F did I use a word that

starts with a V write it down the second

sentence is I’m a server I serve for a

living I’m a server I serve for a living

what do you think is this episode is it

V write it down and I’ll tell you the

correct answer in just a moment all

right you got it

take a moment number one I’ll write the

correct answer here you can use my fan

you can use my fan the second sentence

I’m a server I serve for a living did

you get them correct I hope so if not

don’t worry go back over

this video and practice listen carefully

watch my mouth and imitate it yourself

let us know in the comments below did

you get it correct is this sound

challenging for you thanks so much for

learning with me and I’ll see you the

next time bye the next step is to

download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

want to help you master English and

speak fluently feel free to subscribe so

that you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye