Work VS Walk Advanced English Pronunciation Lesson

hi i’m vanessa from speak english with

Vanessa comm work walk help let’s talk

about this pronunciation in this lesson

we’re going to be talking about two

challenging words that sound similar but

they’re different they are work and walk

I walk to work I walk to work what’s the

difference let’s slow it down and talk

about one word at a time the first word

we’re going to talk about is work work

where do you work I work at a school I

work at a bank work wor K how can we

pronounce this accurately well a quick

little tip is that you can imagine the

word were we were hungry they were happy

wer e and then just add a K on the end

of this word work work up we were at the

bank were look at my mouth and try to

imitate this were were work work I work

at home work where do you work let’s

talk about the second word the second

word is luck I like to walk in the

morning when the Sun is coming up when

the birds are chirping it’s a beautiful

time of day walk I like to walk you

might notice that my mouth is a little

more open for this word our quick tip is

to think of W a wall plus K walk walk

earlier we talked about wer plus K work

but here let’s think about walk what

happened to the L sound hmm well it’s


we don’t say wall

walk not at all

we’re gonna cut it out completely so you

can just say walk I like to walk I don’t

like to walk to work in the morning all

right are you ready to combine these two

together we’re going to have to

challenge sentences and I want you to

guess which sentence is which before I

tell you these two sentences it’s a

little test so I want you to be prepared

to guess what you can do is use a pen

and a piece of paper and just write walk

work work walk which sentence links with

which words I want you to guess as I’m

saying it and then at the end of the

video I’ll give you the correct answer

all right let’s talk about the first

sentence when I was walking I saw the

men working when I was walking I saw the

men working I’m going to say this first

sentence slowly that way you can see my

mouth and try to remember from earlier

in this video how I’m pronouncing work

and walk ready when I was walking I saw

the men working when I was walking I saw

the men working all right that sentence

number one so I want you to write down

on your piece of paper or in your brain

work walk walk work which one is first

let’s talk about the second one to make

it challenging it’s the same sentence

but the two words are switched it is

when I was working I saw the men walking

when I was working I saw the men walking

when I was working I saw the men walking

I’m gonna say it slowly write down what

you think is the correct answer when I

was working I saw the men walking all

right I hope you had a chance to write

down your answers you can also write

them in the comments and let me know did

you have the correct answer I’m going to

post here on the screen number one

number two what are the correct

answers when I was working I saw the man

walking when I was walking I saw the men

working how did you do I hope that you

can use this lesson to repeat after me

use a shadowing practice shadow my voice

imitate directly after each of my

sentences let us know in the comments

below how did he do so you have an X n

by the next step is to download my free

ebook 5 steps to becoming a confident

English speaker I want to help you

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learning with me bye