LIVE English Class How To Give An Advanced English Response

hey everyone welcome to

our live class for this month i’m

teacher tiffany and i am

so excited to see all of you here

now you know that each month we come


on youtube live and we study a brand new

lesson now

i’m so excited about our lesson today

but you know we always start off with

saying hello and we do our roll call so

in the comment section everyone i want

you to say hello

and tell us what country you are

watching from

so here we go yes so many of you all are


i’m gonna go all the way back to the top


say hello and say where you are watching

from here we go yes i see a lot of you

igor hello from brazil good to see you

igor nice to see you

yes another andressa from brazil good to


you all right again guys as you’re

coming in

say hello and tell us where you are


from here we go here we go let’s see i

see you all saying hello all right

myanmar nice to see you good to see you

i think this is the first time i’ve seen

anyone join us from myanmar nice to see


all right here we go again tell us where

you are watching from yes we have

guatemala good to see you india

so good to see you madrid yes i visited

madrid when i was in high school

beautiful country beautiful place

we have chile yes good to see you

nice brazil again very nice dominican


very nice mexico yes mexico

colombia istanbul wow good to see you

sudan georgia yes colombia again

turkey nice to see you all again we’re

doing our roll call so as you come in

say hello and tell us what country you

are watching from columbia again brazil


yes the ivory coast beautiful countries

turkey again gabon very nice to see you

all serbia yes beautiful mexico again

uae yes very nice mexico again

let’s see again come in let’s see crimea

or crimea nice to see you

france good to see you chicago

shy town nice to see you here let’s see

dominican republic again

miami yes i have some good friends who

live in

miami somalia what’s up ali good to see


algeria morocco yes

kazakhstan nice to see you costa rica

good to see you

china yes good to see you giovanni

kosovo nice to see you

uganda good iran again for those


just coming in we’re just doing our roll


come in say hello and tell us what

country you are watching from remember

we are a big family all together each


learning new things the congo good to

see you i’ll do a few more

good to see you all sudan again yes

all right brazil again good to see you

good to see you

i’m gonna scroll down let’s see some

more people are coming in

here we go yes ethiopia good to see you

tanisha nice ukraine

bangladesh yes belarus nice to see you

peru sudan again yes

hello salons good to see you all right

sudan then we have let me scroll down a

little bit more

oh yes poland yes good to see you from

poland very nice

i’ll do a few more and then i’ll tell

you a little bit about

what we’re going to learn today panama

algeria ukraine venezuela

and we have uh oh honduras went away

here we go

and we have honduras you all are amazing

and man am i so honored that you guys

decided to join me for today’s

english live class now you know each

month i come

on here and i love spending time with

you all and today i’m gonna

teach you how to give an advanced

level english response now this is

something i know that

each of you wants to do you want to


english fluently right so let me ask you


this question in the comment section if

you are excited

to learn how to finally give an english

response that’s advanced like a native

english speaker

i just want you to type yes real quick

if you’re excited to learn

this simple method that will help you


how to give an advanced level response

like a native english speaker

just type yes in the comment section if

you’re excited

if you’re ready and you’re really

looking forward to learning a lot

just type yes in the comment section i

see you guys still typing your countries

it’s so good to see you all here so i’m

gonna go

right to our presentation for this


now again if you’re excited just type


all right sana is excited yes sana i

hope that you learn a lot

yes aurelie’s excited martha’s excited

still is excited

amina’s excited you all are excited and

oh am i excited to teach you all tonight

so you all know let’s jump right in

here we go guys alright so tonight again

how to give an advanced

level english response so here’s the


again welcome to everyone now there’s

going to be three parts to this lesson


i’m gonna give you the basic explanation

breaking down

exactly how to give an advanced level

english response

and then for part two and part three

those two sections

i’m gonna show you some example

questions and show you how to answer the

questions alright

so you’re going to learn a lot i hope

you have your notebooks

and your pencils and that you are ready

to study now real quick

after the class remember i always teach

a class but

after the class i have a family meeting

now when i say family meeting

that meeting is via zoom that’s right

live via zoom we can all see each other

but it’s only for my academy students

so my academy students that are here hey

our family meeting is happening right

after this class

but if you’re not a part of our family

remember all you have to do before this

class is over

go to let’s jump right in dot com

real simple if you want to join our

family and

also join our meeting this evening go to

let’s jump right in

calm i just typed it in the comment

section you guys can join us

there all right so here we go now i’m

following a

lesson that comes from my ebook how to


ielts speaking so this exam is very

important for many students

but part of the exam is to determine if

a student or if an english learner

