Alexander Graham Bell Learn English through story level 3

alexander graham bell the man who

invented the telephone

i was always interested in sounds

my mother was deaf and my father

taught deaf people i was creative

and enjoyed inventing things


i did a lot of experiments and

one day i invented the telephone

i was born in edinburgh scotland when i

was a child i

liked to learn new things i liked art

poems and music and i could play the


very well


i invented my first machine when i was

12 years old

i had a friend and his father had a mill

one day we were playing together in the


when my friend’s father told us why

don’t you do something

useful that’s a good idea

i thought and i invented a new machine

my friend’s father was very surprised

the machine could separate the outside

parts of

wheat grains from the inside parts

the machine could do the job quickly

and easily i left school when i was 15

years old because

i wasn’t interested in school lessons

my father was worried about my decision

because he thought education was very


he was a professor at edinburgh


and worked on visible speech

a system to teach deaf people

i was interested in my father’s work

maybe because my mother was deaf

one day i read a book that gave me an

idea that it was possible

to use electricity to produce

sound i decided

to work on that

but hard times came between 1867 and


two of my brothers became ill with


and died i also became ill

but i was very weak my father thought

that our family

needed a new start and one day

he made a decision

we’re going to move to canada he said

i was 23 years old when we sailed across

the atlantic ocean

when we were there my father bought a


in ontario life on the farm

was good for my health and it helped me


stronger in ontario

i met the indians from the sixth nations


learnt their language and used my

father’s system

to help the deaf people in their


they were so happy that they named me

honorary chief

to celebrate i put on their clothes

and danced it was great fun

in 1871 my father and i started teaching

deaf people in montreal my father was

such a good teacher

that he received an invitation to work

in boston

in the usa

we traveled there and opened a school to

train teachers of the deaf

suddenly my life became very busy

i spent six months in boston and the

rest at home

in ontario i started my research on

sounds and electricity

i did most of my research on my own at


and i was so tired that i often had

terrible headaches

in 1875 when thomas watson became

my assistant i finally got some

help one day

i met a man who was very important in my


his name was antonio mayucci


he showed me his invention a basic


with one line to carry signals

his invention gave me an idea

soon i started doing experiments to

invent a telephone

with more than one line

on the 2nd of june 1875

my telephone worked for the first time

i was at one end of the line in one room

and watson was at the other end of the


in another room watson come here

i want to see you

watson came to see me this was the start

of a revolution

that changed the world i got a patent

for my telephone it was patent number

174 thousand four hundred and sixty five

after that i decided to work hard on my

new invention

i didn’t have much time to work as a

teacher so i

only had two students and one of them


maple hubbard mabel was deaf

but she could read your lips and speak

and she later became my wife her father

was a friend of mine


hubbard was interested in my work and

gave me money for my experiments

with his help i invented a new telephone

that could send messages

more than five miles i offered it to the


western union but their president said

it was a toy the american government


this telephone isn’t useful and it will

be dangerous

in people’s homes

i decided to start my own company


help from businessmen or the government

in 1877 i started the bell

telephone company with mr hubbard

in 1881 i started the volta laboratory

in washington

and invented many useful things

in 1885 i started a new company

i had a very busy life

i was a successful inventor

and businessman