Sit VS Seat Advanced English Pronunciation Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm sit see let’s talk about it

in today’s pronunciation lesson we’re

going to talk about two sounds that give

a lot of English learners troubles it is

the e and e sound

first of all let’s focus on just one of

those sounds because if you repeat the

same sound again and again you’re

training your muscles to feel

comfortable with it and then we’ll talk

about the second sound and then we’ll

mix them together for a final challenge

let’s start with the it sit sound in

this sentence we’re going to use four

words that have the SH sound are you

ready I want you to listen and if you

would like repeat after me

on the ship please sit on the dip if you

want to live a dip is a little down area

so we can imagine a boat that’s rocking

and if you sit in the dip you’re a

little more stable it’s kind of a crazy

sentence but it’s a good chance to

practice it on the ship sit on the dip

if you want to live so let’s take a

closer look at my mouth to see what it’s

doing for that east sound the first word

is put on the ship please sit

notice my mouth isn’t going to wide here

it’s actually kind of loose sit on the

dip if you want to live it live ship dip

sit my mouth isn’t going wide and kind

of tense that’s going to be the next

sound so make sure that your mouth is a

little more relaxed here sit

sit and then we’ll go to the next out

are you ready this sentence is a little

crazy but it’s okay sometimes it’s fun

to learn English with crazy sentences

are you ready we’re going to be using

the e sound so here you’ll notice that

my mouth is a little more tense there’s

more muscles that are engaged listen

watch my mouth and repeat with me

are you ready before you leave put the

sheep on the deep seat kind of crazy but

it’s okay we have four words that are

using e before you leave Eve Eve here we

have a pair of words one of them we just

use leave and the other one with a short

I sound Liv if Liv leave one of them is

going to use more muscles in the sides

of your mouth here and that’s what we’re

doing now leave put the sheep on the

deep seat okay I hope that you had a

chance to repeat that sentence with me

now let’s have a good challenge let’s

mix these sounds together in a sentence

are you ready I’m going to say the

sentence a couple times and what I want

you to do is I want you to write the

sentence and I want to see if you can

hear which word I’m saying is it an

eastbound is it an e sound rice a

sentence kind of like a mini dictation

practice and then we’ll say it together

let’s listen to our challenge sentence

it is sheep robots live deep on the ship

kind of crazy but that’s okay sheep

robots live deep on the ship can you

write this sentence accurately first

challenge is to write it accurately and

then we’re going to say it slowly

together I want you to repeat with me

are you ready listen and try to notice

if my mouth is tighter here or if it’s

looser ready sheep

BOTS live deep on the ship if you saw my

hands moving a little bit you probably

got some tips we can say cheap robots

live it we’re lifting up a little bit

it’s not tight here live deep on the

ship whoo I hope that this quick

practice is useful for you write your

sentence in the comments below let us

know did you get it correct and thanks

so much for learning with me I’ll see

you the next time bye the next step is

to download my free ebook 5 steps to

becoming a confident English speaker I

want to help you master English and

speak fluently feel free to subscribe so

that you don’t miss new English lessons

thanks so much for learning with me bye