How to Use Adverbs of Frequency often sometimes rarely... Basic English Phrases

come back to our weekly live stream my

name is Alisha and this week we are

going to talk about adverbs of frequency

in English adverbs of frequency in

English are words like always sometimes

never and so on so today I’m going to

talk about these words and where in

sentences we use these words and I’m

going to introduce a couple phrases that

are maybe good for intermediate learners

as well so we’ll wait a couple of

minutes for other learners to join our

live stream and then we’ll begin so

we’re loading everything I see some

people in the YouTube chat hi YouTube hi

Fred and Wendy and Issac and Bartholomew

and gjg paulista sandy I’m on al tell

Bert oh hello I don’t see Facebook yet I

think Facebook is coming so please send

a message in the chat as you arrive

please like and share the video so other

people can find it and of course don’t

forget to get your free stuff from the

link below the video on youtube or above

the video on Facebook while we wait for

our other learners to join us a quick

reminder quick announcement I guess I

shared this

it no audio suddenly they said suddenly

no audio hmm it says okay who everyone

says no audio okay okay no audio no

audio stand by stand by no voice

suddenly no voice it says it’s working

everybody says no audio and Facebook

says there’s no sound as well

Oh No Oh No okay okay okay okay okay


No the chat is exploding my voice is

gone what happened there’s is is there

any chance that there’s like a button

got pushed no no it’s okay

now it’s okay so weird sorry that was

interesting okay no it’s fine

sorry about that that was very

interesting I wonder where it cut off

all right thank you everybody thank you

for that that was very strange okay

thank you thank you thank you

great so anyway if you have questions

about working on your speaking fluency

please take a look at that video on the

channel okay it was very mysterious

sorry about that

a little technical technical hiccup

technical problem great okay so if

you’re just joining yes today’s lesson

is about adverbs of frequency words like

always sometimes never and so on great

so I think everything is okay now thank

you very much to everybody in the chat

for letting us know about the issue

thank you very much everybody okay let’s

get started I’m going to share the video

and then I am going to start the lesson

I’m going to begin this lesson by

explaining what an adverb of frequency

is so I think it’s important to begin

there let’s start with this part it’s a

little hard to see this marker sorry so

I’m going to read it an adverb of

frequency this says an adverb of

frequency answers the question how often

how often so when you make a sentence

like how often do you do this live

stream an adverb of frequency helps you

answer that question for example we do

this live stream we

weekly is the adverb of frequency or how

often do you eat steak for dinner I eat

steak for dinner sometimes

so sometimes is the adverb of frequency

so an adverb of frequency gives us the

answer or gives us an answer to a

question that’s about how often we do

something so how often adverb of

frequency is the answer so I want to

talk next about this point right here

placement placement so placement means

the position of the word in a sentence

so depending on the word depending on

the expression there are some different

placements we can use for these adverbs

but an important point to note is right

here and we might have to move the

camera a little bit for the example

sentences in just a second yeah that’d

be cool so first point is about these

two items right here the first point is

if you’re using the verb be put your

adverb of frequency after B so for

example these two sentences these two

sentences use the to be firm like is or

M or R here

the adverb of frequency is always I’m

going to talk about these more later and

the verb be he is is right here so we

place the adverb of frequency after the

to be verb for example he is always

excited he is always excited so

frequency adverb is after is in this

example she’s this she is is the reduced

form or rather she’s is the reduced form

of she is she is often sleepy so often

in red is my adverb of frequency it

comes after this is so here I’ve made

she is she

she’s often sleepy so again if you’re

using the verb be in one of its forms

place your adverb of frequency after

beep if however you are using any other

verb so eat teach talk whatever place

your adverb of frequency before the verb

before the verb for example I sometimes

eat salad for lunch I sometimes oh my

adverb of frequency is sometimes my verb

here is eat I place the adverb of

frequency before this verb so please

keep this in mind there are a couple of

different patterns to consider and I

hope in this lesson you send lots of

examples in the chat - that will help us

and I will try to check your examples in

real time I can’t catch everything ok so

let’s take a look at the main part of

today’s lesson the main part of today’s

lesson uses this scale this scale right

here it starts at zero and goes to 100

and I added adverbs of frequency along

this scale so the first part of today’s

lesson let’s focus on this part right

here just this part this bottom part

let’s look at never to begin so we use

never the adverb never to talk about

something we do not do we absolutely do

not do so as I’m explaining try to type

a few things in the chat what is


you something something something do so

this pattern is the one we’re going to

use throughout today’s lesson

so in this blank use one of these

adverbs of frequency so for example

what’s something you never do so for

example I never eat steak for breakfast

so try to make an answer for this

question with one of these adverbs of

frequency this is just a today’s

challenge today’s challenge in the chat

so we use never to explain things we do

not do we do not do something you never

do like I never forget to brush my teeth

I never forget to brush my teeth so

that’s it my example I never forget to

brush my teeth so in other words zero

percent of the time I forget that’s a

good thing then above never are these

three F position these three adverbs or

rather this phrase - in about the same

position so these are maybe around the

ten to fifteen or so mark on the scale

these words are seldom seldom rarely

rarely and hardly ever hardly ever so

these have about the same feeling about

them I seldom do something I rarely do

something I hardly ever do something so

it’s neater zero near zero but not quite

so maybe ten or fifteen on our scale so

again we can use these in a sentence

like this what’s something you seldom do

what’s something you rarely do what’s

something you hardly ever do and please

remember this hardly ever hardly ever

not hardly never hardly never is


hardly ever hardly ever so what’s

something you hardly ever do and also

what’s the difference between all of


the difference here seldom seldom is

seldom used a little meta joke no no

control desk is not into that so seldom

is seldom used we don’t use seldom very

much seldom sounds a bit old-fashioned

old-fashioned so seldom sounds kind of

old-fashioned a little bit like polite

perhaps it’s not used very much today

rarely rarely is more common we use this

more in everyday speech

so I rarely speak Spanish that’s true I

rarely do something that’s probably the

word that we use more often than seldom

hardly ever is also more common in

everyday speech so if you want to choose

one that sounds natural for speech use

rarely or hardly ever and if you want to

make sure to be polite

choose rarely Timmy rarely sounds a

little more polite and hardly ever okay

there are some great examples coming in

I can’t catch them all someone says I

hardly ever do laundry really how do you

wash your clothes okay

I rarely smoke cigarettes good okay I

hardly I don’t forget ever ever

I hardly ever I hardly ever that makes

it an adverbial phrase I hardly ever eat

after 8:00 in the evening good and also

make sure when you use an adverb of

frequency you’re talking about a regular

situation in your life so we don’t use

past tense with this we are using

present tense verbs here so like I never

wear makeup correct I never did makeup

maybe not quite what we want to stay

here okay I rarely do homework so

someone really

I rarely study French okay good on

Facebook some examples I rarely go to

bed before 8 p.m.

