How To Pronounce NT Words Advanced English Pronunciation Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today we’re going to talk

about how to pronounce in t when it’s in

the middle of a word let’s talk about it

before we start I’m going to say one

sentence two different ways and I want

you to see if you can guess what’s the

difference between these two sentences

are you ready this sentence is about

winter and mountains and the second time

this sentence is about winter and

mountains hmm did you see or hear any

differences between these two sentences

I used three words sentence winner and

mountains and I pronounced these three

words in two different ways let’s take a

look at the word sentence this is the

first way that I pronounced it send nits

and the second way I pronounced it had

the T sound a little stronger sentence

sentence first of all I want to let you

know that both of these pronunciations

are correct in American English we say

sentence and send tips so probably in my

videos if you have watched my other

videos you’ve heard me use both of these

when I’m speaking quickly I’ll probably

say sentence sentence cutting out the T

sound but if I am being more thoughtful

or careful I might say sentence sentence

with a T sound let’s take a look at the

word winter winner and slowly go through

what your mouth should be doing for each

type of pronunciation the first one is

where we’re going to cut out the T sound

so I’m going to say it

slowly and I want you to try to imitate

what I’m saying

it’s the word winner winner does it

sound like the winner of the Olympics

the winner of a game if it sounds like

this word WI n and ER you’re correct it

sounds almost exactly the same it’s

winner it’s AA winner he is a winner in

the winner ha let’s say that sentence

all together

he is a winner in the winner so really

it’s just context that’s gonna help you

know is it the first winner or the

second winner but in general the context

will be pretty clear so that you’ll know

is this person talking about a

competition or are we talking about a

season so did you notice that the T is

gone let’s say that slowly one more time

before we go to the next word winner

it’s winner right now so usually we use

this T cutout version when we’re

speaking quickly so let’s try to say

that sentence fast together it’s winner

right now it’s winner right now it’s

winner right now it’s winner right now

it’s February it’s winner right now

before we go to the third word that uses

NT let’s talk about the clear style of

pronunciation you can certainly say

winter winter it’s winter right now if

you hear English speakers talking pretty

fast they’re probably going to use the

first version with the T cut out but the

second version is also perfectly fine so

you could say winter winter it’s winter

right now no problem you’ve got two


let’s talk about the third word the

third word is the word Mountain mountain

so we could pronounce this the same way

as winter winter sentence sentence you

can cut out the T or you can leave it in

let’s practice cutting it out first

because this is going to help you speak

quickly and also help you understand

when you hear native English speakers

using this kind of pronunciation you’re

gonna want to know what are they saying

so now I hope that you’ll feel more

comfortable with that let’s practice the

first version Mount mm Mount hmm

so my tongue after the N is at the top

of my mouth it’s almost going to make

the T sound but no air comes out it’s

just Mount mm Mount mm Mount hmm my

tongue is stopped at the top of my mouth

let’s practice saying that in a sentence

sentence I used it right there sentence

let’s practice using mountain in a

sentence I live in the mountains I live

in the mountains let’s try to say that

quickly I live in the mountains I live

in the mountains I live in the mountains

I hope you exercised with me let’s

practice with the more clear style

pronunciation using the T I live in the


did you notice there’s air coming out

that T is a little stronger and harder

my mouth is doing the same thing except

there’s air coming out when the T is in

the word so we might say I live in the

mountains I live in the mountains I live

in the mountains do you like to go to

the mountains do you like to go to the

mountains we can cut it out or leave it

in so before we go today let’s go back

to that original sentence that I said

the beginning of this lesson we’re going

to save the sentence both ways and I’m

going to pause after the sentence

because I want you to repeat after me I

hope if you’re somewhere quiet and

comfortable you can use this now and use

your muscles let’s say the first style

of sentence cutting out the T this

sentence is about winter and mountains

did you repeat it let’s try it one more

time with this cut out T sound this

sentence is about winter and mountains

let’s practice the second style with the

T already in the word this sentence is

about winter and mountains this sentence

is about winter and mountains I hope

that this quick practice has helped you

to train your pronunciation muscles and

also will help you to understand when

you hear native English speakers because

understanding comes first

and then you’ll be able to use it

yourself thanks so much for learning

with me now is your challenge in the

comments below this video write a

sentence using one or more of these

words and try to say your sentence out

loud also you can read other people’s

sentences cut loud to train your

pronunciation thanks so much for

learning with me and I’ll see you the

next time bye the next step is to

download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker

this will help you know what is the next

step in your English journey to help you

really master English and speak fluently

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English lesson thanks so much and I’ll

see you later bye