Take a Walk VS Go For a Walk Advanced English Vocabulary Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm do you like to take a walk

let’s talk about it today we’re going to

talk about two ways to talk about

walking you could say I like to walk I

like to run I like to run fast well

that’s okay but it’s pretty basic and I

think that you’re here watching this

video because you want to increase your

vocabulary maybe make your sentences a

little more complex so let’s talk about

the first way to talk complexly about

walking last week when I went to the

doctor’s office

she said Vanessa you need to take a walk

for 30 minutes every day don’t miss one

day because when you take a walk for 30

minutes it’s helping your body it’s

clearing your mind and it’s helping you

prepare for the future because I’m gonna

have a baby my body needs to be strong

so she said even though you might feel

uncomfortable simply take a walk for 30

minutes every day and it’s good minimal

exercise here’s the expression take a

walk are you taking like physically

taking a walk no no we’re not taking a

walk but you are going and you are

walking so we could say I take a walk

every day take a walk I take a walk or

you could say I take a run every day and

that means you’re not walking you are

going faster you’re running I like to

take a run three days a week for 30

minutes I try to take a run but it

doesn’t always happen take a walk take a


what about the second one the second

expression we use just as much as the

first one so both of these are perfectly

fine you could say I need to go for a

walk every day for 30 minutes I should

go for a walk every day we have a walk

which is the same but the beginning is

different go for go for a walk take a

walk so both of these mean the same

thing take a walk take a run go for a

walk go for a run and it means that you

are taking time to exercise your body

clear your mind

enjoy beautiful nature enjoy the

springtime or maybe another season if

it’s another season for you you’re

enjoying being outside you could take a

walk inside maybe you have a treadmill

and you are going for a walk on the

treadmill you’re taking a walk on the

treadmill on the machine it’s rainy

outside you have no choice you can’t go

outside so you can take a run on the

treadmill go for a run on the treadmill

both of these are more complex ways to

talk about walking and running for

simple things I want to show you a place

that I like to take a walk let’s take a

look at this little video clip here you

can see that we’re in the woods on a

beautiful day dan is taking a walk in

nature he’s enjoying the fresh air and

having a good time so I want to know for

you where do you like to go for a walk

where do you like to take a walk for me

I love to just take a walk around my

neighborhood when I go for a walk around

my neighborhood my mind feels clear my

body feels good and

bonus is that I get to see my neighbors

and all of my neighbors cats and dogs

their cats and dogs always come to the

sidewalk and they want to be pet or

maybe they’re loud and they want me to

go away but it’s fun to see things that

are happening around my neighborhood so

I like to take a walk I like to go for a

walk around my neighborhood what about

for you where do you like to go for a

walk or take a walk

thanks so much and I’ll see you the next

time bye the next step is to download my

free ebook 5 steps to becoming a

confident English speaker I want to help

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for learning with me bye