nice one

tsylia okay I hardly ever eat breakfast

says kah nice one okay

Zakaria says I rarely sleep early great

brandy says I rarely read novels great

nice ones very nice ones okay let’s move

on to the next phrase in this case on

the scale this one this is one you may

not know this is an intermediate phrase

I think the phrase I’ve marked with O

I’ve marked with a star here is every

once in a while every once in a while so

this is marked with a star as is this

one every so often the reason I’ve

marked these these are a little bit

special these are phrases we use at

either the beginning or the end of a

sentence so we don’t use these phrases

like right before the verb these come so

this one every once in a while and every

so often are at the beginning or end of

a sentence so for example every once in

a while I eat salad for lunch or I eat

salad for lunch every once in a while so

every once in a while is right about

here on the scale maybe 30 or 40 on our

scale every once in a while every once

in a while is the expression and this

part around these sometimes mark is this

expression every cell often every so

often so these expressions are around

the 40 to 50 points on the scale they

have that feeling of sometimes sometimes

and we can position these words in these

phrases with the star mark at the

beginning or the end of a sentence these

phrases sometimes of course sometimes we

can use directly before the verb as I

talked about earlier so there are many

different positions we can use with

sometimes so as I said sometimes I eat

salad for lunch I sometimes eat salad

for lunch

and I eat salad for lunch sometimes you

might hear all of those sentences with

sometimes so these two are maybe new

ones every once in a while and every so

often okay good so that’s the first half

of the scale for today let’s take a

quick break and then we’ll come back to

the other half of the scale and some

other points for today’s lesson so

today’s lesson is about adverbs of

frequency which means you need to use

the adverb with a verb you need to talk

about an action of some kind so if you

know you have a gap in your learning

somewhere pick up or consider picking up

one of these are I think I’ll show you a

couple over here yeah so these are as I

always show these are the free PDFs you

can get from below the video if you’re

watching on YouTube or above the video

on Facebook if you’re watching on


check it out Square but I always show

these a few of these I select a few will

see over here yeah so there are many

different topics for these this one

shopping I showed last week or the

school one so the front page here is

vocabulary yes but on the back pages of

these this is a good example maybe there

are some phrases that you can use that

are kind of themed around the topic of

the sheet but if you know that there’s a

topic that’s not a good example if you

know that there’s a topic that’s gonna

be useful for you in your everyday life

grab this download this and check out

the list of vocabulary words where you

can find some verbs to use these adverbs

of frequency with so for example this is

the singing it says singing but it’s

about music so you can check this out

there are some verbs on this list that

you can use with these adverbs of

frequency points like I sing weekly Oh

back over here like I sing weekly for

example or I

go to singing class every monthly

something like that so whatever your

hobby or your interest is or your

vocabulary gap is try checking out some

of the vocabulary words on these and

practice these adverbs of frequency

along with those words so just to kind

of refresh you and to help you practice

these points a bit more oh righty so

please check that out below the video on

youtube is the link or above the video

on Facebook okay so with that let’s

continue on to the second part we’re

gonna look at the second half of this

scale in today’s lesson if you’re just

joining today’s lesson is adverbs of

frequency in English please please

please don’t forget to like and share

the video so other learners can find it

okay so let’s move on to this part of

this scale so I finished at about 50 on

our scale from 0 to 100 so from here

let’s move on to the next point I talked

about sometimes and every so often which

are kind of around here the next adverb

of frequency is occasionally

occasionally so I also marked

occasionally with a star again this

means we can move it to different

positions in the sentence like I talked

about here at the beginning of the

sentence the end of the sentence so

again occasionally I eat salad for lunch

or I occasionally eat salad for lunch or

I eat salad for lunch occasionally they

are all correct you can choose whichever

you prefer occasionally to me

occasionally sounds a little bit formal

I don’t personally use occasionally that

often in everyday speech but if I want

to sound a little more polite I might

choose to use this here next on the

scale may be around 70 or so is often

often please notice there is no star

mark on this so we use often directly

before the verb I often do something

I often eat salad I often teach English

so I often something you do fairly often

something that you do regularly so often

