How to Pronounce TH Advanced English Pronunciation Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm them seem th help me please

let’s talk about it in today’s

pronunciation lesson we’re going to talk

about two different ways to pronounce th

i know that the th sound is pretty

challenging for a lot of people so let’s

break it down and help you to start to

understand it and use it yourself

the first th sound that we’re going to

talk about is what i’m going to call a

voiced th and that’s because your voice

box here is going to be active so let’s

practice a sentence using a lot of

voiced th sound to help you feel

comfortable with it for the voiced th

i’m going to use my hand here on my

throat so that i can know if i’m

actually using my voice or not this is

just a little tip to help you feel if

you’re using it correctly

the sentence is those friends that they

know are going over there with them

alright we’ve got a lot of words that

start with th and all of these are the

voiced th those them do you hear that

kind of vibration that’s happening

that’s my voice box and my tongue

working together it’s not pure air we’re

going to talk about that in the next th

sound but this is a voiced th those that

they know those friends that they know i

want you to do the same thing with me

we’re exaggerating over emphasizing

right now that’s okay because once you

get those sounds to feel a little more

comfortable for you you can scale back

and not be so exaggerated but first of

all for pronunciation practice let’s a

saturate so I want you to say the

sentence with me use your hand here on

your throat and let’s say those friends

that they know are going over there with

them did you notice that a lot of these

words are kind of those boring words

those they they’re they’re not really

descriptive words like Theodore Thursday

those are going to be the next sounds

the Aird sounds so I hope that you had a

chance to quickly practice voiced th now

let’s talk about the second kind the

second kind of th we can call unvoiced

or I’m going to call it aired th because

really it’s only air your voice box can

go to sleep you’re just gonna make an

aired sound a good way to practice this

is with a piece of paper we’re going to

exaggerate this and I’m going to show

you with the words that I’m saying in

our sample sentence

are you ready for the sample sentence

I’m gonna say it and I want you to watch

this paper move each time that I say th

and you can practice it for yourself as

well for Thursday’s theme my thesis will

be theater thankfully oh did you see how

this paper moved so lovely that means

that we’re using the aired th correctly

Thursday thesis theme theater thankfully

you’re pushing the air out of your mouth

and your voice box is sleeping great

what happens if I use a piece of paper

and talk about the moist th the ones

that we already talked about at the

beginning do you think this paper is

going to move is it going to do anything

well let’s try what if I said that first

sentence again using this paper those

friends that they know are going over

there with them did move

not at all it was just sitting here that

means that the air that’s coming in out

of my mouth is not the same as the

second th the second th is a lot of air

so we’re going to emphasize Thursday

theatre thankfully thank you let’s mix

them together and see what happens

I have a short challenge and it’s for

you I want you to put your hand here and

also to use your piece of paper I want

you to see for yourself and also in this

video which one is active at which time

do you feel your voice here for the

first word or do you see the paper

moving for the first word it is are you

ready my theme is about them my theme is

about them my theme is about them ooh

which one is a voiced th and which one

is just air can you say that sentence

yourself I want you to take a moment

imitate my mouth make sure your tongue

is coming out a little bit that’s the

perfect sign of a th but you know it’s

not the only thing we need to make sure

your voice is doing the correct thing

the air is doing the correct thing and

your tongue is doing the correct thing

so the tongue is just one piece of the

puzzle my theme theme your tongue

sticking out is going to help give you

the air my theme is about them my tongue

is sticking out a little bit mmm but

it’s not quite so strong because there’s

no air it’s just my voice them seem them

seem I hope that this quick th practice

is useful for you I recommend repeating

these sentences out loud you can do it

and let me know in the comments below

what is the sentence that mixes these th

sounds say it out loud to yourself and

we can practice with each other

sentences thanks so much and I’ll see

you the next time bye

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