TOP 3 Ways to Improve Your Fluency Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today we’re going to talk

about the top three ways to improve your

fluency and confidence in english let’s

get started in this video i combined

fluency and confidence for a reason both

of these concepts go together you can’t

be fluent if you’re not confident

confidence when you speak and when you

use English so valuable I think this is

the base for all English learning you

can’t improve your vocabulary your

grammar your pronunciation unless you

feel confident first so that’s what

we’re going to talk about today the

first way to improve your fluency and

confidence is consistency this is

something that’s so hard for me but it’s

such a valuable thing consistency means

doing something every day doing it

consistently every day listen to English

every day read something in English

every day speak in English if you can do

something with English consistently

every day if you miss a day it’s okay

but try to be consistent try to include

English every day

the best way to be consistent is to be

using English in multiple ways maybe

every day you don’t feel like listening

to a podcast in English that’s okay

you also need to have a YouTube channel

that you enjoy listening to or a

Facebook group community that you can

interact with or maybe a speaking

partner you can talk with something

different that you can do each day will

help you to maintain your motivation

because no one likes to do just the same

thing every day we like to have variety

it keeps your interest and it’s

necessary the second way to improve your

fluency and confidence is be

nice to yourself it seems so simple

doesn’t it well if you have a

conversation in English and after the

conversation you feel like what did I do

I should have said this why did I not

say that

why did I feel so nervous be nice to

yourself even if you have been learning

English for 12 years for 20 years and

you had a bad experience with just a

simple English conversation take a deep

breath and be nice to yourself everyone

is human you are human I am human the

best way to maintain confidence and to

even have confidence in the first place

be nice to yourself if you’re having

trouble being nice to yourself one

simple thing that I recommend is to turn

the sides of your mouth up smile if you

made a mistake smile even if it’s a fake


this act will help you to feel like you

know what everyone makes mistakes

I can still smile I can still be happy

if you’re having a conversation and you

don’t know what to say smile everyone

understands a smile or laugh it’s great

to be able to laugh at yourself

to laugh at jokes a simple smile will

help you to maintain a positive attitude

the third way to improve your fluency

and confidence is to read out loud in

the video about how to improve your

speaking I mentioned speaking loudly and

how that will improve your speaking

well that will also improve your

confidence and if you don’t know what to

say take a book and read it out loud or

maybe a blog post or a news article when

you read out loud you are using natural

english sentences it’s

your sentence but it’s still a natural

sentence and your voice is saying those

beautiful words out loud I think it’s

really important to make a connection

between your voice your ears and natural

English so that’s why I really recommend

reading out loud for example here is a

sentence from this book it’s out of

context you don’t know what the book is

about but if I read this out loud when

he returned his face was flushed read

his expression sullen and the sign was

nowhere to be seen

oh it’s not your sentence it’s not even

my sentence but because I read it out

loud I know that I can say those things

it is going to help me in my mind to

connect new grammar structures new

vocabulary words maybe you don’t know

the word sullen maybe you don’t know the

word flushed but your voice said those

words so it is going to improve your

confidence and also help you to fluently

use natural grammar like this sentence I

hope that these three tips consistency

be nice to yourself and reading out loud

will help you to improve your fluency

and confidence do you have any other

suggestions for improving fluency and

confidence write them in the comments

below I would love to see them let’s

share our ideas together thanks so much

and I’ll see you later bye did you enjoy

these tips well I have a gift for you

you can download the free PDF guide 3

tips to improve your English so that you

can quickly remember each step there are

7 different categories including

speaking vocabulary and grammar click

here to download it and start learning

with me today