Happy 4th of July from the Grand Canyon

Hey Fans! Happy Fourth of July from the Grand

Canyon. Can you get more American than the

Grand Canyon? Today is day 14 out of 50 on

my Epic Road Trip Across America. We’ve just

hiked two and a half miles down into the canyon,

and now we’re going to hike two and a half

miles back up. Will we make it? No one knows!

To find out, follow me on my closed Facebook

Group. In this closed Facebook group, I’m

posting photos, and yes, even videos about

my trip that won’t show up on YouTube. I’m

having a great time with my fans as they follow

me on this trip across America, and I’d love

to have you join this trip too. It’s been

really fun to get to know some of my superfans.

So, you can join this group and support Rachel’s

English at the same time. If Rachel’s English

has educated you, entertained you, helped

you get a job or pass a test, or just been

fun for you, then please follow me on this

road trip. There’s just a few days left to

join this closed Facebook group even though

I’m going to be traveling all summer. So if

you want to join, sign up right now at


It’s been a blast, and I’ll see

you on the road.