is able to speak at the advanced level

so i’m going to give you some tricks

that will help you pass this test

and will also help you speak like a

native english

speaker so here we go part one

an advanced level response focuses

on responding to questions using three


points or opinions and a personal story

so i want to pause really quickly

because we’ve talked a lot about

the importance of giving three reasons

three details

or three opinions now if you’re in my

academy you’ve heard me say this over

and over again

and even my vip students have heard me

say this over and over again so

real quick just to recap or review so

when someone asks you a question you

want to always remember the rule of

three so i’m going to ask you all a

question and i want you to put your

answer very quickly

in the comment section so here’s the


uh what’s your favorite food

really quickly what’s your favorite food

now i’m going to let you write your

favorite food really quickly and then

we’re going to apply the three

reasons so really quickly in the comment

section as you guys are hearing me talk


uh the recap from our previous lessons

again giving three reasons

three opinions or three details so tell

me what your favorite food is

just really quickly for example you guys

know that i love indian food you all

know that i

also love eating mexican food so what’s

your favorite food let me see somebody

said something in korean

and yeah

all right yes i’m getting a lot of pizza

all right people

love pizza pizza is a very popular one

all right

someone says spaghetti all right

porridge okay

pasta i think christian you’re from

venezuela right all right good

pizza fish all right let’s see uh nema’s

nama says fish

and lisa says ice cream ice cream is

good ice cream is good

all right we have rice we have pizza

again we have pasta from

nivea all right so and this is i think

tajin or

tajin all right so we have a lot of

different foods that we enjoy

right now here’s the thing i want you to

do right now

tell me three reasons

why you like that food again tell me

three reasons again we’re reviewing

really quickly

how to give an answer in english now we

haven’t gotten to the advanced part

just yet but tell me three reasons why

you like pizza

why do you like pasta or why do you like

rice just very quickly

for example i really enjoy indian food

so my three reasons first indian food is


flavorful second i like spicy food

and third indian food includes lots of


you see very quickly i gave three

reasons very flavorful

a little spicy and also it includes lots

of vegetables right

so again this is the first step we’re

looking at give three

reasons why you like the food that you

wrote in the comment section so

i’m gonna go to the comment section

really quickly and let me see what you

wrote okay

excellent fabiano says chocolate

it’s easy to eat it’s delicious and

it’s not expensive excellent job fabio

an excellent job

all right give me some more again tell

me three reasons all right

subo says simple easy to make and tasty

excellent job you were able to organize

your thoughts

very quickly i love it all right here we


tunzi says because it’s delicious


and i think rich okay rich in flavor all

right good

okay sana says delicious excuse me

spicy and healthy very good all right

let me see another person again

three reasons why you like the food you


spicy juicy and tasty indian biryani

whoa yes indian bian is so good alright

here we go let me get another student

here we go

natalie says i love mexican food because

it’s spicy

it includes vegetables and it’s hot mmm

good reasons very good reasons all right

nicole says pizza because of the cheese

it’s hot oh and it’s delicious

alright i like that i like that nico all

right sylvia says because

it’s a traditional dish in panama it’s

very delicious and it’s a celebration


when you come together for a celebration

you eat this food

good reasons i like your reasons guys

excellent again

everybody write your reasons this is

great practice all right

i’m going to do two more people here we

go catherine says

ceviche i like it because it tastes good

it’s delicious

and it’s spicy very nice all right

one more student let’s do jesus jesus


in mexico tacos they are natural flavor

their variety a different variety of


and they’re cheap yes and tacos are very


so excellent so again we all understand

the first step to answering a question

in english you want to give three

reasons three points

or three opinions now here’s the next


this is where it starts to get very


when you want to give an advanced level

english response

along with your three reasons details or


you need to add a personal

story but again as an english learner

sometimes it’s tricky to know

how to tell a story properly in english

so let’s look at this little diagram

right here

for a story you must first organize the

basic story the basic idea

then the background information

next the characters or the people

that are involved the climax

the conclusion and finally the lesson

learned or your thoughts after so again

these are the most important parts of

a story so let me ask you all a question

what’s your favorite movie

anybody in the comment section real


tell me what your favorite movie is it

can be

anything but i want you to write what

your favorite movie is and we’re going

to look at i’m going to pick one of

those movies

and we’re going to try to break that

movie apart and see the storyline

and see if that movie matches this

diagram that we have on the screen right

now so again

in the comment section tell us what your

favorite movie is alright here we go i’m

gonna go to the comment section right

now and let’s see

