Weekly English Words with Alisha Love Idioms

Welcome back to Weekly Words. This week let’s talk about love idioms.

“To be head over heels for someone.” “To
be head over heels” for somebody means that

you’re really interested in them. Maybe you’ve just met them, and you can’t stop thinking

about them, first love, butterflies in your
stomach sort of thing. “He was head over

heels for the girl that he met at the party
the week before.” We’re building a story

here. We’re building a story here. Oh no!
Our story, what’s going to happen next in

our story?

“To be on the rocks.” This phrase means
“to be having problems in your relationship.”

It means that you’re struggling. You’re having trouble. In a sentence, “My friend told

me about that girl that he met at the party
last weekend. He said they went out for a

few dates.” Aw, this is all happening so
fast. “They went out for a few dates, and

now they’re on the rocks.” Mm-kay.

Next is “to be an item.” “To be an item”
just means “to be in a relationship with

somebody.” You’re officially in a relationship with someone, and your friends might say,

“You’re an item.” Now to continue our
little story,

“Even though my friend said he was on the rocks with that girl he met at the party a

few weeks ago, it seems that they are now an item.” This is getting weird, really weird.

The next one is “to pop the question.”
“To pop the question” means “to ask

someone to marry you.” Yeah remember that girl that my friend met at the party like

a couple years ago? Yeah, “He finally popped the question to his girlfriend.” Mmm. It

means he asked her to marry him.

The next one is “to tie the knot.” “To
tie the knot” means “to get married,”

so two people come together and tie a knot. They won’t be separated, in other words. So

maybe this is the end of our story. I don’t
know. “So my friend ended up tying the knot

with the girl that he met at the party a few
years ago.”

End! I don’t know what I should say. I feel
like I should just wrap up that story. I’m

not gonna. So those are some actually pretty useful words and phrases that you can use

to talk about relationships. Give them a try with some people that you know. Thanks for

joining us for this week’s Weekly Words. I
will see you again next time for more interesting

stuff. Take care. Bye-bye! Steven Kasher.