How to Use AS THEY SAY Advanced English vocabulary expression lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm

oh no the sky is falling as they say

let’s talk about it in today’s video


we’re going to talk about the quick

expression as they say as they say

i already used this a couple seconds ago

after an idiom i said oh no the sky is

falling as they say this expression as

they say is kind of an afterthought you

just add it to the end of a sentence

it’s not the most important part of the

sentence but it has an important meaning

so let’s talk about what it actually

means oftentimes we add as they say

after an idiom just to show that we

don’t actually mean the sky is falling

we don’t actually mean that you’re

living under a rock like an idiom I

talked about in a couple lessons ago

you’re showing that it’s figurative it’s

not literal this is not a necessary

expression to add after every idiom but

we do often add this after idioms just

to show that we know it’s an idiom so a

common idiom is the grass is greener on

the other side this means that the other

person’s situation is gonna look better

than your situation because it’s not

yours maybe you’re jealous and you want

to have their situation the grass is

greener on the other side but after we

say this idiom we can add today’s

expression well the grass is greener on

the other side as they say just adding

it at the end so as you learn some

idioms with me through video lessons or

the past idioms that you’ve already

learned with me you can add this at the

end of those idioms you might say

English is

my cup of tea as they say we talked

about the expression cup of tea in a

past video lesson so you can add this

after that idiom you’re adding together

all of these expressions English is my

cup of tea as they say it’s not really

your cup of tea English is not

physically you are a cup of tea but

you’re showing that it’s a metaphor it’s

just an idiom if you don’t know what

this idiom cup of tea means make sure

that you watch the past video where I

talked about that another idiom that I

talked about in the past that hopefully

you already know if you watched the live

YouTube lesson about this is living

under a rock and it means that you’re

unaware of things that are going on

around you maybe pop culture or

something in the news that should be

obvious but you don’t really know what

it is you’re living under a rock but

you’re not actually living under a rock

it’s just an idiom idioms don’t actually

have the literal meaning I don’t think

you’re living under a rock as far as I

know so if you use this idiom you could

say you don’t have to add it but you

could say what he’s living under a rock

as they say so it’s just added to the

end so it’s your choice if you would

like to add this or if you would like to

leave it out I want to make sure you

feel comfortable with this expression

because you’re gonna hear it when you

are introduced to English movies TV

shows when you talk with native speakers

you’re going to hear this as they say as

they say and hopefully now you can use

it too so in the comments below this

video I want to challenge you to make a

sentence using as they say so this means

you’re going to have to also use an

idiom you’re welcome to use an idiom

that I’ve talked about in past lessons

you’re welcome to use a new idiom but

you’re going to need to use an

U+ as they say that’s your challenge for

today I’m looking forward to reading

your sentences and giving you some

feedback about them too

thanks so much I’ll talk to you later

bye the next step is to download my free

ebook 5 steps to becoming a confident

English speaker this will help you know

what is the next step in your English

journey to help you really master

English and speak fluently feel free to

subscribe so that you get a notification

every time there’s a new English lesson

thanks so much and I’ll see you later