is around this point on this scale and

again please feel free to send your

example sentences in the chat I will try

to check good some people are sending on

Facebook I eat salad for lunch

occasionally nice someone said I often

drink coffee at night really I can’t

sleep if I drink coffee at night I have

to stop someone says I occasionally go

out for lunch very nice

ok occasionally I occasionally yes eat

salad for lunch many of you have the

same example good ok further on the

scale here I have two items on the scale

around 80 or 90 or so they are usually

usually and frequently usually and

frequently they have the same like maybe

what should I say

like level of frequency for me about 80

or 90 frequently sounds more polite than

usually frequently sounds more polite

than usually also you’ll notice I’ve

marked usually with the star so again we

can use it at the beginning at the end

or directly before a verb in the

sentence so I usually wake up at 8

o’clock or usually I wake up at 8

o’clock or I wake up at 8 o’clock

usually so that last example sounds

extremely casual extremely casual we’re

just adding extra information at the end

of the sentence so usually so this is a

really good one to practice actually

usually so let’s try to practice though

let’s use this one usually to practice

this point I talked about this B point

at the beginning of the lesson yeah if

you’re using the verb be you need to

place your adverb of frequency after

so for this question try in the chat

let’s use usually to answer this

question huh what what is your friend

usually like what is your friend

usually like please be careful this is

not a question about your friends

hobbies not a question about hobbies so

not my friend usually likes photos know

your friends personality what is your

friend’s personality usually like what

is your friend

usually like so for example he is always

excited as I talked about before or she

is usually energetic so try to use this

B form to describe your friend or to

describe your family member what is your

friend usually like what is your friend

usually like so try to send that along

I’ll check it in a moment so frequently

as I said sounds a little bit more

formal than usually I tend to use

usually I usually use usually in

everyday conversation okay the final one

here is always so always is at the top

of the scale the 100-point something you

do without fail like I always brush my

teeth in the morning I always take a

shower I always eat breakfast I always

drink coffee and so on good so something

you always do 100% of the time good some

examples are coming in some not very

nice examples are coming in actually my

friend is usually nice good okay my

friend is usually nice my friend is oh

so again we’re trying to use this V form

this beaver he is or she is usually

something okay he is usually friendly

with other people nice fun on how good

my friend is usually helpful

said Hamza on Facebook very nice mmm

otherwise I don’t see other ones about

friends or family he’s usually tired

says alpha nice one good good good good

and some nice examples using always I

always wake up at noon I always sleep

early and wake up late I always drink

Turkish tea good other ones I always

drink coffee Wow lots of always I I

always watch your live videos thank you

great great I always go to work by bus

fantastic very nice okay oh ouch ouch

comment in the YouTube in the YouTube

chat right now my friend is usually

pretty ouch ouch that hurts that hurts

like that’s too bad like let’s support

our friends regardless of what they look

like okay I always play piano great

great okay let’s continue then or rather

let’s take one more short break at the

end of the scale and then we’ll finish

today’s lesson with some time period

based points okay so as I said earlier

today’s lesson is very important to to

use with verbs or rather today’s the

topic of today’s lesson is very

important to use with verbs you must use

with verbs really so I showed you a few

examples of some of these PDFs earlier

I’ll choose a few more oh here’s a

perfect one this one is for like it’s

for pets yeah but on the back of this

sheet this is kind of funny on the back

of this sheet there’s a list of commands

actually a list of commands people would

use for dogs but this is just verbs so

if you have a pet and you’re training

your pet there are some verbs you can

use here so with if you want to talk

about your pets you can use this verb

list with today’s topic like my dog

always jumps when I ask

to jump or my dog usually sits when I

asked him what’s it and so on

so this is one more PDF you can take a

look at this is the pence one day that’s

one okay and then another one I was just

looking up this one it says romance and

love and stuff but on the back is

something that’s just about like making

plans making conversations it’s hard to

see on this camera I know but this is

another example of some verbs or these

are more examples of verbs you can use

with today’s point so please check these

out from the link below the video on

youtube or above the video on this book


let’s continue to the last point for

today’s lesson the last point for

today’s lesson is time period based

adverbs of frequency excuse me