what’s your favorite movie tell me a

movie you

really enjoy a movie you really like

here we go

oh good one all right here we go we have

the matrix we have

fast and the furious we have titanic

we have iron man very good oh pretty

woman was a good one yes

jason bourne the notebook oh abdullah

abdullah i love that movie well okay

guys i know

there are many other great movies but i

do love the notebook so since abdullah

you picked it i want to talk about that

one all right

so here’s what i want us to do all right

so we’re going to go back to my screen

and again

we’re looking at the movie the notebook

a love story

an amazing movie if you haven’t seen it


really good guys so the notebook is a

love story

now what’s the basic story the basic


is there’s a man and a woman and they’re

falling in love with each other

but they used to be friends and they

used to date but they had to break up

and they come back together so it’s

about their love story all right

now background information what’s the


well the background information is she’s


he’s not rich and they had some issues

in their relationship all right

now what’s the next part characters are

people involved so again we have a rich

family where the girl you know she’s

from that family

then we have a young man who’s poor then

we have some of their friends

around them all right the characters of

the story

now what’s the climax

the i’m not going to tell you guys the

movie don’t worry but there is a climax

where there’s this separation that

happens and you’re wondering

are they going to get back together

what’s going to happen so it’s


it’s engaging right then the conclusion

you have to find out what happens at the

end of the story now again i’m not going

to tell you what happens

but you see there’s this natural

progression for a story

and we like movies because they have


storylines and the last thing being

lesson learned so from the movie the


i learned about true love and what it

means to love someone through


and always being there for them right i

learned something from that movie

so when you’re telling a story again

part of an advanced

level english english response is you

give it three points details or opinions

and then you add your story but your

story must

include all of the things that we saw in

our diagram so let’s see an example

question here we go guys see an example

question all right

so going to section number two for the

example question here we go

why do you think people like to travel

to different places in their

free time again why do you think

people like to travel to different

places in their free time

so again before we get to our story for

this one

can you guys tell me in your opinion

again we’re practicing now

give me three reasons why do you think

people like to travel to different

places in their free time

three reasons very quickly in the

comments section

why do you think people like to travel

in their free time

diana here’s a virtual hug for you too

all right again why do you think people

looking at the question why do you think


like to travel to different places

in their free time remember the first

part is

always giving three details opinions

or reasons all right give me three


why people like to travel in their free

time all right

let’s see let’s see i see some comments

coming through but remember you need to

give three reasons

and again i’m gonna show you my example

response but i see you all

answering i want the three reasons

though but let’s see some of the reasons

you wrote

um here we go because it’s not boring

okay good

uh to identify different rights uh races

and people’s good

different new places get new emotions


to relax good learn new cultures

excellent because they like to enjoy

themselves and learn new things and have


very good three reasons excellent paola

said to relax

good for recreation excellent

to meet other people and learn about

other cultures excellent

i’m so glad you’re enjoying manuel

all right i think it’s important to know

people andres good to see you i just

realized you’re here

all right then to know new places good

beatrice nice to see you too to learn


different cultures to unwind to meet new

places or experience new places

becoming a cosmopolitan type person okay

alright good

dark ho hey good to see you here it’s

good to let your hair down

let your hair down good use to clean

your mind or

free your mind clear your mind and

organize your thoughts

very good very good all right let’s see

martine i’m so happy to see you you’re a

brand new member of my academy welcome


all right and then someone else said

inacio said better than my real life

all right so there are many reasons why

people travel again the first part of

your answer is going to be

giving the three reasons now we’re

moving to the story

all right so it has to be a personal


again this is when your advanced level


is being revealed so let’s look at me my

answer right here so

i started by doing what basic story

a hiking trip i took when i was in south

korea then background it was a vacation

trip with

five of my friends the characters are

people involved

five of my friends you see what’s

happening right

it’s important to organize your thoughts

before you start the story right

so i’m organizing my thoughts what was

the climax

we hiked one of the highest

mountains in korea it is true now don’t


i’m gonna tell you the story but i’m

showing you the organization of my

thoughts okay

what was the conclusion beautiful

mountains in south korea

and an amazing view and finally

the lesson i learned or my thoughts


south korea is a beautiful country so

again i’ve organized my thoughts i made

sure that the story

