Phrasal Verb Practice LOOK FORWARD TO Advanced English Vocabulary

hello hello welcome to today’s live

English lesson here on the speak English

with Vanessa

YouTube channel I’m so glad that you’re

here to improve your English learn an

important phrasal verb today and enjoy

using English that is the goal you want

to learn but most importantly you want

to use what you’re learning so I hope

today if you’re joining me live you can

write a lot of comments I’ll try to give

you some feedback if you are watching

the replay no problem you are welcome to

write comments you’re welcome to

participate as much as you can I

recommend repeating some of the

sentences that I say using our key

expression repeat them out loud try to

write them down try to use this kind of

dictation practice and really improve as

we go today thank you everyone who is

here live with me I appreciate it you

guys are awesome

if you would like to join me live we

have live lessons every Tuesday and

Thursday at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time this

is the New York Times own except today

is Wednesday because if you receive my

emails I announced that we’re gonna have

just a temporary time change this week

and next week because I’m travelling to

New York so tomorrow I’m going to be

flying to New York to visit my sister

and there’s no live lesson on Thursday

instead it’s today and next week there’s

no live lesson on Tuesday instead it’s

on Wednesday so if you would like

reminders of these time changes it

doesn’t happen often but it’s important

to be able to plan and not be

disappointed if there’s not a live

lesson if you would like these reminders

you can receive my emails that’s the

best way quick clear you’ll see receive

a little notification about any

Changez and some topics so that you can

prepare and think about them if you want

to get these emails all you have to do

is become part of my email group and the

way that you can do that is to download

my free ebook five steps to becoming a

confident English speaker I hope this

will be a win-win situation for you you

can get the free ebook you can read

those tips and steps and you’ll also get

notifications about live lessons so I

hope that for you that will be important

and useful and before we get started I’m

gonna take a look here and make sure

that our a lesson our lesson is

correctly live for some reason I I

changed a little something this morning

so I want to make sure that it’s going

well today we’re going to be talking

about a phrasal verb which is look

forward to look forward to I’m looking

forward to going to New York and I hope

that for you you can look forward to

something even to something simple

that’s really important look forward to

something let’s take a look here at our

page to make sure that it’s going well

all right I want to change something

really quick make sure that we are live

great all right I think it was a hidden

before so today we’re going to be

talking about looking forward to an

event looking forward to something hmm

so for you I want to know what are you

looking forward to are you looking

forward to a special event coming up

soon like me I’m looking forward to

going to New York or for you are you

looking forward to something something

more simple like in daily life I’m

looking forward to seeing my family

everyday what is something that you are

looking forward to and if you are just

joining me right now welcome I’m glad

that you’re here

Oh Gabrielle is here hello Francesca

glad you’re here today we’re talking

about an important phrasal verb which is

look forward to you’re looking forward

to something so as we talked about this

phrasal verb I’m gonna write a quick

sentence here and I want to ask you what

is something that you are looking

forward to doing what is something

you’re looking forward to doing we’re

gonna use a verb after this and I’ll

show you my sentence that I just said

I’m looking forward to to going to New

York I’m looking forward to going to New

York tomorrow early in the morning we

have to wake up and get ready so we can

use this phrasal verb plus here we have

important ing looking forward to going

Gabriela says I’m looking forward to

eating my lunch

beautiful Francesca says I’m looking

forward to going to a spa next week oh

how cool nice and relaxing I hope you

can enjoy yourself what are you looking

forward to doing I like to quickly give

you another example if you don’t want to

use a verb it’s possible that you don’t

want to add a verb directly afterwards

so let’s say

I’m looking forward to the trip oh I’m

looking forward to like Federica said I

look forward to the summer beautiful so

you are using like we have here a lovely

noun directly afterwards beautiful so

you’ve got two choices and make sure

that we use an ING verb if you’re gonna

use a verb I’m looking forward to going

to New York I’m looking forward to the

trip the trip to New York Joe stell says

I’m looking forward to getting approved

for university best wishes I hope it

works out for you now just as I’m

looking forward to a new job great way

to use this here I have a question for

you as you’re making these sentences I

want to know what do you think is the

difference between I’ll write this here

how about in orange what is the

difference between these two I look

