How to use AS FOR in professional English Advanced English Vocabulary

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm last year was a great year

but as for 2017 it’s gonna be even

better let’s talk about it today i want

to share with you an expression that i

use all the time when i’m writing emails

you can use this in conversation but

it’s more likely that you’ll use it in a

more structured situation maybe in a

presentation or when you’re writing an

email sometimes students write me an

email and ask me multiple questions at

the same time how can i use this

expression how can i pronounce it and

how can i find an English community in

my area that’s a lot of questions if I

have a chance I try to answer them all

the first question at the beginning when

I’m responding to this email I might say

as for your first question about this

expression you can use it in this way

I’m specifically talking about the first

question so I used as for this

expression or as for your first question

which was about this expression I’m

specifically talking about that one and

I can use it again and again for their

second and third question so the next

paragraph I might say as for your second

question or as for your question

about pronunciation this is how you

pronounce it and then the third time as

for your third question or as for your

question about how to find an English

community in your area here are some

helpful websites when I use as for I’m

showing that I’m talking about a new

topic and I’m specifically saying which

topic I’m talking about so this is

something that’s more likely to be used

in a

rocford situation where you have

different topics so maybe if you’re

giving a presentation and you’re talking

about the budget the marketing and the

teamwork of your company you might say

as for the budget this month and then

you can explain about it as for the

marketing of our new product I think we

need to do a little bit more as for the

team work in our company we’ve been

doing a great job let’s have a company

picnic you’re addressing each topic and

you’re introducing it with as four it’s

important to start using this expression

now so that you don’t forget it and that

you can use it in the future whenever

you need to so I have a question for you

I want to ask you what are common food

and drinks like in your country so here

I’m asking you about two topics and you

might say something like as for food in

my country we eat a lot of rice and

chicken and beans as for drinks

we like red wine or we like tea tell me

about these two categories food and

drinks in your country and that way you

can talk about two topics and use as

four thanks so much for learning with me

and I’ll see you again the next time bye

the next step is to download my free

ebook five steps to becoming a confident

English speaker this will help you know

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thanks so much and I’ll see you later