my personal story an answer to this


also has each of the parts that we

discussed earlier so

let’s see the first part of my answer

here we go with the three reasons all


so why do you think people like to

travel to different places in their free


i want you all to pay close attention to

the way i

give my answer the first part of my

answer and again guys

if you want to study with me go to the


don’t miss our family meeting all of

this is in the academy in the e-book and

everything is a course for

the academy as well all right let’s jump

right in

com here we go first part

in my opinion there are three reasons

why people like to travel to different

places in their free time

the first reason you see what’s going on

the first

reason is to experience and learn about

new cultures

when people travel they can learn a lot

about the food in other countries

they can also learn new things about the


of different countries all right now the

second reason

the second reason is that people are

looking for

a change of scenery many times people

get tired of

city life and want to take a break in


many people want to see more nature so

you see what’s happening i’m giving my


but you notice i’m giving some extra

information right now

all of that is explained in the e-book

you guys can click the link to get the

ebook but again i’m still

working on my three reasons first and

then i’m gonna bring in my story all


finally the third reason is that people

want to explore

new places some people are very


so they want to see and experience new

places this also means that they like

exciting things

these are the three reasons why i think

people like to travel to different


in their free time of course good answer

but how are we going to add my story

into this answer to make it an advanced

level response

here we go personally i also enjoy

traveling to different places in my free

time you see what happened there right

now i’m connecting myself to the

question and to the first part of my


i remember my first trip in south korea

five of my friends and i decided to go

on a vacation trip

together we wanted to go camping

and hiking so we rented a van and went

to one of south korea’s

highest mountains the mountain was

beautiful we spent one entire day hiking

the mountain and it took us a total of


hours at the highest point there were

about 700 stairs to climb

because it was too steep to climb

without them oop that should be t-o-o


the views at the top of the mountain

were amazing after this trip

my friends and i all agreed that south

korea is truly a beautiful country

now what do you notice this is a long

answer right

because it’s an advanced english level

response again guys remember the purpose

of today’s

live is to help you give an advanced

level response

think about it i know you all are


you guys can all give a beginner level

response and i’m sure you can give an

intermediate level response

but if you want to take your english to

the next level

you have to understand this concept

three reasons

three details or opinions plus a

personal story

so your answer is not going to be 30

seconds long

it’s going to be longer and this lesson

is going to help you develop the skills

you need

to give a longer answer all right now

i want to ask you guys let’s see

here’s the question i have for you now i

gave a basic story again an answer to

this question about a trip

i had when i was in korea a hiking trip

here’s my question for you

what would your basic story be about

your personal story again let’s look at

the question all right

again what were we talking about we’re

talking about what are we talking about

why do you think people like to travel

to different places in their free time

so really quickly in the comment section

i just want you you don’t have to write

your full story

but i want you to think very quickly

about a trip that

you took so just in the comment sections

tell me which story would you tell very


i would tell the time i went to france i

would talk about my trip to bermuda

i would talk about my trip to mount

everest all right

whatever your story is again talking


traveling to different places so in the

comment section

tell us what the title of your story

would be

what’s the title of your story here we

go all right

uh let me see tell me again what

story you’d want to tell that connects


traveling to a different place all right

here we go let’s see let’s see all right

i think daisy says she would go to


londrina piranha okay all right good

again in the comment section y’all tell


what story you would like to tell just

tell me the place that you visited maybe

you want to talk about a time

when you and your family went on a trip

somewhere all right

zenob says my trip to the yellow sands


sounds great here we go charlene says

my story would be about a trip i took to

england or took in england very nice

when you were living in england all

right good

then we have christian says my trip to


with some friends very nice beatrice

says when i went to orlando to disney

very nice daisy how are you it’s good to

see you i’m glad this class is helping

you good to see you daisy

all right tina says i will tell about my

trip from the bahamas when you went to

the bahamas

very good again put your ideas in the

comment section guys because this is

helping you make connections

good job okay liliana says my trip to


to climb up two mountains oh very nice

tunzi says when i went to algeria the


it was an amazing trip very nice sylvia

says i’ll talk about when i was a

missionary very nice in nicaragua

very nice all right here we go xenapp

says i would talk about my trip to


very nice very nice all right you give

your love story but where’d you go for

