25 Stunningly Beautiful Advanced Phrasal Verbs English Vocabulary Lesson

and everyone and welcome back to english

with Lucy today I have got 25 stunningly

beautiful advanced phrasal verbs for you

these phrasal verbs are going to help

you expand and build your vocabulary

i’ve chosen them because they have

beautiful meanings or they sound

beautiful or they might just be really

fun to say before we get started i would

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get started with our 25 stunningly

beautiful advanced phrasal verbs oh I

can’t believe that came out perfectly

all at once number one is to crow about

something to crow about something this

means to brag about something or to

boast excessively about something for

example I wish Amanda would stop

grubbing about her promotion I wanted

that position number two is to fawn over

to fawn over something but going with

the animals

to begin with this means to flatter

someone excessively to be too

over-the-top with them give them too

many compliments for example stop

fawning over my grandmother you are

embarrassing me number three is to

bounce something off someone to bounce

off to bounce something off you’ll

notice that the something can go between

bounce and off the verb and the

preposition this is because it’s a

separable phrasal verb and I’ve

highlighted which ones are separable in

the list to bounce something off someone

means to talk about something usually an

idea in order to receive feedback or

opinions this is a common business term

more than anything else for example I’d

like to take you out for lunch and

bounce a few ideas off you we’re in the

final stages of planning a big campaign

number four is another separable one

it’s to mull something over to mull over

this means to think deeply and seriously

about something to really consider

something for example I can’t decide

which university to choose I’m going to

spend the weekend mulling over my

options number five I love this one this

is to plod along to plod along now the

verb to plod means to walk laborious ly

or heavily to plod along means to

progress it doesn’t necessarily mean to

walk to progress at a slow but steady

rate for example Sheila is still

plodding along with her latest attempt

at a romance novel she’s taking it very

slowly but making steady progress number

six is to keep something up to keep

something up this means to continue or

maintain a course of action this is

often used as a motivational phrase keep

it up keep up the good work

maintain your course of good action for

example she’s been working so hard on

her course I hope she can keep it up

number seven is to figure something out

to figure something out this means to

solve or discover the source of a

problem for example I just need to

figure out why my hot tap is cold and my

cold tap is hot this is a problem this

has happened to me in the past number

eight is to see something or somebody

off to see something off this has two

meanings that we’re going to discuss the

first meaning relates more to somebody

to see somebody off it means to go to

the place that somebody is leaving from

in order to say goodbye to them for

example I’ll come to the port to see you

all off on the cruise ship the next

meaning works well with both someone and

something it means to defeat someone or

something or to deal with them

effectively so that they can do no more

harm or damage for example oh don’t

worry about my horrible aunt coming to

my wedding I’ll see her off I’ll deal

with her get rid of her it can be used

in slang it’s often used to talk about

alcoholic drinks or bad substances or

maybe a naughty dessert or unhealthy

food something that seemed as a treat

and it basically means to finish it but

we’re kind of implying to defeat it

because it’s such a bad thing for

example would you like me to help you

see off that last bottle of wine number

nine is to bash something in to bash

something in this means to strike and

dent or damage something for example

your stray cricket ball bashed in my

Mini Cooper it’s not true but it did

happen to my mum she once parked her car

next to a cricket pitch only for five

minutes and it was bashed in when we

return to it number ten is to cool

something off to cool something off this

means to cancel an event or an agreement

for example if I behaved badly enough

William might have to call off the


I always managed to mention my wedding

in every single video

there’s still a year to go you know long

yeah for you and for me number 11 is to

do something up to do something up this

means to repair or decorate a building

so that it looks attractive for example

we are hoping to buy a derelict house

and do it up it can also mean to fasten

something usually clothing or jewelry

for example could you help me do up my

dress it appears to have shrunk number

12 is to muster up to muster up it can

be separable as well to muster something

up this means to gather or bring

together for example I’ll see if I can

muster up the courage to talk to my

horrible boss number 13 is to gobble

