TOP 3 Ways to Improve Your Grammar Skills Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today

we’re gonna talk about three ways that

you can improve your grammar let’s get

started the first way to improve your

grammar is to focus on one concept if

you try to learn all of the grammar

rules all of the grammar ideas in the

book it’s going to be too much and

you’re not going to be able to master

each one so i recommend at least for one

week one month is even better but

minimum for one week focus on one

grammar concept let’s give an example

maybe you want to learn how to make if

sentences if i can’t go to the store i

will visit my friend maybe you want to

practice how to use this and how to

remember it naturally i recommend

focusing on this for at least one week

so that means that you will watch a lot

of videos about this concept you’ll read

about this concept whenever you hear

this you’ll try to think about that

concept in the context focusing on one

concept for at least a week and ideally

one month this is something that we do

in the fearless fluency club each month

we focus on one grammar concept so that

you can really master it because if you

learn 20 of them in one month

you might remember it a little bit but

when you’re speaking or when you’re

writing reading you’re not going to

remember exactly how to use it so help

your mind help your brain and focus on

one concept so this second way to

improve your grammar is to paraphrase

paraphrase this word paraphrase means

that you take an original sentence and

you try to say it in a different way

this is going to

test your grammar skills and we can even

use this in the most simple form for

example I’m about to tell you a quick

story about when I went camping and as

I’m telling you this story after each

sentence I want you to try to paraphrase

this to tell me back the story in a

different way I’ll give you some

examples as I tell you the story let’s

start the story when I was camping last

week this is the first phrase so you

might say when she was camping last week

great when she was camping last week

when I was camping last week I forgot to

bring my contact case so you might say

she forgot to bring her contact case a

contact case is the little plastic thing

that you put your contact lenses in

there’s a little liquid and I forgot to

bring my contact case so so far you said

when Vanessa went camping last week she

forgot to bring her contact case let me

continue the quick story because I

forgot my contact case I had to throw

out my contacts I had to throw out my

contacts so you might say because she

forgot her contact case she had to throw

out her contacts this is a simple way to

paraphrase my story you are telling

someone else the story that I told you

so you’re gonna have to change the

subject you’re probably gonna have to

change the verbs this is a good

challenge to help you improve your

grammar through paraphrasing and you can

do this with anything you can do it with

TV shows with YouTube videos with your

daily life you can paraphrase what

you’re seen or what you’re hearing this

is going to help challenge your grammar

in a good way the third way to improve

your grammar is to write your own

sentences when you write your own

sentences you are creating English

you’re creating language you’re not just

reading it reading is a passive activity

but when you write you are creating

you’re making your own sentences so

let’s go back to the idea that you want

to learn how to make if sentences so

when you make an if sentence you write

it down I recommend having a notebook

where you write a lot of English

questions or vocabulary or the things

that you’re learning I recommend writing

your if sentences in that notebook and

then think of other sentences how can

you use if in other situations write

them down personally for me it’s helpful

to hear grammar concepts but it’s really

useful to see them with different senses

to write to read them to listen to them

to say them out loud this is gonna help

you really remember how to use the

grammar in a natural way so I recommend

writing it down you can even write down

your paraphrased sentences from our

number two tip I hope that these three

ways to improve your grammar by focusing

on one concept paraphrasing and writing

it down will help you to really improve

your grammar I think this is a

challenging topic but in the end it’s

essential to have good grammar when

you’re speaking English do you have any

other recommendations for improving

grammar write them in the comments below

let’s share our ideas together thanks so

much and I’ll see you later bye did you

enjoy these tips well I have a gift for

you you can download the free PDF guide

three tips to improve your English so

that you can quickly remember each

there are seven different categories

including speaking vocabulary and

grammar click here to download it and

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