English Sounds AI a Diphthong How to make the AI as in BUY Diphthong

in this American English pronunciation

video we’re going to learn how to

pronounce the AI as in buy diphthong

diphthongs are a combination of two

sounds so they have a starting position

and an ending position in the first

position the jaw is more dropped than in

the second position the back of the

tongue stretches up a little bit as the

mouth moves into the second position the

jaw drops less as the front part of the

tongue arches up towards the roof of the

mouth for both the beginning and the end

of this diphthong the tongue tip touches

the back of the bottom front teeth let’s

watch up close and in slow motion where

you can really see the front part of the

tongue arching up the jaw drops and the

front part of the tongue stays down with

the tip touching the back of the bottom

front teeth immediately the tongue moves

into the second position the top front

arching up towards the roof of the mouth

as the tongue arches up there’s less jaw

drop here’s the word high jaw drops with

the front of the tongue down then the

jaw lifts as the front of the tongue

arches towards the roof of the mouth in

a stressed syllable the I diphthong

curves up then down high I in an

unstressed syllable it’s lower and

flatter and pitch as well as quicker and

quieter I I the diphthong is unstressed

in the word idea I let’s take a look at

this word the jaw drops but just a

little bit less than it would in a

stressed syllable then the tongue arches

up towards the roof of the mouth before

the tip goes to the roof of the mouth

for the D

the eye diphthong stressed hi

I the I diphthong unstressed idea

i-i-i-i-i example words repeat with me


I exercise wine I wine bright eye bright

guy i guy allies I allies sky I sky