Halloween 2012 idioms American English Pronunciation

In this American English pronunciation video,
we’re going to go over a few idioms.

Today is October 31st. That’s Halloween. A
couple of years ago I made a video on how

to pronounce Halloween, and showed some scenes
from a Halloween party, and all of my friends

in costume. In the US, Halloween is a holiday
in which little kids dress up in costumes

and go around, house to house, and say ‘trick
or treat’, in order to get candy. Trick or

treat. Are you noticing how I’m reducing the
word ‘or’ there, to just the schwa-R sound?

Rr, rr, rr. Trick or, trick or. Now, I’ve
already made a video on how to reduce the

word ‘or’, I to suggest you take a look at
it. Trick or treat. Trick or treat.

But sometimes, even adults will dress up in
costume. Now, I find this a little odd. I’m

not quite sure why an adult would want to
dress up to look like a scary person or a

dead person. I, personally, never do it. Now,
my friends are having a Halloween party this

year, and I told them I was not going to dress
up because I just think it’s silly. And they

said, “Rachel, don’t be a party pooper”. So
let’s go over that idiom, party pooper. First,

note that the T in ‘party’ is a Flap T. Now,
you know that because it comes after an R

consonant and before a vowel. Party, party.
Pooper. This is a two-syllable word, stress

is on the first syllable. It begins with the
P consonant, the ‘oo’ vowel: poo-, poo-. Now,

since that’s the stressed syllable, make sure
it has some shape in it, poo-, poo-. The second,

unstressed syllable is the P consonant, and
then schwa-R sound, -per, -per, -per. Now

that’s going to be flat and lower in pitch
because it’s unstressed. Party pooper, party

pooper. So, what is a party pooper? A party
pooper is someone who spoils other people’s

fun by not participating, or by saying, “Oh,
that’s stupid, that’s a dumb idea.” So basically,

that’s me, because I’m going to a costume
party, and I’m not going to dress up. Because

I just think dressing up is silly.

Another idiom that has a similar meaning is
wet blanket. So this, again, is someone who

will spoil other people’s enjoyment by not
participating in general, withdrawing a little

bit. For example: Mary had a great party last
night, but her new roommate is sort of a wet

blanket. Meaning, maybe she didn’t participate,
she sat in the corner, wouldn’t talk to anybody,

or maybe even just stayed in her room. So,
let’s go over the pronunciation. It begins

with the W consonant sound, where the lips
will be in a very tight circle. Then, the

EH as in BED vowel, we-, we-. The final T
here is a stop consonant. Usually final T’s,

are, unless the next word begins with a vowel.
We don’t have that here. So, it’s going to

be a stop. Wet blanket. What does that mean?
That means I put my tongue up into position

for the T, wet, wet, but I don’t release the
sound. I just go into the next word. Here,

the next word begins with the BL consonant
cluster. Wet bl-. Make sure your tongue tip

is up here for the L. Bl-, bl-. That’s how
you know you’re making that sound correctly.

Bl-, bl-, wet bl-. Now, the next sound. If
you look it up in the dictionary, it will

say it is the AA as in BAT vowel. But as you
know, when the AA vowel is followed by the

nasal consonant NG, it’s not really the AA
vowel. It’s much more like the AY as in SAY

diphthong. Bla-, bla-, blan-. Then the tongue
comes up back here to touch for the NG sound,

right where it needs to be for the K, so it
just simply pulls away there to release. Blank-,

blank-. And finally, the schwa-T sound in
the unstressed syllable. Blanket, blanket.

Notice I’m not releasing the T at the end
of ‘blanket’. Again, I’m making it a stop

T. Blanket. Wet blanket.

And one last idiom with a similar meaning,
stick in the mud. Again, this is someone who

spoils the fun by not participating. Rachel,
why don’t you dress up for the Halloween party?

It’s a costume party. Well. Because I’m a
stick in the mud. So how do you pronounce

this? It begins with the ST consonant cluster,
opens into the IH as in SIT vowel. Sti-, sti-.

Now, the next word begins with a vowel. So
the ending consonant here in the word ‘stick’

will link into that. Stick in, stick in, stick
in. That will help us to connect the words

and make them very smooth. Stick in, stick
in. The next word, the, has the TH sound and

the schwa. Now, it’s unstressed. So, along
with ‘in’, it’s going to be low in pitch and

flat, in the, in the, in the. And finally,
the word ‘mud’. M consonant, UH as in BUTTER,

and the D sound. Stick in the mud, stick in
the mud.

So, even though I won’t be dressing up this
Halloween, I’m still going to have fun. And

I hope you will to. That’s it, and thanks
so much for using Rachel’s English.