Use DO and DOES to Emphasize Advanced Grammar Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

vanessa calm i promise i really do like

it let’s talk about this native

english-speakers love to use the word do

do for emphasis I really do like it I

really do want to come oh I really do

like studying English we like to use the

word do as emphasis to talk about

something that we really like I really

do want to do something I really do want

to eat dinner with you but I’m too busy

so today I’d like to show you how you

too can use the word do to emphasize

something last week my husband invited

one of his co-workers over to our house

for dinner and in fact he invited her

over the week before too but both times

she couldn’t come so I started to think

maybe she doesn’t want to see us maybe

she doesn’t want to have dinner with us

so when my husband talked with her the

next day after we were supposed to have

the dinner Dan felt a little bit

uncomfortable dance my husband’s name he

felt a little bit uncomfortable and he

didn’t really want to ask her again do

you want to have dinner with us because

maybe she felt uncomfortable and she

didn’t want to come but she approached

him and she said I’m sorry I really do

want to have dinner with you and Vanessa

but I’ve just been busy

every time that we tried to plan it I

really do want to have dinner she was

emphasizing that she really does want to

have dinner with us the construction for

this expression is I do plus a verb I do

want to have dinner with you

I do like studying English I do

try to eat healthy every day but it

doesn’t always work we often use this

expression with a negative part at the

end I really do want to have dinner with

you but I’ve just been busy I really do

like studying English but lately I

haven’t had much time I really do like

something but plus a negative part at

the end so I want you to have a chance

to use this expression as best as you

can and to get the full free lesson so

if you’re not on my website at the

moment click the link below this video

so that you can get the full free lesson

and also so that you can get some

personal interaction and feedback from

me about your sample sentences I’d like

you to answer this question as best as

you can

what is something that you really do

like but you just haven’t had time to do


or you haven’t had the motivation

recently some negative thing at the end

I really do like this but something else

I’d love to hear what you have to say

about this and I know for sure now that

you know this this type of construction

you are going to hear this everywhere

you’re going to hear this on TV shows

movies I say this all the time you’re

going to hear do plus a verb all the

time from native speakers so I look

forward to seeing your sample sentences

and I’ll talk with you again the next

time goodbye if you enjoyed this video

be sure to download my free ebook where

you can learn 5 steps to becoming a

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audio version and don’t forget to check

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see what it is

all right here is the free ebook you can

download yours today just click on the

link and it will be in your email within

a few seconds thanks so much for

learning with me bye