your love story

all right here we go here we go my trip

to tanger

very nice very nice all right trin dodd

says i’d like to talk about my trip to

niagara falls you know i

actually would love to visit niagara

falls i’ve never been there before

all right very nice your trip to france

very nice

all right my last trip to yemen nice

khadijah very good

shane shemay says i still remember my

trip to the countryside which

was amazing very good trip to rio de

janeiro very good

beach of cartagena very good the

bahamas very nice very nice all right

good very good trip to japan very nice

all right let’s see kelly says i’ll

travel to london to see the love

of my life very good guys

excellent so you’re seeing what’s

happening right

the concept of you answer the question

with three reasons details or opinions

and then you give your personal story

and all of you have a story

and you can connect it to your answer

and then suddenly

your response becomes a little bit more


makes sense right okay so let’s look at


question all right we’re gonna pay

attention and look at another question

here we go

all right section three example question

number two what conflicts

arise between a person’s family

and a person’s friends again what

conflicts can arise between a person’s

family and a person’s friends

so that’s the question what conflicts

think about your family

and your friends and sometimes they butt

heads butt heads means to be in conflict


so real quick in the comment section

tell me

give me some examples again if you can

give three examples

we’re still working with three of some


or issues that families can experience

with the friends of their children


uh can experience with their friends

children think again

what conflicts can arise between a


family and a person’s friends all right

this is a very

advanced question but i want you to

think about your own life

think about your friends and then think

about your family sometimes

your family and your friends they don’t


click right sometimes they have issues

so what are some conflicts

they can experience here we go all right


says sometimes cultural differences very


all right here we go uh luis says maybe


or money problems conflicts good good


let’s see let’s see ah the time you

spend with them

excellent example ravi excellent example

all right

um let me see uh spending time playing

games with your son

very good example here we go here we go


no worries adriana i’m so glad you were

able to join us we’ll see you next time

all right uh the weather was your

conflict really the weather maybe

explain this a little bit more for us

prince um routine visits yes you want to

visit your friends

a lot and sometimes your family doesn’t

necessarily like that all right

here we go uh when the kids make the bed

when you forget to clean your room and

when somebody lies okay

three problems you experience in your

family that’s true but we’re talking

about between

family and friends right that’s true

that’s very true

uh let’s see borrowing money good

example you can lose the grind or

you can lose i understand lose the grind

but yes borrowing money

taboo topics very true uh places to go

prejudice very good food being lazy or

even football teams okay

bad influences and drugs preventing you

from studying

politics their behavior very good

bad influences um let’s see

my parents don’t understand some

attitudes that my friends have

very good example all right different

views when it comes to religion

religious views good example

very good example all right yes cultural

difference is very true

lifestyle very true um let me see that’s

a trip your friend took oh from the

previous question

all right uh let’s see christy says

conflicts like children different


or pets very true um let’s see nicole

says the family maybe doesn’t like his

or her friends

because the religion is different and

their behavior is different

very good points all right two more two


lack of communication good example

very good example all right and finally


different preferences opinions and also

different views on money

excellent examples you all excellent

examples so you can see that for the

first part

you would be able to answer this

question easily because you already have

three ideas in your mind right three


now again for an advanced level english

response you must

add the personal story right the

personal story

so here we go right here i’m gonna give

a story

related to what’s the basic story my

high school

friends miss understanding

the background friends for years but

hard to communicate characters are

people involved

two of my friends the climax

there was a big argument conclusion

we finally talked and mended our


lesson learned and thoughts after

communication is

key so again i have organized all the


for my story and i need to tell my

personal story right

now first let’s look at my answer for

the first part all right

conflicts can arise between a person’s

family and a person’s

friends now again as i mentioned before

advanced level responses are not

short so hang in there all right here we


in my opinion there are three major

conflicts that can arise between a

person’s family

or a person’s friends you see i

introduced the topic and what i’m going

to say

right then i started the first major

conflict is not respecting personal


sometimes people put their belongings

all over the place

which can bother other people also some


always need to be physically close to

other people which can also bother


so again i gave my example and i

supported it alright

okay then the second major conflict

is a lack of communication many times

people have

problems but refuse to talk about the


