How to Pronounce the 50 States 24 American English

Illinois we don’t pronounce the S at the

end Illinois Illinois Indiana now in

this state name the middle eye is

pronounced as opposed to Florida where

it drops out however it is pronounced

attached to the ana it’s not so much its

own stark syllable Indiana Indiana

Indiana Indiana Iowa again this state

has a W in it so be careful that your

mouth really forms that W sound I wha

Iowa Iowa Kansas now the last a in this

state name is very much so again an

unaccented syllable kind of just like a

sound a very very quick schwa it is

surrounded by these two S’s the first

one is voiced and the second one will be

unvoiced so the last syllable is thus

thus Kansas Kansas Kansas Kentucky the

first syllable of the state name has a

schwa but as it is an unaccented

syllable it’s almost like no vowel at

all can can straight from the to the MM

Kentucky Kentucky Kentucky Louisiana

Louisiana Louisiana Maine a one-syllable

state named Maine it has the ay as in

say diphthong Maine Maryland now it has

a Y in it which is sometimes pronounced

too sharp as an e sound but since it is

not the accented syllable it’s much more

relaxed it’s the schwa Maryland and the

last three letters la and D spell the

word land and

lish however it’s really pronounced more

with an e as in sit

sound Lynde Lind Maryland Maryland

Massachusetts NASA - sits Massachusetts

Michigan the CH is pronounced as the

sound here Michigan Michigan Minnesota

Minnesota the T is not a sharp sound

it’s more the D Minnesota Mississippi

Mississippi Mississippi Missouri

notice the SS here is pronounced as a

sound voiced Missouri Missouri