English Listening Comprehension Finding What You Want at a Department Store in America

hi everyone I’m Gabriella
how are your English listening skills in

this video you’ll have a chance to test
them out with a quiz first you’ll see an

image and here a question next comes a
short dialogue listen carefully and see

if you can answer correctly will show
you the answer at the end are you ready

a woman is in a department store which
floor is she going to excuse me where

are the children’s clothes they’re on
the fifth and sixth floors do you also

have baby clothes yes they’re on the
sixth floor we have a lot there thank

you very much I’ll go and have a look

which floor is she going to

a woman is in a department store which
floor is she going to excuse me where

are the children’s clothes there on the
fifth and sixth floors do you also have

baby clothes yes they’re on the sixth
floor we have a lot there thank you very

I’ll go and have a look there here’s how

you say to die of cuteness all this
sounds good I don’t know how to say this

really cut any cues she needs to do
QG needs to do cut any Khun Jeanne City

Thank You Lee naughty Mazda I learned

hey everyone have you heard about daily
dose it’s a new application that you can

use to help you study languages on a
daily basis so I’ve been looking at the

the Japanese one for example now and
there’s a lot of stuff that’s related to

maybe my everyday life or there’s stuff
that’s related to things that I’ve been

reading about how to say whose is this
in Japanese quota without I know this

guy right now we have Japanese American
English Korean Mexican Spanish Chinese

French German Italian Russian and Thai
so there are a lot of languages that you

can choose from and it’s totally free to
use the application again if you are a

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every day is a really really important
part of becoming fluent in your language

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away happy studying

Japanese where’s the week falling in
love oh cool cool application