How to Pronounce Bottle vs. Battle American English

someone has asked me to explain the

difference between the words bottle and

battle so this is the difference between

the AH as in father which is the vowel

sound in bottle and the ad as in bat

sound which is the vowel in battle

the first difference you may notice is

in the corner of the mouth ah ah you can

see the corners are pulled back and up a

little bit ah ah ah ah oo as in father

they are not they stay relaxed also all

ah do you see the difference in the

tongue ah ah it’s more present on the

ass on the OO as in father it is very

relaxed all resting on the bottom of the

mouth with the AH as in bat sound it

comes up and then presses forward ah ah

so you can see more of it ah ah so as it

comes up in the back and presses forward

it widens a little bit and becomes more

noticeable in the mouth ah ah let’s look

at some pictures here we see the two

sound side by side the word bottle with

the AH as in father vowel sound is on

the left the word battle with the ass as

in bat vowel sound is on the right you

can see in the word battle that the

corners of the mouth are coming up and

back a little bit also you can see in

the word bottle that the tongue is more

relaxed you can see some of the teeth in

battle you can see more of the tongue as

it spreads over the size of those bottom

teeth as it widens here are the two

sounds in profile you can see there is a

dark line running from the nose all the

way down to the chin this is from the

tension in the corners of the lips

coming up and back

this movement of the corners of the

mouth also causes more attention in the

bottom lip in the word battle you can

see in the word bottle how it is more

relaxed more hanging than the word

battle let’s look at some word pairs as

requested bottle battle cop cap caught

cat chopped chapter rot rat slop slap