How to Pronounce N n vs. NG American English

I recently got an email asking me to

make a video on the difference between

the mm N and all ng sound the sound this

sound feels more forward it feels here

because the part of the tongue that

raises is more forward this Ford part of

the tongue raises and touches the roof

of the mouth here very forward just

behind the teeth mmm mmm nice on the ng


it feels further back because the part

of the tongue that raises is for the

back for here does this part of the

tongue sing oh that raises and touches

the throat back part of the mouth mmm

also the jaw makes a small shift but

that is only to accommodate the part of

the tongue that is moving mmm it drops a

little bit more mmm and moves back a bit

it’s a down and back motion some words

sin mmm sing them sin mmm touches here

sing mmm touches here fun fun fun fun

fun gasps Sun mmm some mmm Sun and some

mmm the word running has both sounds in

it run mmm is the forward sound running

is the back sound so watch how my jaw

moves on this word running running