instead they give each other the silent

treatment which only makes the


worse in the end now i’ve given my


example right conflict right third

finally the major or the third major


occurs when people have different

opinions regarding

personalities excuse me regarding

responsibilities or duties

sometimes one person believes that the

other person

should support and be a listening ear

all of the time but the other person may

not agree with this opinion

there are many other types of conflicts

but these are three of the major

relationship conflicts now this is an


answer a great response but we want to

kind of level it up a little bit right

we want to add a little bit by adding a

personal story again

making it an advanced level response by

connecting the answer

to our lives right our lives like my


is connected to this question all right

so i’m going to show how that happens

here we go

and again you all you’re learning a lot

in this live class if you want to learn


get the ebook the links in the

description or you can join my academy

and join our family all right

so here we go now what’s the personal

story i can tell

related to this question all right so

high school friends here we go

i also personally experienced conflict

one time

with two of my friends you notice the

transition right

i gave the three examples of conflicts

possible conflicts right

then i immediately said i also

experienced conflict i’m connecting to

the answer right and then i’m

segueing or leading into my personal

story again

advanced level responses include

personal stories here we go we

had a big argument in our second year of

high school

the conflict occurred because of a

misunderstanding and a lack of


the three of us had been friends for

years but after the conflict

we stopped talking to each other as time

went by we each

moved to different states and it became

harder to communicate with each other

because of the distance you see what’s


i’m giving you all the background

information i gave you what the issue

was right we had this argument and we

separated right

now we need to look for the conclusion

and the lesson learned here we go

but after two years of no talking

we finally contacted each other and

talked about the situation

so we were eventually able to mend our


the main thing i learned from this

situation was that communication

is key in all relationships

so you see what happened i told the

story about a time my friends and i

had an issue there was a break in our

communication right

and at the end i said hey i learned

that communication is important

communication is key so real quick in

the comment section you all

i want you all to tell me think about a


think about your life think about an

experience you had where you had a

conflict with your family member

or with your friends in the comment

section really quickly

just tell us either the title or quickly

what happened

a time when you maybe fought with your

best friend or a time maybe when you

didn’t agree with your parents decision

when you were younger

in the comment section let us know what

personal story would you

tell if you had to talk about conflicts

between you and your friends

or conflicts between you and your family

members alright so

in the comments section tell us about a

conflict you experienced and again as

you’re writing your stories

i want to remind you all for the


level english response the keys

two keys first you give your three


details opinions or examples second

you connect them to a personal story and


advanced level english response will be

revealed right

okay here we go all right sammy i love

you too

all right here we go pian says my


used to refuse my friends to come to my

bedroom because they thought my friends

had a bad influence on me at the end i

lost my friendship with them all right

i’m sorry to hear that sammy i’m

pn but yes good example of a story that

connects to this topic

excellent connection story alright here

we go let’s see another one

um anybody else again i see pian posted

i think you all are typing but again

great job pn excellent example of a

story here we go

toonzy says i had a conflict with my

brother because of his way of

treating me the way he treated you was

wrong okay good example

sorry to hear that though marley said my

conflict was over different

social classes ah amazonians okay

got you all right here we go yabelle

my pleasure it’s always my pleasure to

teach you all all right

um here we go uh the live is on youtube

now but once the class is over

this file this video will be uploaded to

the academy so

it’s gonna be gone from youtube but if

you’re in my academy you can watch the


all right so again all you have to join

is go to let’s jump right in dot com all

right good question

christian says i received bad treatment

from a friend and my family got angry

with that person

but we fixed the issue good okay very

good juan said

i had a conflict with one of my best


because he wanted me to leave my old

girlfriend oh

okay very serious conflict all right

dark hoe says

my mom took my phone away from me

because i used to spend

all day on the internet okay good


javier says i lost friends because they

had bad

influences on me very good example

emmanuel thank you so much i appreciate

that that’s a nice compliment

juliana says when i most needed my best

friend she wasn’t there for me

it was 10 years ago when my mom died oh

yeah that is a little bit of a difficult

situation yes

ludmi says i was in a bad mood so i was

acting angry all day and my family

didn’t know what was going on

yes okay uh roberto says i’m still

having a conflict with my brother

he sold my commercial property and used