forward to and I’m looking forward to

what do you think is the difference

between these two variations both of

these are the present tense I look

forward to I’m looking forward to so

what’s the difference between these hmm

I will give you a second to think about

it what do you think I’ll read some of

your other amazing sentences using this

we could say a lot of waste Oh Lacey

Wong says I’m looking forward to passing

my TOEFL test yes you can do it

Vivian says I’m looking forward to

hearing from you

oh and this is a beautiful sentence that

we often use especially in an email

maybe you are applying for a job or

you’re applying for college for a study

abroad internship we could use this at

the end of the email kind of like a

little hint like mmm don’t forget to

send me an email don’t forget to reply

I’m looking forward to hearing from you

and that simply means you need to reply

because I’m waiting so it’s a polite way

to end an email and let them know I

expect a reply I expect you to reply to

me but in a polite way

Gyan says maybe maybe one is a present

in future

God says maybe these two the difference

is just ing hmm as Zoey says one has a

verb and the other has a subject after

forward to all right we’ve got some

great suggestions here hmm

I’m looking forward to hearing from you

I look forward to hearing from you Oh

so let’s first talk about the the

meaning it before we talk about how to

grammatically finish these sentences

these two meanings are really the same

so we need to finish the sentence a

little bit differently but the meaning

is the same for me

I use the second one as you can see here

I use the second one much more often and

it feels a little more conversational

I’m looking forward to getting a reply

from you I’m looking forward to eating

breakfast I’m looking forward to

something hmm so we could say this one

is a little more conversational and the

first one the first one is slightly more

common when you’re writing in

email both of these are perfectly fine

really polite if you’re writing an email

to your boss to anyone you can use both

of these but the first one it feels a

little bit more a little bit more formal

in you can use this in daily

conversation no problem but it’s

slightly a little more structured so

let’s talk about how we can finish these

sentences we talked about the first one

or the second one here we have one we

talked about the second one both of

these are examples here about how to

finish it and the second one I look

forward to I look forward to seeing you

maybe I should have left myself some

more room I look forward to seeing you

or I look forward to your your reply

we’ve got two choices does it look

familiar I look forward to seeing you

I’m looking forward to seeing you I look

forward to your reply I’m looking

forward to your reply oh so really the

only difference between these two ik -

phrasal verb variations is that the

second one is slightly more

conversational but personally I wouldn’t

stress about it too much you can use

this in you can write to the President

of the United States the president of

your country and you can say this and

it’s totally fine it’s not rude it’s not

too casual so both of these are are

great we’ve got a couple more wonderful

sentences here we said Julian says oh I

get it I’m looking forward to is much

more often is much often used yes

looking forward to great John Jack says

I’m looking forward to seeing you oh I’m

looking forward

someday to seeing you I’m looking

forward to tasting your wonderful

cooking and to seeing you AHA human has

a question and human asks what about

these to hearing from you and to hear

from you I’m looking forward to hearing

from you I’m looking forward to hear

from you

so we need to include ing the ing is

essential when we have a verb after this

phrasal verb so after this phrasal verb

we need ing really important so don’t

forget it

I’m looking forward to hearing from you

so I want to ask you what is something

that everyday you are looking forward to

every day it’s not a big event because

it happens every day maybe for you in

the morning when I wake up every day

because we’re talking about every day we

can use that first variation I everyday

I look forward to drinking a cup of

coffee every day I look forward to

taking a walk every day I look forward

to taking a nap because I’m so tired

when I wake up what are you looking

forward to every day what do you look

forward to the food Jan says I look

forward to food yes oh if it one says I

look forward to my breakfast oh knob

shot has a great deep idea here every

day I look forward to meeting my

expectations whoo beautiful idea you set

expectations for yourself and you look

forward to meeting those expectations

Lindsey says I look forward to eating

food every day ah guerilla says I’m

looking forward to watching Beauty and

the Beast

oh I haven’t seen it yet

maybe in a couple months but you are

looking forward to seeing it something

that’s gonna happen soon Tadeo says I’m

look I look forward to sleeping I’m

looking forward to sleeping oh it’s

pretty late for you probably so you are

excited ready to sleep I look forward to

achieving my goal

Oh beautiful oh you look forward to

achieving your goals I look forward to

reaching my goals oh this is beautiful

