Free English Video Downloads with Rachels eBook

Hey guys!

Today, I want to tell you about an offer that
I think you’re going to be pretty excited about.

I have an eBook called American English Pronunciation
that’s been out for about a year.

And it’s a 290-page book that comes with downloadable audio.

It also organizes and integrates over 200
of my YouTube videos.

Now one of the biggest comments that I get
about the book is that people wish that it

came with a download of all of those videos
and up to this point, I thought, I can’t do it.

There’s too many of them. The file sizes are too big.

But in doing a little bit of research,
I realized that actually, I can.

I can give you a download of all 212 videos
from the American English Pronunciation book.

So this product isn’t for everybody.

It is a large amount of data, it’s almost 12 GB, I think.

But if you have an Internet connection that
can support that, and you have a device that

has room for that, I’m really happy to now
be able to offer a download of all of the

videos that go with the book
American English Pronunciation.

If you’ve already bought the book, these videos are yours FREE

as a ‘thank you’ for having made the purchase.

If you’re thinking about getting the book,
this week is a good week to do so because

the videos will be FREE with the purchase of a book.

The deadline to buy the book to get the FREE
video set is Monday, September 5.

So about a week.

If you’ve been thinking about it, maybe this
will push you over the edge.

It’s a good time to buy.

After that, starting September 6, you will
still be able to get the videos but they’ll

cost more in addition to the book.

So if you want to be able to watch the videos
offline, on your own device without having

internet connection, then this is great for you.

As long as you have an internet connection
to download the videos, then you can watch

them on your computer at anytime, you can
transfer them to your devices, the way that

I am selling this is I’ve bundled the 212
videos into 5 .zip files.

So you’ll wanna download those to your computers.

Most mobile devices take a little bit of work to deal with .zip files.

But if it’s more convenient for you to download
just a few individual videos, one at a time

to maybe your phone or your tablet, you can
also download the files individually, the

the videos individually rather than in the .zip files.

So there are a couple different options for you
to access these files and get them on your devices.

Again, please note this is a large product.

There’s a lot of data to transfer so this
will only work for people who have a pretty

good internet connection.

So to get the book, click here.

Now, through September 5 when you purchase
the book, you’ll get a FREE set of downloadable videos.

It’s also possible of course if you always
have an internet connection to use the book

without the downloaded videos.

There are links within the eBook to
stream the videos online.

If you haven’t heard about the book before,
and are wondering, ‘What is it?’, it’s an overview

of what I think is the best way to study and
practice, to improve your American English

accent, from beginning to end.

We start with the basics of the voice and
we end with a whole bunch of conversation

so if you’re needing to work on your accent
and you’re not sure where to start,

this is a great way, it lays it out for you in a path.

And as I said, if you’ve already bought
the book, thank you so much.

The videos are already yours FREE.

Anyone who buys the book gets FREE updates for life.

That’s also true of anyone who buys the video set.

So when I do an update of the book, if I happen
to add 50, 80, who knows how many more videos

to it, then you will get those extra videos FREE.

And if you’ve bought the book, you’ll get
the new version of the book FREE.

So hurry! Get it done before September 5!

That’s it and thanks so much for using Rachel’s English.