TOP 3 Ways to Improve Your Speaking Skills Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today we’re gonna talk

about three ways to improve your english

speaking skills let’s get started the

first way to improve your English

speaking skills is to have an English

speaking partner this is the best

motivation because you know that on

Thursday at 2 p.m. you’re gonna speak

English so during the week you really

are gonna want to practice and prepare

and focus on English this is a great

motivation to speak have a speaking

partner I have another video where I

talked about three ways to find a

speaking partner I’ll make sure that I

link to that video in the comments below

so that you can check out that video and

get some ideas about how to find a good

partner who’s a good fit for you and

who’s gonna challenge you and really

help you to improve I recommend speaking

with your speaking partner at least once

a week this way you have a routine and

you know that next week at the same time

you’re gonna speak English and if you’re

talking with the same person each week

you’re growing a relationship there’s so

many great stories from my course the

fearless fluency Club of different

members talking together on skype people

from Brazil and Poland and Italy and


everyone’s talking together on skype

even though they come from different

cultures and completely different time

zones who cares they are improving

together and that’s a really beneficial

way to improve your speaking and improve

your confidence the second way to

improve your speaking is a challenging

one but it’s so useful it is to make a

video in English if you are part of any

English Facebook groups or maybe you

have a friend who’s also learning

English or even if you have a

Tube channel I challenge you to

introduce yourself tell tell us about

your job your family your English goals

something simple in English this is

useful because you don’t have to do this

with someone if you don’t have a

speaking partner who’s available right

now you have a phone probably you’re

watching this on a computer that might

have a webcam you can make a video right

now this is a really useful way to

exercise those speaking muscles and if

you want to share it with someone else

it will be a wonderful time to get

encouragement and positive feedback this

is something that I’ve been really

pleased with in the private Facebook

group for the course The Fearless

fluency Club a lot of members have made

introduction videos and you know what in

this Facebook group everyone has been so

positive and so encouraging welcoming

them telling them keep up the good work

a lot of people have negative feelings

like maybe people will make fun of me

maybe it won’t look good maybe it will

sound terrible but if you have a safe

place like this Facebook group you can

confidently share that video and test

your speaking at the same time the third

way to improve your speaking skills is

speak loudly it sounds a little funny

if you speak loudly you are forcing

yourself to speak out loud first of all

but also to not be too shy this is also

a good technique for improving your

confidence speaking loudly so I want to

help you do this right now if you’re in

a private place if you’re in your house

in your car I want you to say this after

me loudly really loud I want you to say

this really loud with me and when you

say it really

you are gaining confidence and you’re

feeling powerful I think that’s a really

important thing for speaking the biggest

reasons why people don’t speak is

because they feel shy or nervous or

unconfident about their speaking ability

so let’s speak loudly are you ready to

repeat after me this is an important

sentence repeat after me

loudly I’m gonna say it one time

normally and the next time loudly this

is it I will forget fear and speak

English we’re gonna say it loudly I will

forget fear and speak English one more

time I will forget fear and speak

English it feels a little funny but who

cares this is a really great method to

improve your speaking you are forcing

yourself to do it one more time I will

forget fear and I will speak English

let’s do this together so that we can

all improve I hope that these three ways

finding a speaking partner making a

video and speaking loudly will help you

to improve your speaking skills today do

you have any other ways to improve your

speaking skills write them in the

comments below and let’s share our ideas

together thanks so much and I’ll see you

later bye did you enjoy these tips well

I have a gift for you you can download

the free PDF guide three tips to improve

your English so that you can quickly

remember each step there are seven

different categories including speaking

vocabulary and grammar click here to

download it and start learning with me
