TOP 3 Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary Advanced English Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm today we’re gonna talk

about the top 3 ways to improve your

vocabulary let’s get started the first

way to improve your vocabulary is to

read read my friends i recommend reading

something in English everyday even if

it’s something small like a Facebook

post I recommend reading news articles

articles about arts or theater or movie

reviews or books or magazines something

in English every day this is going to

help you to see the words in different

contexts I think it’s great to listen of

course listening is important but also

when you read words it helps you to see

them in a different way for me when I

was first studying French I read so many

books in French I tried to visually see

the words because that helped me to

remember them so one place you can go

right now

to read in English is a popular news

website called n P R calm the three

letters NP R calm here you can see news

articles articles about cultural topics

pop culture movies there’s a wide

variety of material you can start

reading today in English even if it’s

just a couple minutes this second way

that you can improve your vocabulary is

to watch or listen to something at least

two times this repetition is not too

much it’s not twenty times but it’s

going to help you to hear the words

again and again let’s say for example

that you’re watching one of my videos

about a new expression I have a video

about the expression to tell or say tell

or say which one should I use maybe

after you watch that

do you you understand it you kind of get

it but you need to remember it you need

to be able to use this when you’re

having a conversation spontaneously

so I recommend watching a video like

that several times watch it at least two

times if you’re watching a YouTube video

about traveling to a place that you want

to go or about some popular topic that

you’re interested in watch it two times

this is going to help you hear the words

again and again but not just boring

repetition you’re going to hear them in

a context that you’re interested in so I

recommend doing that the next time you

watch a YouTube video a TV show if you

have time to repeat it a podcast if you

have time to repeat it two times is an

excellent way to improve your vocabulary

the third way to improve your vocabulary

is a specific technique called the SR s

method it’s the spaced repetition system

SR s what is SRS this is dealing with

the idea that we need repetition but we

don’t always need to repeat everything

some words are easier for you to

remember so with this method you repeat

words or repeat expressions or repeat

full sentences at a specific time maybe

after one day after three days after one

week because that’s kind of when your

brain starts to forget things

so this SRS method will help you to

remember them right when your brain is

about to forget them one way that you

can quickly use this method is with an

app this app is called Anki a n K I with

this app you can write some sentences

write some expressions I recommend using

a full sentence

with one expression that’s new for you

you can write that sentence that you’re

trying to remember into that system and

it will have you repeat it at specific

times it will be spaced spaced means

repeated over a long period of time

exactly when you need it

so it’s kind of like an app flashcard

system but it’s a little smarter than

that so it will help you to repeat those

expressions when you need them when

you’re about to forget them so I

recommend trying this SRS method when

you are about to forget something maybe

you learned a new expression two days

ago today is the day repeat that

expression repeat that YouTube video

where you learned it or download the app

on key a nki and try that system I think

that’s a really useful way to have

repetition in a pretty scientific way

that is scientifically shown to help you

remember I hope that these three ways

reading listening and watching at least

two times and the SRS method will help

you to improve your vocabulary do you

have any other suggestions for improving

your vocabulary write them in the

comments below

let’s share our ideas together thanks so

much and I’ll see you later bye

did you enjoy these tips well I have a

gift for you you can download the free

PDF guide three tips to improve your

English so that you can quickly remember

each step there are seven different

categories including speaking vocabulary

and grammar click here to download it

and start learning with me today