Weekly English Words with Alisha Words for Walking

Oh, hi! Welcome back to Weekly Words. My name
is Alisha, and this week we’re gonna talk

about words for walking. Let’s start.

“Amble.” “Amble” means “to walk
in kind of a slow, easy pace.” You’re relaxed.

You’re just ambling down the road. “I like
to amble down the streets in my neighborhood.

It’s a very relaxed place where I can walk
in a relaxed pace.”

OK. Next is “strut.” “Strut is how you
walk when you’re feeling really good or maybe

you’re listening to music that makes you
feel really cool. I’m guilty of doing this,

and I feel like a dork when I realize that
I am doing

this. When you strut, you’re… you have
kind of like a smug walk. You’re like yeah,

I’m really, I’m really cool, I’m really interesting.
You just look very, very pleased with yourself.

So in a sentence, “I saw my friend
strutting down the street the other day. He

looked like he was having a great afternoon.”

The next is “stride.” A “stride” is
kind of a “long step,” right? Yeah. A

longer step than you might usually take.
“Strides.” “Stride.” “Strode.”

“Stride.” “I strode toward the office
the morning of the big meeting. I was feeling

very energized about the new client.” Yeah,

“Stroll.” “Stroll” is a good word.
“It’s just a… It’s a fairly just “neutral,

leisurely walk.” You’re not in a rush to
go anywhere. You’re just strolling. “I strolled

down by the beach last weekend with my friends.
We had a great day.”

Mm..ok. Next is “wander.” “Wander”
is a nice word when you don’t have any particular

destination, or where there’s no goal for
you to go. You just wander around. You walk

without any real purpose. You just walk through
streets. You walk through… I don’t know…

Cities… Uh, we call that wandering. “On
my days off, I like to wander through the

city. I find lots of fun and interesting new
places that way.”

End! That’s the end. Those were all some words
for walking, so when you need to be extra

about the type of walk that you went for,

you can try to use one of these words. Thanks
for joining us for this week’s Weekly Words.

We’ll see you again next time for more.
Take care. Bye-bye. Grr…