How to Use MAY and CAN English Modals Differences Basic English Grammar Ask Alisha

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Hi everybody, welcome back to Ask Alisha,
the weekly series where you ask me questions

and I answer them.


First question this week is actually two questions.

I got two of the same question I want to answer.

Question from Expedito Xavier: Hi Alisha,

I would like to know the difference between
“toward,” “forward,” and “backward.”


Also, from Marcelo dos Santos Oliveira.


How do I use the words “toward” and “forward”?

Okay, let’s discuss.

First, “toward” means “in the direction of

So, this can mean any direction.

Just in the direction of something.


The car moved toward the highway.

We headed toward the restaurant.

I’m moving toward the park.

Then, the word “forward” means “moving in
a direction” in front of you."

So this can mean physically moving with your
body, or it can mean like a concept or an



I took one step forward.

The project is moving forward smoothly.

We’re going forward with this idea.

So then “backward” is the opposite of “forward.”

It means “moving in a direction behind you.”

So again, this can mean physically with your
body, or it can mean conceptually, like with

an idea or a project.

He took three steps backward.

The project moved backward because of the

Our boat is moving backward!

So, I hope that that helps you.

Toward is kind of any direction; in the direction
of something.

Forward is movement in front of you.

Backward is movement behind you.

So I hope that helps you a little bit.

Next question!

Comes from, uh, Aline!

Hi, Aline.

Aline says, “hi Alisha,” what is the difference
between “everybody,” “somebody,” and “everyone,”

and when can I use them?


Uh, “everyone” and “everybody” are the same.

We use them the same way.

I would say that “everybody” is probably a
little more casual and maybe more commonly

used than “everyone.”

Somebody, however, refers to a person who
is related to a discussion or to a situation

in some way.

So, examples of this:
Can somebody help me cook dinner?

Did somebody pick up my phone?

Somebody stole my bag!

So, in each of these example sentences,“somebody”
refers to a person who can hear the speaker,

or who is closely related to the situation.

Everyone and “everybody” are just…everyone!

Like, there’s no relation to the situation,

So I hope that that helps.

Next question!

Comes from Wrandreypson Moreira Dos Santos.


Uh, what is the difference between “may” and

Yeah, common question.

Please check the 10 minute and 50 second mark
of this video.

I talked about “may” and “can” and the differences
and some examples in this video.

So please check this out.

I hope it helps.

Next question.

Comes from Tan Teshin!

Hi Tan!

What’s the difference between “difficult”
and “hard”?

Okay, “difficult” and “hard,” yeah.

If you’re talking about the level of challenge
of something, they have the same meaning.

The only difference between these two words
is that “difficult” sounds much more formal

than “hard.”

Most native speakers, especially American
English speakers, use “hard” to talk about

a level of challenge.

Like “this is really hard,” or “oh my gosh,
that looks so hard,” or “I don’t know, this

seems really hard.”

Instead of “difficult.”

Difficult is used in more formal situations.

Next question!

Next question comes from Dewi!


Dewi says, I frequently hear “whatever it
takes,” but I don’t know what it means.

Please explain it.


So, this is often used in expressions like
“I’ll do whatever it takes to get the job.”

It means “I will do everything I possibly
can to get the job.”

So this can mean good things or bad things.

It means anything and everything.

The person will do their best in order to
achieve some goal.


I’ll do whatever it takes to get into that

We’ll do whatever it takes to win the contest.

So this is a very determined phrase.

So it’s something that’s like…you’re really,
really going to try hard to do something,

and you want to express that.

So you’ll do anything in order to achieve
some goal.

Hope that helps.

Those are all the questions that I want to
answer this week.

Thank you so much as always for sending your
questions to me.

Remember, you can send them at

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Thanks very much for watching this episode
of Ask Alisha, and I will see you again next week!

Bye bye!