it and spent the whole

profit and he didn’t give one penny to

me oh yes that is a serious conflict

tana says the time i argue with my

parents because of

bad influences you all are giving

excellent examples because

even as i’m reading your short

description of your stories

i’m interested already and that’s the

key when it comes to english fluency

and answering like a native english

speaker you want to make sure to get the

person who’s listening

interested you want them to want to hear

more and that’s also a good idea

good uh good way to see if you’re

actually getting fluent or not so

excellent examples you all

khadijah says conflicts between me and

my friends about managing the time

through the trip aha when you go on trip

with your friends

sylvia says silence is uncomfortable

with someone when you don’t fix the


it’s true that’s very true all right

satou says i lost my friends when i

received jesus christ i’m sorry to hear


jesus is so amazing he’s he’s amazing


i’m sorry to hear that um let’s see

let’s see

here we go i lost friends or bad

influences i’m going to go all the way

to the bottom to see the new ones that


through all right louise says my

friend’s parents thought that i was a


influence on him and it was the opposite

at the end of the school year i showed

it with my good grades very true

all right maureen says my parents always

said that my friends disturbed me

from doing my homework aha very true


carlos thank you so much i appreciate

that compliment

all right so again you all excellent

examples excellent personal stories

that connect to the topic to the

question so again

when you receive a question when someone

asks you a question

if you want to give an advanced level

english response remember

remember remember part one is three


three details or three examples and then

you add on

your personal story all right so before

we bring our class to a close i want to

practice a little bit more

so i’m going to ask a few questions and

we’re just going to focus on the first

part very quickly all right

so here we go just a random question

what’s your favorite thing to do

in your free time again here’s the


what’s your favorite thing to do in your

free time

so your answer alright your answer needs

to be one thing and then three reasons

for example

i really enjoy

drawing and then i’ll give three reasons

i’m very creative

i love coloring and i also enjoy

beautiful sceneries so again tell me

what’s your favorite thing to do in your

free time and then give three reasons

why connected again we’re doing the

first part right

tell me the somebody said sleep

hey you gotta sleep sometimes all right


sleep all right reading again good very

good all right

again what’s your favorite thing to do


your free time talk to me what’s your

favorite thing to do in your free time

all right we have gaming again and then

also add

some reasons why do you enjoy that okay

so our watch is listening to the quran


all right so think about these things

you enjoy doing

watching movies alright virtual hug

again thank you so much diana

all right love to read nice learning

chinese very nice

watching movies thinking a lot yes

enjoy running david i like running too

very nice

listening to music all right we have

watching movies

reading books nice learning english oh

thank you victor learning english with

tiffany all right thanks so much

all right learning uh listening to music

hearing music

uh let’s see singing and learning new


watching movies watching youtube videos

and learning

uh then we have reading books there are

adventures and knowledge is free

very true big fan of learning languages

watching youtube videos very nice


playing soccer very nice learning

english because i want to achieve my

goals and you

will achieve all of your goals

right playing tennis very nice alright

painting in watercolor very nice

drawing here we go very very nice


math yes math is a great subject all


play basketball with your friends very

nice all right

okay here we go suzette says i’m not

sorry liliana says i have a taste for

exercising i love it because

it gives me energy makes me so happy and

i feel like i’m honoring my body when

i’m doing it

excellent i like the way you answered

that listening to music

movies alright so we all have things

that we enjoy doing in our free time

why did i ask you all that question

because you already are able to give an

intermediate level response you know

what you like

and you can support it with reasons

right why you like doing what you enjoy

the thing is always remember to add a

personal story

if you enjoy eating tell us a story


when you ate your favorite food for the

first time

if you enjoy running tell us a story


when you ran somewhere very beautiful or

you saw something while you were running

if you enjoy reading tell us about your

favorite book

why you like that book what was going on

in the story

so i want you guys to realize when

you’re trying to speak in english

the issue is not your brain because all

of you

each and every one of you you are all


it’s just a matter of getting all of

those thoughts

out in english so again guys the formula

for giving an advanced

level english response is three reasons

details or examples plus a personal

story now guys that’s our lesson for


i’m gonna take a few minutes to take

some questions from you all because


we have this wonderful live class but as

soon as it’s over

i have to go to our family meeting so

again for those that are in the academy

remember log in find the zoom link okay

don’t share the link it’s only for our

family members so

click the link and we’re gonna be in our

family meeting in literally 12 minutes

all right but until that time

