My NearDeath Experience Advanced Vocabulary Practice

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm

have you ever almost died let’s talk

about it in this video i’m gonna tell

you a short story about something really

scary that happened to me a couple weeks

ago if you hear any new words or new

expressions in the story i recommend

writing them down i’m also going to give

some definitions to expressions here on

the video so that you can learn as you

listen for most of us the most dangerous

thing that we consistently do in our

lives is drive driving has a high

mortality rate it’s a pretty dangerous

activity you have to be really careful

and sometimes things are not even your

own fault you have to be a defensive

driver as well as offensive driver you

have to make sure that everything is

safe around you and that you’re being

safe as well a couple weeks ago as i was

driving i started to hear a strange

sound in our car it kind of sounded like

thunk-thunk thunk-thunk and as i slowed

the car down the sound also slowed down

with me and as i went faster the sound

went faster too so I kind of thought

this is a little strange maybe there’s

something wrong in the engine or maybe

there’s just something stuck in my car

let’s just see what happens and a couple

days went by and the sound started to

get louder and louder eventually when I

was in the car with my husband we both

decided hey we should probably go to a

mechanic just to see what’s up with the

car why is it making this sound it’s

kind of worrying us kind of freaking us

out a bit because driving isn’t exactly

a safe activity especially when you’re

barreling down the road at 60 miles per

hour so we decided to go to the closest

mechanic and it was 5 o’clock and the

mechanic closed at 5:00 so we rushed in


said hey we have this problem our cars

making a strange sound can you just take

a quick look at it to see if there is

something you can see that’s obviously

wrong so he went out really nice guy he

went out and took a look at our car and

the first thing he saw was this

all three of these are loose

our wheel was about to come off this is

the bolt that you use to screw on the


so that it stays on the car and ours was

about to come off the mechanic pretty

much freaked out when he saw that and he

said wow you guys are so lucky to be

alive I can’t believe that you were

driving like this

most people who have this problem if it

ever happens they only get down the

street a couple feet they can’t make it

much further before the wheel falls off

but we had been driving more than that a

couple days not too far but for a couple

days with that sound and he said any

second more and the wheel could have

fallen off we are so lucky I’m so

thankful that this mechanic came after

hours to tighten each of the bolts and

the screws and the nuts on the car to

make sure that they were on tight we

still don’t know why it happened in the

first place but at the moment the tires

and the wheels are safe we are safe

thank goodness but at that moment I have

to tell you the truth I was pretty angry

I didn’t know why that happened and I

just imagined all of the terrible things

that could have happened so thankfully

this near-death experience wasn’t any

closer to death just a near-death

experience thankfully we’re safe

everyone is relieved and I hope that

that never happens again but I wanted to

tell you the story just expose you to

natural English and I hope that in the

the comments down here you learn some

new expressions if you have any

questions about the expressions that I

wrote feel free to ask about them but I

want you in the comments of this video

to answer this question have you ever

had a near-death experience I hope not

but I think most of us probably have

hopefully it wasn’t any more dangerous

than what I

perience but there’s a lot of things out

there in the world that are pretty

dangerous so I hope that your experience

finished well and it’s all finished now

I hope so let me know in the comments

tell me the story if you’d like to use

any of the expressions that I used in

this video

go ahead thanks so much for learning

with me and I’ll see you again the next

time if you enjoyed this video be sure

to download my free ebook where you can

learn five steps to becoming a confident

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what it is alright here is the free

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much for learning with me bye