TOP 3 Ways to Improve Your Pronunciation Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today we’re gonna talk

about three ways to improve your english


let’s get started the first way to

improve your pronunciation is similar to

the first way to improve your grammar it

is to focus on one concept when your

mind is focusing on one concept you can

really master it a fun way to do this is

with tongue twisters a tongue twister is

a difficult sentence usually difficult

for native speakers to and it focuses on

one sound let me give you an example if

you are a German speaker or maybe your

language just has difficulty with the W

sound let’s practice this tongue twister

together which which is which which

which is which this is a silly sentence

but as you saw it uses the W a lot W so

your lips are really exercising that

form which which is which and there are

thousands of tongue twisters that you

can use I recommend just searching on

google English tongue twisters you can

find thousands of these ideas and even

other sentences but I recommend focusing

on one concept one concept that’s

challenging for you this second way to

improve your pronunciation is different

from the first one because it is focused

on two similar sounds to similar sounds

so let’s say you have difficulty with

the th sound in English I know it’s a

big challenge for a lot of English

learners so let’s say that often when

you try to say a word like three instead

of th maybe you say the D sound three

this is pretty

so I want you to focus on both of those

sounds in the same sentence let’s

practice a sample sentence together

three deer think differently three deer

think differently you’re gonna have to

understand the difference in your head

and your tongue is also gonna have to

really exercise the difference between D

and th so if there is a sound that’s

challenging for you that you don’t use

correctly in English maybe a vowel sound

E and I maybe the th maybe the th sounds

like an S for you this is a good chance

to practice those two sounds together

write one sentence or find something on

the internet there’s plenty of examples

you can write your own sentence using

those two sounds side by side and try to

say them together your mouth will be a

little bit sore but you can do it

the third way to improve your vocabulary

is something that I’ve talked about

before it is shadowing shadowing a

shadow is what happens outside when the

sun is shining there’s probably a dark

area under the tree or under you there’s

a dark area this is a shadow and it’s

not the real thing it’s an imitation so

with this technique shadowing you can

imitate a native speaker so let’s

pretend the same example as before the

th is really challenging for you when a

native speaker says a sentence with th I

recommend immediately pausing the video

pausing the podcast and imitating

shadowing their sentence out loud let’s

practice one th sentence together so

that you can see what shadowing is like

I’m gonna say a sentence the full

sentence and then let’s go back and you

can shadow each word if you’re in a

quiet place right

I challenge you to just follow along in

shadow right now if you’re not in a

quiet place you can watch this video

again and do it later are you ready for

my sentence we’re gonna be practicing th

imitate my mouth imitate the sounds

first just listen to the sentence three

thirsty men go to the theater on

Thursday let’s practice this together

now that you know the sentence I’m gonna

say each word you can shadow after each

word or after the full sentence are you


three thirsty men go to the theater on

Thursday let’s say the full sentence

three thirsty men go to the theater on

Thursday I hope that this extra practice

out loud shadowing my pronunciation will

help you to really fix those

pronunciation problems that you have

once you know which sounds are difficult

for you you can focus on them and

shadowing is a great way imitating a

native speaker is a beautiful way to

improve I hope that these three ways

focusing on one sound like tongue

twisters focusing on two similar sounds

and shadowing will be helpful for you to

improve your pronunciation skills do you

have any other suggestions for improving

pronunciation write them in the comments

below and let’s share our ideas together

thanks so much and I’ll see you later

bye did you enjoy these tips well I have

a gift for you you can download the free

PDF guide three tips to improve your

English so that you can quickly remember

each step there are seven different

categories including speaking vocabulary

and grammar click here to download it

and start learning with me today