How to Pronounce the Idiom Spill the Beans American English

Today I’m going to go over the pronunciation
for the idiom ‘to spill the beans’.

This is what you say when
someone reveals something

that was supposed to be kept secret.

For example, my mother’s birthday
party was supposed to be a surprise,

but my younger brother
spilled the beans.

Meaning, he accidentally
told her about it.

–Spill– begins with the S consonant
sound, ss pp, followed by the P sound.

Both are unvoiced.

Sp- sp-.

Then the ‘ih’ as in ‘sit’ vowel
sound, spi-, spi-ll.

The dark L sound where the tongue
moves up into position, ihll, spill.

–The– begins with the voiced
TH sound [ð], th, th,

tongue comes through the teeth to make
that, the, with the schwa sound.

Spill the-.

–Beans– begins with the
voiced consonant sound, bb,

followed by the ‘ee’ as
in ‘she’ vowel sound.

Bea-, bea-nn.

Tongue moves up into
position for the N,

where the front part of the tongue touches
the roof of the mouth, bean, nn, zz.

And finally, the Z
voiced consonant sound.

Beans, beans, spill the beans.

Spill and beans are both the
stressed words in this phrase.

Spill the beans.