How to Pronounce QU American English

you may have noticed that there are

different pronunciations for the letters

qu most common is that what sounds put

together as in quick or question however

there are three other sounds for example

it can make the sound without the W

sound for example the word antique

antique ends with the sound other


liquor critique unique mosquito baroque

the antique chest of drawers is from the

Baroque period there are certain cases

where the letters qu e make the K sound

that is the consonant sound followed by

the a as in say diphthong examples

applique and bouquet

he bought me the most lovely bouquet of

flowers and finally there is just one

word that fits this case as far as I can

find and that is the word barbecue here

the qu e is pronounced Q that is the

consonant sound with the U as in few

diphthong Q I love barbecue chicken and

baked beans