Learn 2 English Idioms About Politics Advanced English Vocabulary

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm what can we learn from

politicians let’s get started politics

is a divisive topic of course in any

country anywhere you go politics is

going to create strong emotions in

people but today i want to use this

topic to help you learn two expressions

and also two ideas that we can use in

our daily lives so what can we learn

from politicians the first thing is

campaign promises this is the first

expression that i want to talk about

with you today campaign promises the

campaign is the time when a politician

in this video I’m going to be talking

about the president because it’s the

most current thing happening here in the

US right now but a campaign is when the

president tries to get other people to

vote for him so maybe he’ll give

speeches or she’ll give speeches have

debates go to local cities and try to

meet people this is called a campaign

they’re not elected yet but they’re

saying everything I promise to do this I

promise to do this I promise this and

this how do you feel about those

promises do you believe them typically

we call these campaign promises because

no one believes them if you think that

the the candidate the president the

governor the prime minister is actually

going to follow through on his campaign

promises maybe time to do a little


so the expression campaign promises can

be used outside of a political sphere so

we could say I don’t ever want to make

campaign promises I’m going to try to

not make any campaign promises to my

family this expression campaign promises

simply means promises that you’re not

gonna do so we could use this in our

daily lives and also it’s something we

can learn personally let’s not make

campaign promises let’s be careful about

the promises that we make and make sure

that we’re actually going to follow

through on them the second thing I want

to talk about today is the way that

candidates candidate is the person who’s

running for office the way that

candidates speak when someone asks the

presidential candidate what do you think

about education or immigration or

different kinds of social reform what do

you think about them do they ever give a

direct clear answer in your country I’m

not so sure but in the u.s. the answer

is hardly ever maybe never do they give

a direct answer

so the expression we can use for how

candidates speak is beat around the bush

a bush is a kind of small tree like a

shrub or a plant and when we say he is

beating around the bush he’s beating

around the bush it simply means he’s not

speaking directly so candidates always

beat around the bush they never answer

directly maybe this is a kind of tactic

to try to reach the the widest group of

people but this is something that is

pretty typical in politics candidates

beat around the bush all the time so the

second thing we can learn about

politicians is how to not beat around

the bush we don’t want to be like that

we want to do the opposite as an English


and you are here probably because you

want to improve your English

communication skills as an English

Learner you want to be clear and


you want your friend

or your audience or your teacher to

completely understand what you’re saying

so let’s not be like a politician let’s

learn how not to do it and instead let’s

just do the opposite let’s speak clearly

don’t beat around the bush and don’t

make campaign promises thanks so much

for watching this video about politics

let me know in the comments below have

you ever made campaign promises and do

you ever beat around the bush I hope

that you can use these two expressions

because that’s the purpose you are here

to use English so in the comments below

this video let me know about these two

questions and I’ll see you again the

next time goodbye if you enjoyed this

video be sure to download my free ebook

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me bye