How To Change Your Mind Now That I Think About It Advanced English Vocabulary

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm it is really cold here well

now that I think about it maybe it’s not

so cold let’s talk about it here in the

u.s. it’s fall time and it’s starting to

get cold at least I think it’s kind of

cold but the other day I had a

conversation with my friend Casey who

used to live in Minnesota which is one

of the coldest places in the u.s. I was

interviewing her for the course The

Fearless fluency Club where I interview

one of my friends each month about

another topic and we were talking about

winter in Minnesota

I used to think that where I lived was

cold but I changed my mind

and that is how we can use today’s

expression today’s expression is now

that I think about it can you imagine

what that means from my story and from

my tone of voice this means that you

have changed your mind about something

so as I was talking with my friend about

her experience in the north in Minnesota

they have snow for nine months it’s just

so cold I might say ah it is so cold

here and then she tells me about the

north and I say ah now that I think

about it it’s not so cold here after all

now that I think about it it’s not so

cold let’s talk about a couple other

examples maybe your friend says to you

learning English is so hard it’s so

complicated and difficult well you could

say well you can use the Internet you

can learn with Vanessa’s lessons you can

use all of this material online to learn

English it’s so much more than what was

available 10 or 20 years ago your friend

might say hmm now that I think about it

I agree it’s much easier to learn

English nowadays he’s

obvious idea was English is difficult

it’s challenging it’s confusing but then

because of your examples he changed his

mind he said oh now that I think about

it it’s not that hard there’s a lot of

good materials available now that I

think about it so I have a question for

you I want to know when was a time that

you changed your mind when you’re

telling me about this in the comments

below I recommend using this expression

now that I think about it I think this

instead now that I think about it I hope

that this expression is useful to you I

think these are the things that you

don’t really learn in a textbook you

don’t really learn in school because

it’s things that native speakers use but

it doesn’t fit carefully into a grammar

box a lot of schools try to fit things

into a specific grammar category but

expressions like this just don’t fit but

we use them all the time so I hope it’s

useful for you and that you can actually

hear this in TV shows and movies now

that you know about it thanks so much

for learning with me and I’ll see you

the next time bye the next step is to

download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker

this will help you know what is the next

step in your English journey to help you

really master English and speak fluently

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English lesson thanks so much and I’ll

see you later bye