The Key To Improving Your English Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm are you a positive person

let’s talk about it you’ve probably

heard the expression is the glass half

full or is the glass half empty this has

to do with being positive or negative

what does this have to do with english

well we’re going to talk about how being

positive will help you to learn quickly

efficiently and enjoy yourself when

you’re in school did you ever have a

teacher who told you that you were good

at something maybe they said I really

like this story that you wrote you’re

good at writing or even if they just

said I like this story that you wrote

you felt like you accomplished something

like you were good at it it positively

affected you and maybe your perception

of yourself changed slightly

we call this self-talk at least I like

to call it that your self-talk the

things that you say to yourself are

really important if that internal voice

in your head is saying oh maybe I can do


maybe I’m kind of good at this or just

maybe I can try my best

and improve that positive self-talk is

completely in control of how you are

going to learn English what about in a

negative way though a couple years ago

when I was teaching in a school in a

classroom I heard some teachers talking

about a particular student and the other

teacher said oh he’s just not good at

learning he’s just not that smart I

don’t think that he’s going to be able

to pass to the next level who do you

think that that student can understand

how the teachers feel about him even if

the teachers never directly tell him you

can’t do it you’re not smart enough even

if they don’t

directly say that I think that people

are are pretty clever at understanding

how others feel about us so I’m pretty

sure that that student knew how the

teacher felt about him and do you think

that was a positive thing for his

learning experience or did it just

reinforce that he can’t do it that he’s

not smart enough well I have to tell you

that in reality it reinforced that he

wasn’t smart enough he couldn’t do it

and that student had such a hard time

passing to the next level and getting

there and part of that puzzle was that

his self-talk he thought he couldn’t do

it and he learned that self-talk from

the people around him because he was

just a kid he was starting to gain that

self-talk that he would keep for the

rest of his life so maybe for you your

self-talk if it’s negative or positive

maybe it’s something that you heard from

someone else your parents your teachers

the people around you maybe your friends

friends in your class when you were

younger the things that they said about

you have built up over time and that has

become your self-talk is your self-talk

positive or negative and the reason why

this is so important for English is

because when you believe that you can do

it yes it’s going to be a struggle yes

it’s going to be a challenge but I will

improve when you have that positive

self-talk you’re going to have a much

more enjoyable time your mind is going

to be more open to learning and when you

face difficulties when you say something

wrong or when you forget what to say

you’re not going to have that negative

self-talk that’s reinforcing oh I can’t

do this I said the wrong thing I’m never

going to be able to remember these words

if you have a positive self-talk when

you make mistakes

bad things happen it’s going to help you

to get over those problems and to really

improve and succeed so my challenge for

you this is a deep lesson today but my

challenge for you is to have positive

self-talk and we’re going to start by

saying one sentence together a positive

self-talk sentence that you can

reinforce to say over and over again if

you feel like you’re a negative person

you have negative self-talk I can’t

learn English it’s too difficult if

that’s you I want you to say this

sentence every day right before you’re

about to learn English or you wake up in

the morning I want you to say this

sentence to yourself out loud shout it

out if you want to and over time you’re

going to be changing your self-talk to

be more positive let’s say this sentence

together to start reinforcing positive

thoughts even though English is a

challenge I can improve even though

English is a challenge I can improve yes

you’re being realistic English is a

challenge learning anything new is a

challenge you’re shaping your brain in

new ways so you don’t need to deny that

it’s a challenge yes it is a challenge

but it’s important to say I can improve

I can do it let’s say this all together

no matter where you’re you are right now

if you are in Indonesia or France or

Brazil or in China or in Egypt

it doesn’t matter we’re going to say

this all around the world

are you ready even though English is a

challenge I can improve shout it out

even though English is a challenge I can

improve I hope that you can say this to

yourself over and over again and after

some time this will become your

self-talk I can improve I hope this

lesson was useful to you and let me know

in the comments below do you feel like

you are a glass half-full person

or a glass half empty person is this

lesson useful for you to have positive

self-talk thanks so much for learning

with me and I’ll see you the next time

bye the next step is to download my free

ebook five steps to becoming a confident

English speaker I want to help you

master English and speak fluently feel

free to subscribe so that you don’t miss

new English lessons thanks so much for

learning with me bye