even if your goal is I wanna eat healthy

today and you successfully eat healthy

that’s a great goal or your goal is to

participate in this YouTube lesson this

English lesson great you reached one of

your goals so congratulations you looked

forward in the past you looked forward

to reaching your goal and you did it

beautiful so I want to make sure that we

know even in the past tense even with a

sentence I’ll make another quick little

notes even with a sentence like this I

looked forward to lunch when I was in

school a lot of school kids maybe aren’t

so excited about going to class so you

could say I looked forward we’re using

the past because I’m not in school right

now I’m not in high school certainly not

I looked forward to lunch or I looked

forward to eating lunch so even though

it’s in the past we can still use this

we can add here

eating lunch or I looked forward to

lunch great we can use this in the past

because you want to talk about things

that you used to look forward to in the

past beautiful way to use this oh we’ve

got some other wonderful sentences I’m

going to read a couple more and then

we’re going to say a sentence all

together let’s see what we have to say

better because I’m looking forward to

seeing the Sun I love the Sun oh you

know what me too

when it’s sunny outside it’s so much

easier to wake up so much easier to

start your day on the right foot this

expression on the right foot means just

in a good way

I look forward to seeing the Sun every

day oh you mrs. I am looking forward to

seeing you back on Wednesday April 5th

good reminder yes

so our next live lesson will be exactly

one week from today Wednesday April 5th

because usually we have live lessons on

Tuesday but I’m gonna be flying my

flight is pretty early in the morning

coming back from New York so

unfortunately I can’t have a live lesson

on the airplane it’d be pretty cool if I

could but this is better better

environment so our next live lesson is

Wednesday you have to wait one week but

there’s plenty of materials to review

and go over you can do it so let’s say a

sentence together let’s say a beautiful

sentence to help you use this phrasal

verb and to help you use some

pronunciation muscles and to help kind

of a mindset growth as you are learning

English it’s important to also be

growing your confidence growing your

ability to believe in yourself and we’re

not talking about like fairies and

unicorns and rainbows some kind of

unrealistic expectation but a realistic

belief that I can do it I can try my

best and I can do things outside my

comfort zone so let’s say this sentence

all together using today’s phrasal verb

what should we say how about oh I’m

looking forward to speaking English

simple sentence but the next time that

you have an opportunity to actually

speak English you will have already

repeated this in your head oh I’m

looking forward to speaking English I’m

looking forward to speaking English if

you have a chance write this in the chat

box use this short sentence dictation

practice to write it correctly and let’s

say it together I want you to grow that

positive mindset that when you have the

chance to speak English the next time

you’re excited about it you are looking

forward to doing that I’m looking

forward to speaking English I’m looking

forward to speaking English beautiful

thank you so much for writing these

sentences it’s a good way to practice so

let’s say it slowly and then we’ll say

it loudly are you ready let’s say it

slowly so that you can see my

pronunciation I’m looking forward to

speaking English I’m looking forward to

speaking English are you ready to say it

loudly now that you’ve got some

pronunciation practice already 3 2 what

I’m looking forward to speaking English

yes I hope that you can say that clearly

and I did Lee and I hope that it’s true

for you the more you say it the more

true it will become that you are looking

forward to using this expression and to

using the skills that you’re working

hard to create so thank you so much for

joining me today I appreciate it

I’ll see you again on Wednesday next

week and if you feel like one week is

too long Vanessa

don’t go it’s one week well I have some

good news of other English lessons on my

YouTube channel other live lessons other

prepared lessons lots of material you

can learn plenty of phrasal verbs and

idioms mindset tips ideas conversations

I hope that this will be useful for you

over the next week really prepare use

English and if you want to get any

notifications about time changes for

live lessons like today I recommend

reading my free ebook five steps to

becoming a confident English speaker in

this ebook I talk about my personal

journey learning language failing to

learn some languages succeeding with

other languages what has worked for me

and also five ways that you can apply

that to your own life because it’s good

to hear someone else’s story but you

want to know how does this affect me how

can I use this in my own life so I

provide you with a page of resources

lots of tips and ideas for preparing to

speak English because that’s what we’re

here for looking forward to speaking

English you can do it thanks so much for

learning with me and have a beautiful

week I’ll see you again next week have a

beautiful day everyone I’ll see you