if you have any questions about what we

learned today please pop them in the

comment section i really

i really hope you all learned a lot and

i hope today’s lesson really

helped you gain more confidence in your

ability to speak in english

now remember i said you all that

everything we learned today is actually

in the e-book

how to pass ielts speaking the ielts

speaking exam

for my academy students you don’t have

to buy the book the book is already

included in your membership just log in

and you can find the book

if you’re not a member it’s okay you can

join later in the future if you want to

be with our family but you can get the

book by clicking the link in the


are there any questions about what we

learned today any questions let me see

let me see

uh thank you so much i’m glad you like

the way i speak

i’m so glad you enjoyed it uh how to

improve your writing skills i actually

have a video on my youtube channel

search for how to improve your writing

skills and you’ll find my video it’s a

long video about 30 minutes

and i teach you how to improve your

writing skills it’ll help you a lot

when am i going to tell you a story so

story time is actually on sundays i

can’t tell a story today because

i have another family meeting and i have

to make sure i get my academy students

and we come together so uh story time

will be on sunday

all right thank you for joining i really

appreciate you

uh it’s okay i understand it’s all right

you guys can still enjoy this live class

i love you guys too

let’s see thank you so much y’all i love

you all too

um it is truly my pleasure to teach you

all i’m so happy that you guys enjoyed

this class

any questions you are any questions

before we end our class for today let me


could i personalize story and ielts test

um yes it all depends on the questions

they asked you

again if you’re preparing for the ielts

test you need to get this ebook right

now because

i only gave you all two question

examples but the ebook has

a ton of other examples plus worksheets

to help you develop your ideas so

if you are preparing for the ielts

speaking test you need to get the ebook

right now

click the link in the description all

right okay

any questions any questions for me any

questions let me go all the way to the


all right i love you all too i love you

all too

thank you again guys so much for joining


again remember uh this video is going to

come down

but it’s going to be available in the

academy so if you’re not a student in my


go to www.let’ let me

type it again for you all let’s jump

right in

dot com and you can join us um let me

see someone asked a question hold on one

second there’s a question

uh i did learn a lot with you with your

tips because you’re always teaching us

how to connect every part of our life

thank you

my pleasure luis honestly it’s my


javier says what’s your motivation for

teaching so javier honestly actually i

have my story on the website you guys

can read it but

my motivation is literally you all i


am happy to help you all my goal is to

help one billion students

so i have a lot more students to help

but my motivation

is helping other people just like you

gain confidence because i know the power

of english and how it can change

a person’s life so my motivation is you

all i love

helping people i love helping you guys


excited and uh ready and willing and

eager to learn english so

you are my motivation honestly all right

let’s see let’s see

today i don’t someone asked the question

all right can i speak english in one


no you can’t speak it in one month i

took me two years to learn korean if you

work hard you can learn english but

it takes dedication nothing is easy but

if you’re dedicated you can definitely

do it

how can you join me uh yes go to

www.let’s jump

you know my phrase let’s jump right in

go to let’s jump right in dot com and

you can join my academy

okay alright anybody else let’s see

let’s see

all right well everyone again i i want

to thank you all for joining me

for today’s live i always enjoy teaching

you all

always uh someone said waiting for story


ah who is that darko

um yes am i a singer no i love to sing

though but i’m not a singer

um yes let’s see i’m looking at the time

i don’t think i’ll be able to tell a

story today i’ll tell it on sunday


because i have to make sure i go and i

prepare for our family meeting so again

if you guys right now we’re just

speaking like this and you’re typing but

if you want to actually see me on a zoom

call once a month we have a family


for all the members of my academy

they’re able to join the family meeting

which starts in eight minutes

please join us we would love to see you

there i’m so glad you guys were here

nicole says

why did you learn korean teacher tiff

and why and do you have any

skills so i learned korean because i was

living in korea and i believed it was

important for me to learn their language

because i was in their country

and i wanted to understand more about

korean people so i did it because i

wanted to understand koreans more and

i love it uh as far as learning korean

um my advice is to watch lots of dramas

and also to talk as much as possible

with korean people that will help a lot

yeah she can also try talk to me in

that’s a very good website very good

website all right everyone thank you

again for joining

i’m gonna go and head to our family

meeting again if you’re in the academy

i’ll see you very soon and we’ll have

our meeting for

this month everyone else thank you so

much for joining me this evening

i really really appreciate you all

yes yes ciao all right

um i’ll see you guys next time thank you

again for

joining love you all lots talk to you


bye everyone