something up to gobble something up this

means to use a lot of something very

quickly it usually refers to eating for

example you must have been hungry you’ve

got up half of my popcorn to looking at

no.1 William number 14 is to face up to

to face up to this means to accept that

a difficult situation exists for example

wedding talk incoming she’ll have to

face up to the fact that peonies aren’t

in season for her September wedding we

have a moment of silence please

I love peonies I’m going to go and view

flowers with my mum tomorrow so we’ll

see what we can find number 15 is to

stick up for to stick up for this means

to support or defend something or

someone especially when they are being

criticized for example I don’t need your

support I can stick up for myself number

16 is to weed out to weed out this can

also be separable but not it’s not as

common to weed something out yeah you

can do that this means to remove people

or things from a group for example our

wedding invitation

list is too long we’re going to have to

weed some people out number 17 is to run

something by someone to run something by

this means to tell someone about a plan

or an idea so that they can give you

their feedback and opinions for example

have you run this by David I think he’ll

like it

number 18 is to stock up on to stock up

on just stock up on this means to buy a

large amount of something so that you

have enough for the future my example

believe it or not is true I listened to

a radio program about this the other day

many Brits are stocking up on toilet

roll in preparation for brexit this is

true toilet paper sales have increased

both times that we’ve come up to the

deadline of brexit we’ve had multiple

deadlines but yeah it’s toilet roll a

wholesome cream which I love I’m sure

there’s a very valid and sensible reason

behind this but I like to think that

people are going to the toilet more

because they’re so nervous number 19 is

to harp on about to harp on about this

means to talk or complain about

something many times for example can you

stop harping on about how great Miranda

looked at the party number 20 is to

crank something out to crank something

out this means to produce something in

large amounts like a machine does for

example how on earth did I manage to

crank out 25 stunningly beautiful

advanced phrasal verbs again number 21

is to grass on to grass on and this I

mean the meaning isn’t necessarily

beautiful it’s quite a disloyal thing to

do but it means to tell the police or

someone in a position of authority about

something bad that someone has done for

example I can’t believe that mary

grasped on bob to the police about his

illegal chicken farm big issues

the farming community these days grasses

number 22 is to lag behind to lag behind

this means to move or happen at a slower

pace than someone or something else for

example I found maths really hard at

school and I lagged behind most of my

peers number 23 is to build someone or

something up to build something up this

means to talk about something or someone

in a very positive way so that people

are impressed with it or them for

example they’ve built her up to be

something that she really isn’t we can

also build up someone’s hopes this means

to make someone think that something

good is going to happen when it probably

isn’t for example I don’t want to build

up his hopes if she isn’t coming back

number 24 is to ask after to ask after

this one is quite simple to understand

it means to ask about someone normally

can be something sometimes for example

Oh everyone was asking after you at the

party I just thought I’d include it

because I think it’s nice when someone

asks after you and it’s also something

we use a lot but you might think why are

you saying after instead of about we

just like to complicate things in

English and the last stunningly

beautiful advanced phrasal verb number

25 is to jot down to jot something down

this means to write or note down very

quickly and briefly for example I highly

suggest you jot down these 25 stunningly

beautiful advanced phrasal verbs right

that’s it for today’s lesson your

homework as if you think I would forget

about that there is someone in the class

he reminds the teacher that there’s

homework when they’d forgotten I used to

be that person your homework is to write

five stunningly beautiful advanced

phrases with five of these stunning new

beautiful advanced phrasal verbs go go


please do that in the comment section

down below don’t forget to check out I

talk e the link to sign up

and claim your $10 worth of I talkie

credit is in the description box don’t

forget to connect with me on all of my

social media I’ve got my facebook my

Instagram my Twitter

someone said they liked the way I said

twit our last week so I’ve decided to

make it over the top and my personal

channel my Lucy Bella L channel or I

post my life I will see you soon for

another lesson yeah for example Sheila

is still plotting along with her latest

attempt at a romance novel noble robot

double for example your cricket ball