so in this scale I covered all of these

words yes but there’s this other type

this other category of adverbs and they

are used to talk about like specific

times specific times so for example

these are words like hourly hourly means

every hour at 1 o’clock at 2 o’clock at

3 o’clock that’s hourly the next one

here is daily so that means every day

every day Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday daily I shower daily I

brush my teeth daily weekly weekly every

week monthly means every month

and the last two yearly and annually

mean every year every year yearly is

used in everyday conversation annually

is used more formally or in business

situations yearly and

annually so a key point about these time

period based adverts we place these at

the end of a sentence so in this part of

the lesson I explained we can move these

adverbs a little bit sometimes these

adverbs we should use at the end of a


so someone Bruno I don’t know why that

message got held but you wrote I check

my Instagram hourly perfect I check my

Instagram hourly nice one so we use

these to talk about time periods for

frequency so frequency plus time period

okay Oh

Zakaria has a great question about

making questions with adverbs of

frequency the placement of adverbs of

frequency in a question I made a pattern

over here at the beginning of the lesson

you can review it was what is something

you usually do or like how often do you

usually verb so that will come before

your verb so how often do you usually

something how often do you believe all

the so using your adverb of frequency

before the verb so in how often

questions or if you’re asking an

information question like what do you

adverb a frequency verb so what do you

usually eat for lunch

or like what do you sometimes do on the


so if it depends a little bit on the

type of question that you’re asking

sorry that’s a really quick answer I

know but to get back to this point about

time period based words please make sure

that these are at the end of your

sentence so for example I check my phone

hourly I check my phone

hourly that means every hour I check my

phone or I check my budget weekly I

check my budget weekly so that means I

check my budget every week

please keep in mind though that yes

although these time period ones we use

at the end of a sentence these others

that I talked about most of these we use

directly before the verb except for

these that I’ve marked with a star so if

it’s marked with the star you can move

it in the sentence fine if it’s not

marked with the star like this or this

one place it before the verb place it

before the verb so I rarely check my

Instagram sounds good someone I saw that

in the chat just now I drink water

hourly exactly good I visit my

grandfather monthly very nice very nice

okay I upload photos daily good

I do homework daily very nice I go to

work daily good I checked my mail hourly

I play soccer weekly oh no I have to

finish okay I check my phone oh good

point David says I checked my phone

secondly well secondly is not we cannot

use it here hourly we use if you want to

use something smaller than our you can

use every minute or every second every

second that’s pretty impressive that’s a

little bit that’s a little bit much if

you want to use something smaller than

an hour

we don’t use like an adverb of frequency

for that because that would be a lot of

like checking or whatever so you can say

like I check it every minute or every

second but that’s quite a lot so I don’t


anyway I have to finish up laughs it is

time for me to go so we’ll finish there

if you have any questions or comments

whatever please send them in the chat

I will check them after the lesson and I

will try to answer somehow someway we’ll

see but what was I gonna say next week’s

lesson next week we’ll be back next week

we move away back as always next week’s

lesson is about using the verb have I

asked you on Instagram a couple weeks

ago about topics and a few of you

suggested have and has and had and how

to use those so no text oh we had a

technical issue so next week’s lesson

will be next week oh that’s hard to see

next week’s lesson next week what’s the

date for next week next week will be to

to do next week May 22nd at 10:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time New York City time

topic will be topic will be using have

had and has had has a lot to talk about

in next week’s lesson I really hope I

can cover everything this will be our

topic oh now it’s there

what’s there magical okay so please join

us again next week that will be

Wednesday evening New York City time

please join us please google for your

local time if you don’t know I look

forward to that lesson we will have a

lot to talk about please make sure to

use lots and lots of different adverbs

of frequency in your speaking and in

your writing enjoy using them in many

different positions and we’ll see you

next week oh yeah and don’t forget to

download your free stuff from the link

below the video on youtube or above the

video on Facebook alright thank you so

much for joining for liking and for

sharing the video and for sending all of

your great example sentences enjoy the

rest of your week and I will see you

again next

time by guy
